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Overview of ERP, SAP , ABAP

1) ERP
Enterprise Resource Planning
It's purpose is to manage any company functions.

2) SAP
SAP - system application and products for data processing.
SAP - system application and products in data processing.

3) History of SAP
SAP introduced by SAP AG in 1972 at Walldorf.( Germany)
SAP is a german based product.

4) Features of SAP
a)It is an integration of all functions in to one common software.
b)It is a Multi-lingal software.
C)It is a user-based license aggrement.( requires user name and password)

5) SAP R/3 Architecture

( 3 - 3 tier architecture , R- Real) - SAP is a real time architecture.

Layers - Presentation Layer( User Interaction Layer)

Application Layer( Writing the programs and applications)
Database Layer( To store the data).

6) ABAP/4 ->
Advanced business application programming language.
It is a 4th generation language.
ABAP lies on application Layer.

7) Modules of SAP->
Functional Modules
Technical Modules

Functional Modules ->

SAP SD( Sales & Distribution)
SAP MM( Material Management)
SAP PS( Project system)
SAP FICO( Finance & Controlling)
SAP HR( Human Resources) -> HCM( Human Capital Management)
SAP WM( Warehouse Management)

Techical Modules->
SAP BIBO( Business Intelligence , Business Objects) -> Reporting tool

8) ABAP Workbench -> It is a collection of ABAP tools.

SE38 -> Program/Report
SE11-> ABAP Dictionary
SE37 -> Function Module
SE24-> Class

9) Transaction Code -> It is a shortcut to access ABAP workbench tools.

10) /nxxxx - to call Transaction xxxx( override the existing session)

11) /oxxxx - to Call Transaction xxxx in a new Session

12) /NEX -> to close all the sessions

13) /n -> to cancel a session

14) /o- Display an Overview of sessions

12) Any custom objects starts with Z or Y.

13) SAP specific objects - Not starting with Z or Y.

14) User can open a maximum of 6 sessions.

15) SAP system Landscape

Development - Dedicated for development.

Quality -> Testing
Production( Live system) - Used by the customer.

Data Dictionary

1) Data Dictionary is also called ABAP dictionary or DDIC.

2) Domain -> Tells us about the technical characteristics of a Field/Column.

Technical characteristics -> Data type, length.

3) Data Element -> How a field/column will be visible to end user?

4) Data browser/Table view maintenace options ->

Display/Maintenance allowed
Display/Maintenance not allowed
Display/Maintenance allowed with restrictions

5) MANDT -> Client number of SAP system.

Tables having MANDT field are called as client dependent tables.

Tables does not have MANDT field are called as Client Independent tables.

6) Data Class -> Tells us in which portion of database the data will get store.

7) Size Category -> A table can store how many number of records.

8) Types of SAP Data ->

Master Data-> Which is accessed very frequenty, but changed very rarely.
Transaction Data-> Which is always changing, number of records are continuously
Configuration Data->Which is accessed very rarely, It changed very rarely.

9) TMG( Table Maintenance Generator)

Authorization group : &NC&( Any user can maintain the data).
Single Step: Only overview screen is applicable
Two Step : Both Overview screen and single screen are applicable.

10) We can maintain data with the help of SM30.

12) Shortcuts - CTRL + S = SAVE
CTRL + F2 -> Syntax Check
CTRL + F3 -> Activate
CTRL + SHIFT + F10 -> To check the contents of the table.

Primary-Foreign Key Relationship

Primary Key of one table act as a Foreign key in Another table.

( Data/Record/Row/Tuple will be always in the primary key table, It may or may not
in the foreign key table)

Pre-requisite - Tables should have a common key.

Cardinality -> Number of records in key table, correponds to how many number of
records in to secondary/foreign key table.

Structures -> Is a collection of fields/columns of different data type or similar
data type.

ZEMP -> EID -> N(10)

ENAME ->C(40)

ZEMP1 ->EID -> N(10)

ESAL ->N(10)

Differnce between table & Structure -> Table has data , Structure does not have any

Include -> 1) It is a reusebale Structure.

2) We can insert the include structure at any point.
3) It is applicable to customer specific tables, It is not applicable
to SAP specific tables.

Append -> 1) It is not a reuseable structure.

2) It always inserts at the last.
3) It is applicable to both customer specific tables and SAP tables.

Package and Transport Request

Package -> It is a collection/container for the objects.( Table, Data element,

Domains, Structures)

Every object needs to be stored in to a package.( Package for local objects :

$TMP , local objects can never be transported)

SE80-> To create a package.

Transport request -> Medium to transport the objects.

