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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

24 April 2022 2nd Sunday of Easter / Feast of Jesus, King of Divine Mercy Year C

Beneficiaries and Channels of God’s

God s Merciful Love

T oday, the Second Sunday of Easter, we honor the Risen Christ

under the title of “King of Divine Mercy.” Each of us has surely
experienced the infinite mercy of the Lord in so many ways, in-
cluding the reception of the gift of faith and the forgiveness of our sins.
We should manifest our gratitude to the Lord Jesus for his mercy
toward us by being merciful toward our neighbor, we will be both
the recipients and the channels of God’s merciful love. And our lives
will become living witnesses to Christ’s resurrection and heralds of
his love.
Like the converted Thomas, let us approach the merciful Christ
in this Eucharist and renew our profession of faith by proclaiming
aloud: “My Lord and my God!”

P –Lord Jesus, your mercy is Gloria

boundless, but we have of-
ten abused your goodness All –Glory to God in the
and failed to make an ef- highest, and on earth peace
Entrance Antiphon fort to improve our behav- to people of good will. We
(To be recited only when no ior. Lord, have mercy! praise you, we bless you,
Entrance Hymn is sung.) All – Lord, have mercy! we adore you, we glorify
Like newborn infants, you P –Lord Jesus you have pro- you, we give you thanks for
must long for the pure, spiri-
claimed “blessed” those your great glory, Lord God,
tual milk, that in him you may
who are merciful, but we heavenly King, O God,
grow to salvation, alleluia! almighty Father.
have often been merci-
less toward those who Lord Jesus Christ, Only
Greeting Begotten Son, Lord God,
have offended us. Christ,
P –Praise and honor to Je- have mercy! Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
sus, King of Divine Mercy! All –Christ, have mercy! ther, you take away the sins
May his grace and peace be of the world, have mercy
with you all! P –Lord Jesus, you have on us; you take away the
commanded us to be
All – And with your spirit! charitable, but we have sins of the world, receive
often been heartless to- our prayer; you are seated
Penitential Act ward our needy neigh- at the right hand of the Fa-
P –My brothers and sisters, bors. Lord, have mercy! ther, have mercy on us. For
in the presence of Jesus, our All – Lord, have mercy! you alone are the Holy One,
King of Divine Mercy, let us P –May almighty God have you alone are the Lord, you
renew the awareness of our mercy on us, forgive us our alone are the Most High,
many shortcomings and the sins, and bring us to everlast- Jesus Christ, with the Holy
need to be purified through ing life. Spirit, in the glory of God
his forgiveness. (Pause) All –Amen! the Father. Amen!

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Collect (Opening Prayer) Responsorial Psalm Ps 118 voice it was that spoke to me,
and when I turned, I saw sev-
P –God of everlasting mer- R –Give thanks to the Lord for en gold lampstands and in the
cy, who in the very recur- he is good, his love is ever- midst of the lampstands one
rence of the paschal feast lasting! like a son of man, wearing an
kindle the faith of the people R. M. Velez
ankle-length robe, with a gold
you have made your own, in- F C Bb sash around his chest.
    
crease, we pray, the grace you When I caught sight of him,
  
have bestowed, that all may  I fell down at his feet as though
grasp and rightly understand dead. He touched me with his
in what font they have been Give thanks to the Lord for he is right hand and said, “Do not
washed, by whose Spirit they be afraid. I am the first and the
have been reborn, by whose C Bb C F last, the one who lives. Once I
  