SE09 -> To create a transport request.( Workbench request)
Types of SAP Database tables

1) Transparent table - Thers is 1:1 relationship between the ABAP dictionary and
the database.( One table in ABAP dictionary corresponds to one table in database)
2) Pooled table - There is N:1 relationship between the ABAP dictionary and the
database.( Many tables in ABAP dictionary corresponds to one table in database)
3) Cluster table - There is N:1 relationship between the ABAP dictionary and the
database.( Many tables in ABAP dictionary corresponds to one table in database )

Pooled -> Primary-foreign key relationship is not required.

Cluster -> Primary-foreign key relationship is mandatory.

Structure of a Pooled table at the database layer - Tabname Varkey Dataln vardata
Structure of a cluster table at the database layer - Key Pageno Vardata

Types of Buffering

Types of Buffering -> Buffer is a temperory storage on the application layer.

1) Single Record buffering -> Single Record will be in the buffer.

Advantage -> It will ocucupy less memory on the application layer.

Disadvantage -> Number of Iterations will not be reduced between Application layer
and database layer, if we are not fetching the same record.

2) Full Buffering -> Full table will be in the buffer.

Advantage -> Number of Iterations between Application and database layer will be
significantly reduced
Disadvangate -> It will occupy more memory on the application Layer.

A table which stores transaction data should not be opted for Full buffering.

3) Generic area buffering -> It is used to cover a generic area.( Language

dependent tables)

The numbers of key field for a generic area buffering is less than the primary keys
of the table.


1) A Index is created to give the high performance.

Types of Index -> 1) Primary Index -> Primary Key Will act as a Primary Index.
2) Secondary Index -> Based upon the requirement , We will
create secondary Indexes.

Disadvantage -> Index will occupy space on the database Layer.

A Index name is 3 characters long.

Index will store like this - Table name~Index name( Example - ZEMPTABLE~ABC , Where
ZEMPTABLE is table name , ABC is Index name).

Index for all database systems-> Index will be created on all the databases.
Index for Selected database systems-> We can choose database, where we want to
create the index.
No database Index-> Index will remove from the database, It's definition will be


View -> A view is virtual table.

A view is a logical database.
It does not have any data.

Differece b/w table and View -> Table has data. View does not have any data.

1) Database View -> It is a collection of one or more database tables.

Pre-requisite -> Tables should have a Primary foreign key relationship.

2) Projection View -> It is applicable to single table.

Select those fields which are required.

3) Maintenance View -> It's purpose is to maintain multiple tables.

Pre-requisite -> Tables should have a Primary foreign key relationship.

MANDT field is required.

4) Help view -> It is used in search helps.

Q-1 : In which scenario - Database View = Projection View.

Answer : If we are creating database view for a single table, In that case Database
View = Projection View.

Q-2 : What is the difference between Database View and Help View?
Answer : We can display the contents of Database View. We can not display the
contents of Help View.

Search Help

Search help -> It is also called as F4 help. It's purpose is to display the various

possible values for any Input field.

Types of Search Help -> a) Elementary Search help-> Single search help.
b) Collective search help-> It is a combination of
elementary search helps.

Selection Method -> It is the name of he table of name of the view from where we
are fetcing the data.

Dialog Type ->

Display values Immediately -> Values will display Immediately.
Dialog with values restriction -> Before displaying the values, restriction dialog
will appaer.
Dialog depends upon set of values -> If the table has less than 100 values ,It will
switch to Display values Immediately.
If the table has greater than 100,It will
switch to Dialog with value restriction.

Search Help Parameter - Field of Search Help.

LPOS -> List position( When values got displayed)

SPOS-> Screen position( Before displaying the values)

Modify -> It's purpose is to modify the data element.

SDI's -> It's purpose is to make any field in the read only mode.

Default value -> To provide the default values.

Importing -> Input

Exporting -> To Export the values from the list position to the screen fields.

Q-1: What is the pre-requisite for the default value?

answer : Importing should be unticked.

ABAP Programming

Transaction code : SE38

CTRL + D - To duplicate a line.

CTRL + < - Comment
CTRL + > - Uncomment

Pretty Printer -> for Proper Indentation. Makes the code easy to read.

Parameters & Select-options

Parameters - Accepts Single Input.

Select-options - We can pass range of values.

Low, High, Multiple Selection

Select options is a range table.

Obligatory -To make parameters or select-options mandatory.

No-Intervals - To remove the high range of Select Option.
No Extension - Used to remove the multiple selection option.

For Parameters, Use = in the where condition.

For Select-options, Use IN in the where condition
Q-1 : What are the 4 parts of a Select-option?
Answer : SIGN(1) - I/E( Include, Exclude)
OPTION(2) -> Relational operator( EQ, BT-------)
LOW - Low value
HIGH - High value

Q-2 : If we are passing only a low value in Select-option, what is the relational
Answer : EQ

Q-3 : If we are passing only a low value and High value in Select-option, what is
the relational operator?
Answer : BT

Internal Table & Work areas

Internal Table - Temperory storage on the application Layer.( Can store any number
of records at run time)
Work area - Temperory storage on the application Layer.( Only one record at
run time)


OPEN SQL -> Database Independent.
Native SQL -> Database Dependent.

Types of Internal Table

1) Standard Internal table -> Simplest Internal table(based upon Linear Search -
Sequential Search).

2) Sorted Internal table -> Binary Search( It will search for middle element, in
the upper half the values will be less than the middle element,
In the lower half the values will be
greater than the middle element).
3) Hashed Internal table -> Hash function( Hashing- It will directly return the
address of the record)

Categories of Internal

1) Internal table with header line -> Implicit(Internal) work area. SAP will
automatically create the work area.
Work area name is same as that of internal
Obsolete now
As work area name is same as that of internal table, So clear and REFRESH have
differnet meaning in Internal table with HEADER LINE.

CLEAR - It will clear the work area.

REFRESH - It will clear the contents of Internal table.

2) Internal table without header line-> Explicit( External) work area.

We are explicitly specifying the work area.

As work area name is differnet from Intenal table name, so both CLEAR and REFRESH
is used to clear the contents of Intenal table.

CLEAR, REFRESH - It will clear the contents of Internal table.

CLEAR - It will clear the work area.

System Variable( SY-SUBRC,

SY-SUBRC - It is SAP system variable
RC( reurun code)
SY-SUBRC = 0 (Successful)
SY-SUBRC <> 0 ( Unsuccessful)

SY-TABIX -> It is a system variable . It retruns the current line index inside a

SY-DATUM - system variable for current date.( Internal format - YYYYMMDD)

Loop and Loop commands.

DO -> Unconditional Loop.

WHILE -> Conditional Loop.
LOOP-> For the Internal table.
EXIT-> is used to exit from the loop.
CONTINUE -> will skip the current processing of the record and then process the
next record in the LOOP statement.
CHECK -> We can use Inside a loop and outside a loop.
Inside a loop - If the check condtion is not true, loop will skip the
current loop pass and move to next loop pass.
Outside a loop - If the statement CHECK is used outside a loop and
condtion is false, this statement exits the current processing block.

If and Case
Statments( Conditional statements)

IF -> It is a conditional statment. mutiple statements blocks are there, depends

upon the condition one block will execute.

If None of the If and Elseif conditions are satisfied, It will go to ELSE


CASE - It is also a conditional statment. mutiple statements blocks are there,

depends upon the condition one block will execute.

If none of the condition is satisfied, It will fo to OTHERS part.

Important Point:( Difference between Case and IF from Performance Perspective )

Case is always much more efficent ....because while you are using ELSEIF
condtion will check all the condition ...untill it will get get a true
condtion ...

while you are using will only go to the true condtion

Best Coding Practises

1) Never Use * , Make a structure of those columns which are required in the
2) Fetching sequence should be same as that of structure sequence, otherwise type
mismatch or wrong output will be there.
3) Fetching sequence should be same as that of Data Dictionary sequence.
4) Where condition sequence should be same as that of Data Dictionary sequence.
5) Never use corresponding keyword.
6) Use Binary Search in Read table.
7) For Fetching data from Foreign key tables/depenedent tables - check for SY-SUBRC
8) Use Paraller cursor in Nested loops.

Paraller Cursor -> It's purpose is to achieve performance in case of nested loops.


INCLUDE Program -> We can create with the help of SE38 transaction code. It is not
an executeable program. We can reuse Include program.

Way to Reuse : INCLUDE ( Include progrm name).

Example : Suppose Include program name is ZINCLUDE.


Function Module

Function Module -> It is a reuseable component. We will create only once and we can
use at several places. It is an example of Modularization technique.

Transaction code : SE37

Function Group -> It is container for the function modules.

Transaction Code : SE80

Various tabs in Function Modules

Attributes - It provides the generic infomation about the Function Module.( Date,
User name, Function group name , Package name).
Import - Input
Export - Output
Changing - Input/ Output.
Exceptions - It's purpose is to raise the exception/Error.
Source Code - It's purpose it to write the logic.

Ways to Declare Internal tables and Work areas

DATA : LT_DATA TYPE TABLE OF ( Local Structure ).

DATA : LT_DATA TYPE TABLE OF ( Global Structure ).