Blood they have been re-
deemed.       was dead, but now I am alive
forever and ever. I hold the
Through our Lord Jesus good, his love is e--ver-lasting! keys to death and the nether-
Christ, your Son, who lives world. Write down, therefore,
and reigns with you in the * Let the house of Israel say, what you have seen, and what
“His mercy endures forever.” is happening, and what will
unity of the Holy Spirit, God, Let the house of Aaron say,
for ever and ever. happen afterwards.”
“His mercy endures forever.”
All – Amen! Let those who fear the Lord The Word of the Lord!
say, “His mercy endures for- All – Thanks be to God!
ever.” R. Gospel Acclamation Jn 20:29
* I was hard pressed and was All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
falling, but the Lord helped “You believe in me,
1st Reading Acts 5:12-16 me. My strength and my cour- Thomas, because you
The Book of Acts tells us age is the Lord, and he has have seen me,” says the
how the Church grew in num- been my savior. The joyful Lord;
bers and esteem, thanks also to shout of victory in the tents of “blessed are they who
the healing power of Peter and the just. R. have not seen me, but still
the other Apostles. * The stone which the build- believe!”
R –A proclamation from the ers rejected has become the Alleluia! Alleluia!
Acts of the Apostles cornerstone. By the Lord has
this been done; it is wonderful Gospel Jn 20:19-31
Many signs and wonders in our eyes. This is the day the In today’s passage Jesus
were done among the people Lord has made; let us be glad appears to his disciples, sends
at the hands of the apostles. and rejoice in it. R. them to continue his mission,
They were all together in and bestows on them the power
Solomon’s portico. None of to forgive sins.
2nd Reading Rv 1:9-11.
the others dared to join them, 12-13.17-19 P –The Lord be with you!
but the people esteemed them. At the very beginning of his All – And with your spirit!
Yet more than ever, believers prophetic vision, John sees the P –A proclamation from the
in the Lord, great numbers of Risen Christ, resplendent in his holy Gospel according to
men and women, were added glory and full of life and power. John
to them. All – Glory to you, O Lord!
Thus they even carried the R –A proclamation from the
Book of Revelation On the evening of that
sick out into the streets and first day of the week, when the
laid them on cots and mats I, John, your brother, who doors were locked, where the
so that when Peter came by, share with you the distress, the disciples were, for fear of the
at least his shadow might fall kingdom, and the endurance Jews, Jesus came and stood in
on one or another of them. A we have in Jesus, found myself their midst and said to them,
large number of people from on the island called Patmos “Peace be with you.” When
the towns in the vicinity of Je- because I proclaimed God’s he had said this, he showed
rusalem also gathered, bring- word and gave testimony to them his hands and his side.
ing the sick and those dis- Jesus. I was caught up in spirit The disciples rejoiced when
turbed by unclean spirits, and on the Lord’s Day and heard they saw the Lord.
they were all cured. behind me a voice as loud as a Jesus said to them again,
trumpet, which said, “Write “Peace be with you. As the
The Word of the Lord! on a scroll what you see.” Father has sent me, so I send
All – Thanks be to God! Then I turned to see whose you.”

GLOSSARY: • First day of the week: This phrase indicates Sunday, not Monday. For the Jews, in fact, the week ended with the
Sabbath, the day of rest. Jesus rose from death on the day after the “great Sabbath” in which the Jews observed their Passover. The
Church has transferred the day of rest and rejoicing to “the day after the Sabbath” and called it “Day of the Lord” (or Sunday) because
it was on that day that Jesus rose from death, thereby inaugurating the real “Passover” from a humiliating death to a glorious life.