It is also an Modularization technique. There is no seperate transaction code( ABAP

workbench tool) to create a Subroutine.


We can not change the sequence of TABLES USING CHANGING, but If one is not required
, We can skip it.

Example - If Tables is not required , then we can use USING CHANGING.

How to reuse a Sub routine :


Q-1 : Difference between Include program and Function Module.

Answer : Include Program does not have any Interface( No Input/Output Provison),
But the Function module has a Interface.( Input/ output provison with

the help of Import/Export tabs).

Q-2 : Difference between Include program and Sub routine.

Answer : Include Program does not have any Interface( No Input/Output Provison),
But the Subroutine has a Interface.( Tables, Using, Changing)

Q-3 : Difference between Function module and Subroutines.

Answer : Function Module : There is a Seperate transaction code SE37 ( Workbench

tool) to create a Function module.
Subroutines : There is no seperate workbench tool to create a Subroutine.

Function MOdule : We can check the output of Function module using F8.( We
can independently run a Function module to check the output)
Subroutines : We can not run a subroutine independently.

Function Module : There is an Exception tab to raise the exception.

Sub routines : There is no exception tab.

Internal Table Operations

SORT -> Is to sort the internal table.If we are not specifying anything, then by
default It will sort in the ascending order.
If we want to sort in descending order, then we need to specify the keyword

LOOP -> To read the records one by one from the Internal table.
READ TABLE-> It will read the first matching record from the Internal Table.
APPEND -> Which Inserts data to internal table.
DESCRIBE TABLE -> It will retrun the number of records in the internal table.

Syntax : DESCRIBE TABLE (name of the internal table) LINES ( varibale name ) .

COLLECT -> It will make sum of amount values, based upon unique character values.

Example :
Company name Department Amount
Capgemini HR 10000
Capgemini Admin 20000
Capgemini Training 10000
Capgemini Admin 10000
Capgemini HR 20000

Company name Department Amount

Capgemini HR 30000
Capgemini Admin 30000
Capgemini Training 10000

Control Break Events/Contol break structures/Control break statements :

Events : Always trigger at some specfic action.

Pre-requisities : 1) Interal table should be in the sorted order.

2) Control break events should be applied inside a loop.

AT FIRST -> It will trigger for the first iteration of the Internal table.
AT LAST -> It will trigger for the last ireration of Internal table.
AT NEW <FIELDNAME> -> Statements will execute for a group of records, having the
same value for field name, but for the first time.
AT END OF <FIELDNAME> -> Statements will execute for a group of records, having the
same value for field name, but for the last time.



Transaction Code

Transaction Code : SE93( Create customer specific transaction codes)

The screen number of Selection screen is 1000.

Transaction code for Program and Selection screen.

Trasaction code for tables.

Message class

Messages always plays an Important role for End user.

Error( E)
Warning/Information-> I
Success -> S

Transaction code for Message Class = SE91.

A message number is 3 characters long.( 000-999)

Syntax :

Message = Pre-defined keyword.
E = Message Type
000 = Message Number
ZMSG_88 = Message Class.

Q-1 : How to pass values to a message number?

Answer : & -> Operator which is used to pass values to a message number.

Q-2 : How many & can be passed to message number?

Answer : 4.


Debugging - 1) Debugging is a technique by which we can find the error, Correct the
error and detect the error.
2) SAP Debugger is a part of ABAP workbench only.

Ways of Debugging - 1) Put the breakpoint on any executeable statement and program
will automtically stop at that point.
2) We can debug the code with the help of transaction code /h.

Execution Keys - 1) F5 - Step by Step Execution

2) F6- Line by line Execution
3) F7 - Return
4) F8 - Continuous Execution or Exit.

Various Features in Debugging Mode -> 1) Change the contents of selected rows.
2) Delete Selected rows.
3) Delete all rows( Delete complete table)
4) Append Row

Backtracking( To debug the previous lines og logic) -> Path : Debugger - Go to

statement( Shift + F12).

Variables in Debugging Mode - SY-SUBRC , SY-TABIX

Put the Breakpoint on Keywords in Debugging Mode- Example - SELECT, CALL FUNCTION ,
Deleting and deactivating breakpoints -> Deleting - Permanently deleting the
Deactivating - Temerory deleting the
break-points in that particular session.
When the program again
runs, the breakpoints will be there.

Watch-points -> To monitor the values of variables and Internal tables.

Break-points limit = 30
Watch point limit = 10

Static and Dynamic break-point ->

Static break-points -> User Independent break-points


Dynamic break-point : User dependent break-point.

Syntax : BREAK User name.