24 April 2022
And when he had said this, salvation he came down from instruments of God’s healing
he breathed on them and said heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy love. Let us pray! R.
to them, “Receive the Holy
Spirit. Whose sins you forgive
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- C –For the coming national
are forgiven them, and whose
gin Mary, and became man.* and local elections: May
sins you retain are retained.” For our sake he was crucified peace prevail throughout the
Thomas, called Didymus, under Pontius Pilate, he suf- country, and may we exert
one of the Twelve, was not fered death and was buried, and every effort to thwart acts of
with them when Jesus came. rose again on the third day in violence and cheating. Let us
So the other disciples said to accordance with the Scriptures. pray! R.
him, “We have seen the Lord.” He ascended into heaven and is C –Let us pray in silence for
But he said to them, “Unless I seated at the right hand of the our personal intentions.
see the mark of the nails in his Father. He will come again in (Pause) Let us pray! R.
hands and put my finger into
the nailmarks and put my glory to judge the living and the P –Lord Jesus, King of
hand into his side, I will not dead and his kingdom will have Mercy, we thank you for
believe.” no end. your Easter gifts of peace and
Now a week later his dis- I believe in the Holy Spirit, forgiveness. May they bring
ciples were again inside and the Lord, the giver of life, who us closer to you and to one
Thomas was with them. Je- proceeds from the Father and another, and make us instru-
sus came, although the doors the Son, who with the Father ments of your love for all.
were locked, and stood in their and the Son is adored and glori- You, who are King of Mercy
midst and said, “Peace be with fied, who has spoken through for ever and ever!
you.” Then he said to Thom- the prophets. All – Amen!
as, “Put your finger here and I believe in one, holy, cath-
see my hands, and bring your olic and apostolic Church. I
hand and put it into my side,
and do not be unbelieving, but confess one Baptism for the
believe.” Thomas answered forgiveness of sins and I look
and said to him, “My Lord and forward to the resurrection of Preparation of the Gifts
my God!” Jesus said to him, the dead and the life of the world
“Have you come to believe to come. Amen! P –Pray, brethren . . .
because you have seen me? All – May the Lord accept the
Blessed are those who have not Prayer of the Faithful sacrifice at your hands, for the
seen and have believed.” praise and glory of his name,
Now Jesus did many other P –Let us open our hearts to for our good and the good of
signs in the presence of his dis- the Triune God, the Source of all his holy Church.
ciples that are not written in all mercy and love, and pray
this book. with humble faith: Prayer over the Offerings
But these are written that All – Merciful God, hear our P –Accept, O Lord, we
you may come to believe that prayer! pray, the oblations of your
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of people (and of those you have
God, and that through this C –For the Church and her brought to new birth), that,
belief you may have life in his leaders: May they be an in- renewed by confession of
name. spiration to all the faithful your name and by Baptism,
The Gospel of the Lord! through their dedication, uni- they may attain unending
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus ty, and faithfulness to Christ. happiness.
Christ! Let us pray! R. Through Christ our Lord.
All – Amen!
C –For all those who are
Homily afflicted by physical, psy- Preface of Easter I
Profession of Faith chological or moral illness:
May they always find heal- P –The Lord be with you!
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
ing and relief through the All –And with your spirit!
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- compassion of all believers. P –Lift up your hearts!
ther almighty, maker of heaven All –We lift them up to the
Let us pray! R. Lord!
and earth, of all things visible
and invisible. C –For those who, like P –Let us give thanks to the
I believe in one Lord Jesus Thomas, find it hard to be- Lord our God!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son lieve in the Resurrection: All –It is right and just!
of God, born of the Father be- May they be helped by the P –It is truly right and just,
fore all ages. God from God, witness of the Christian com- our duty and our salvation,
Light from Light, true God from munity to overcome their un- at all times to acclaim you, O
true God, begotten, not made, belief. Let us pray! R. Lord, but in this time above
consubstantial with the Father; C –For those who administer all, to praise you yet more
through him all things were the Sacrament of Penance: gloriously, when Christ our
made. For us men and for our May they always be worthy Passover has been sacrificed.
2nd Sunday of Easter (C)
For he is the true Lamb Communion pray for God’s blessing.
who has taken away the sins P –Behold the Lamb of God, (Pause)
of the world; by dying he has behold him who takes away the –May God, in His saving
destroyed our death, and by sins of the world. Blessed are love, dispel your doubts
rising, restored our life. those called to the Supper of and lead you to fully be-
Therefore, overcome with the Lamb. lieve in Him.
paschal joy, every land, every All – Lord, I am not worthy All – Amen!
people exults in your praise that you should enter under my
and even the heavenly Pow- P –May you experience
roof, but only say the word and deeply His merciful love
ers, with the angelic hosts, my soul shall be healed.
sing together the unending in the sacraments and in
hymn of your glory, as they Communion Antiphon the people around you.
acclaim: (To be recited only when no All – Amen!
All – Holy, holy, holy . . . Communion Hymn is sung.) P –As you have experienced
Bring your hand and feel His mercy, may you be-
Memorial Acclamation the place of the nails, and do come His instruments
P –The mystery of faith! not be unbelieving but believ- of love and mercy to the
All – We proclaim your Death, ing, alleluia! world.
O Lord, and profess your All – Amen!
Resurrection until you Prayer after Communion
P – May almighty God bless
come again! P –Grant, we pray, almighty you: the Father, and the
God, that our reception of this Son, and the Holy Spirit.
paschal Sacrament may have All – Amen!
a continuing effect in our
minds and hearts. P –Go in peace.
Through Christ our Lord. Alleluia! Alleluia!
All – Our Father . . . All – Thanks be to God.
All – Amen!
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . Alleluia! Alleluia!
All –For the kingdom, the
power, and the glory are
yours, now and for ever.
Sign of Peace P –The Lord be with you.
Breaking of the Bread All – And with your spirit!
All – Lamb of God . . . P –Bow your heads and

Prayer for the Grace to Be Merciful to Others Help me, O Lord, that my tongue may be merciful,
(St. Faustina Kowalska) so that I should never speak negatively of others,
but have a word of comfort and forgiveness for all.
O Most Holy Trinity! Help me, O Lord, that my hands may be merciful
As many times as I breathe, and filled with good deeds,
as many times as my heart beats, so that I may do only good to my neighbor
As many times as my blood pulsates through my body, and always try to take upon myself
so many thousand times do I want to glorify Your mercy. the more difficult and toilsome tasks.
I want to be completely transformed into Your mercy Help me, O Lord, that my feet may be merciful,
and to be your living reflection, O Lord. so that I may hurry to assist my neighbor,
May the greatest of all Divine attributes, overcoming my own fatigue and weariness.
that of Your unfathomable Mercy, My true rest is in the service of my neighbor.
pass to my neighbor through my heart and soul. Help me, O Lord, that my heart may be merciful,
Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, so that I myself may feel all the sufferings of my neighbor.
so that I may never suspect or judge from appearances, I will refuse my heart to no one.
but always look for what is beautiful I will be sincere even with those who, I know,
in my neighbor’s souls will abuse my kindness.
and come to their rescue. I will lock myself up in the most merciful Heart of Jesus,
Help me, that my ears may be merciful, and I will bear my own suffering in silence.
so that I may give heed to my neighbor’s needs, May your mercy, O Lord, rest upon me!
and not be indifferent to their pains and moanings. (Diary, 163)

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, Fr. B. Nolasco, J. Domingo, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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