String Operations

1) CONCATENATE -> The Purpose of CONCATENATE is to CONCATENATE the Strings.

Syntax : CONCATENATE ( Variable 1) ( Varibale 2) ( Variable 3) INTO ( Final
Variable) SEPERATED BY 'Seperator'.
Example - CONCATENATE lv_data1 lv_data2 lv_data3 INTO lv_final SEPERATED BY '.'.

2) SPLIT -> It's purpose is to SPLIT the string.

Pre-requisite -> Seperator must be there.
Syntax : SPLIT ( Final Variable) AT ( Seperator) INTO variable1 variable2 -------.
Example - SPLIT lv_final AT '.' INTO lv_data1 lv_data2 lv_data3.

3) CONDENSE-> Used to remove the leading and trailing spaces.

A blank at the end of a line is a trailing space.

4) CONDENSE NO-GAPS -> Used to remove the leading space , trailing space and spaces
between the individual strings also.

5) FIND -> FIND statement is used for finding occurrences of a pattern within a

6) STRLEN -> Used to find the length of the string.

7) TRANSLATE -> The TRANSLATE statement converts characters into upper or lower

8) SHIFT -> This command is used to shift the contents of a string. It shifts a
string by a given number of places.
Syntax : shift s_field [ by n places ] <mode>( By default mode is LEFT)
Example : SHIFT lv_data BY 5 places LEFT/RIGHT/CIRCULAR.
Lock Objects

Locking -> If mutiple users want to change the data at the same time , then at a
time only one user can change the data.

Lock object name should start with E.( EZ or EY).

While creating a Lock Object, SAP automatically crate 2 FM's.

ENQUEUE_Lock Object name -> For Locking.

DEQUEUE_Lock Object name -> For Unlocking.

Lock Modes : 1) Read Lock( Shared Lock , S) - Others user can view the data, but
can not changed the data.
2) Write Lock( Exclusive lock , E) - Others user can not view the data
and can not changed the data.
3) Enhanced Write Lock( Exclusive lock without cumulation) - Others
user can not view the data and can not changed the data +
protect the further access for the same transaction.

SM12 -> To see the lock entries.

MAIN Tables for Different

Modules of SAP

1) SAP SD -> Sales Order - VBAK( Sales Document Header) , VBAK( Sales document
Invoice - VBRK(Invoice Header), VBRK( Invoice Item)

2) SAP MM -> Material Master -> MARA( Material data) , MAKT( Material Description)

3) SAP FI -> Accounting Document -> BKPF( Accounting document header) ,

BSEG( Accouting document item)

Classical Report Events

The program in which we are displaying the output with the help of WRITE statement
is called as classical report.

1) Initialization - This events calls before displaying the selection screen/Input

It's purpose is to assign the default values to Parameters
and Select-options.

2) AT Selection Screen -> This events calls when user performs some action( Enter,
F4 etc) on to the selection screen.
It's purpose is to validate the Input.

3) START-OF-SELECTION -> This events calls when user clicks execute button on the
selection screen.
The selection logic is the part of this event.

4) END-OF-SELECTION -> This Event calls when selection process ends.( Call after
End of data/Records).

5) TOP-OF-PAGE -> The purpose of this event is to provide title/header at the

begining of a new page.

6) END-OF-PAGE -> The pupose of this event is to provide footer or some information
at the end of a page.
Pre-requisite : We need to provide LINE-COUNT.
Example - LINE-COUNT 5(2) -> It means end of page event will trigger after 3
lines of data and 2 lines are reserved for the footer.( Total : 3+2 = 5).

PF-STATUS -> Personal Functions( We can create our own functions).

The syntax to create own personal function( PF-STATUS) -> SET PF-STATUS 'STAT'.
( STAT is the name of PF-status)

Interactive classical Report Events :

1) AT USER-COMMAND -> When user clicks on the button created by PF-status, at that
time AT USER-COMMAND Event is triggering.
system variable for User command -> SY-UCOMM.

2) AT LINE-SELECTION-> When user double clicks on the line or select a line and
press F2, at that time AT LINE-SELECTION event will trigger.

SY-LISEL - It is a system variable which returns the Contents of the selected


Q-1 : If we are not specifying any event, then by default which event is calling?

Q-2: What are the four areas of a screen?

Answer : Menu Bar, Function Keys, Title Bar, Application Tool bar.

Q-3 : How many basic list are there in classical repoting?

Answer : 1.

Q-4 : How many secondary list are there in classical repoting?

Answer : 20.

Q-5: Will AT USER COMMAND and AT LINE SELECTION can work simultaneously in one
Answer : Yes, You need to Put - PICK for F2, in Recommended Function key settings.

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