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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,026,567 B2

Chang et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 27, 2011
(54) THERMOELECTRIC COOLER FOR (56) References Cited
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(22) Filed: Dec. 22, 2008 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
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HOIL 23/373 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — K&L Gates LLP
HOIL 29/06 (2006.01)
HOIL 23/522 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
(52) U.S. C. ......... 257/467; 257/E31.131; 257/E29.005; A thermoelectric structure for cooling an integrated circuit
257/15; 257/930; 257/773; 257/774; 257/680; (IC) chip comprises a first type Superlattice layer formed on
438/54; 136/201: 136/203: 136/242; 136/238; top of the IC chip connected to a first Voltage, and a second
136/240; 62/3.3; 62/3.61; 62/3.7 type superlattice layer formed on the bottom of the IC chip
(58) Field of Classification Search .................... 257/15, connected to a second Voltage, the second Voltage being dif
257/773,774, 680, E31.131, E29.005, 467, ferent from the first Voltage, whereinan power Supply current
257/930; 438/54; 136/201, 203, 242, 238, flows through the first and second type superlattice layer for
136/240; 62/3.3, 3.61, 3.7 cooling the IC chip.
See application file for complete search history. 19 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets

U.S. Patent Sep. 27, 2011 Sheet 1 of 2 US 8,026,567 B2
U.S. Patent Sep. 27, 2011 Sheet 2 of 2 US 8,026,567 B2

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FIG. 2
US 8,026,567 B2
1. 2
THERMOELECTRIC COOLER FOR ments. The invention may be better understood by reference
SEMCONDUCTOR DEVICES WITH TSV to one or more of these drawings in combination with the
description presented herein.
BACKGROUND FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a thermoelectric cooler
for an IC chip according to one embodiment of the present
The present invention relates generally to heat dissipation invention.
in semiconductor devices, and, more particularly, to a cooling FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a thermoelectric cooler
device employing thermoelectric structures and through-sili for a flip-chip according to another embodiment of the
con-via (TSV). present invention.
As semiconductor process technology progresses, more DESCRIPTION
and more devices can be integrated in a given die size, and at
the same time the integrated circuit (IC) can run at greater The present invention discloses a thermoelectric cooling
clock speed (higher frequency). This results in higher power system that has a Superlattice cooling structure and dissipates
dissipation thus an increase in the die temperature. The 15 heat using chip’s main power Supply. The thermoelectric
increased die temperature will directly affect the performance cooling system in accordance with the present invention ben
of the IC due to mobility degradation at high temperature. efits from flip-chip package structure and through-silicon-via
Long term wise, the quality and reliability of the IC will also (TSV) technology.
be affected due to electromigration and oxide breakdown. FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a thermoelectric cooler
The lifetime of IC devices exponentially decrease with the for an IC chip 100 according to one embodiment of the
increasing die temperature. present invention. The IC chip 100 includes a substrate 102
IC chips are conventionally cooled by fans, heat sinks, and a processed layer 110 typically comprising of deposited
circulated liquids or thermoelectric effects. The fans, heat polysilicon layers and metal interconnects Sandwiched in
sinks and circulated liquids are often time very bulky and may dielectric layers. According to the present invention, a ther
not effectively reduce uneven temperature distribution within 25 moelectric structure for cooling the IC chip comprises at least
the IC chip. The circulated liquids, additionally, have a leak two superlattice layers formed on top of the IC chip and on the
age problem over time. The thermoelectric effect refers to a bottom of the IC chip, respectively. A first superlattice layer
temperature difference created by an electric potential. How 120 is formed on top of the processed layer 110 and connected
ever, running electricity itself generates Joule heating which to a ground (VSS) plane 114 inside the processed layer 110
undermines the thermoelectric cooling effect, and lowers the 30 through a contact 116. Then a VSS metal layer 125 is depos
cooling efficiency thereof. ited on the first superlattice layer 120 for supplying power to
As such, what is desired is an efficient heat dissipation the chip 100. A second superlattice layer 130 is formed at the
packaging system utilizing thermoelectric cooling that does bottom of the substrate 102 and connected to a high voltage
not contribute extra Joule heating and is easy to assemble and power supply (VDD) plane 112 inside the processed layer
occupies less space. 35 110 through a plurality of through-silicon-vias (TSVs) 106.
Then a VDD metal layer 135 is deposited at the bottom of the
SUMMARY second superlattice layer 130 for supplying power to the chip
100. During an operation of the chip 100, the main power
This invention discloses a thermoelectric structure for current flows in from the VDD metal layer 135 through the
cooling an integrated circuit (IC) chip, the thermoelectric 40 second superlattice layer 130 and the TSVs 106 to the VDD
structure comprises a first type Superlattice layer formed on plane 112, and flows out from the VSS plane 114, through the
top of the IC chip connected to a first Voltage, and a second contact 116 and the first superlattice layer 120 to the VSS
type superlattice layer formed on the bottom of the IC chip metal layer 125.
connected to a second Voltage, the second Voltage being dif The superlattice layer 120 or 130 is a material with peri
ferent from the first Voltage, whereinan power Supply current 45 odically alternating layers of several Substances. For instance,
flows through the first and second type superlattice layer for a Superlattice layer can be grown from layers of Si and layers
cooling the IC chip. If the first type superlattice layer is a P of SiGe with a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) machine. In
type, then the second type Superlattice layer is an N type, and accordance with the present invention, the first Superlattice
a ground power Supply Voltage is connected to the P type layer 120 is P-type and may be exemplarily formed by alter
Superlattice layer, while a high Voltage power Supply Voltage 50 nating layers of BiTel and SbTe, so that holes in the first
is connected to the N type superlattice layer. superlattice 120 serve as a refrigerant. The holes drift in the
The construction and method of operation of the invention, same direction as the current, i.e., from the bottom to the top
however, together with additional objectives and advantages of the first superlattice layer 120. Thereby heat generated by
thereof will be best understood from the following descrip the chip 100 will be actively dissipated to the ambient by the
tion of specific embodiments when read in connection with 55 first superlattice 120. The second superlattice layer 130, on
the accompanying drawings. the other hand, is N-type and may be exemplarily formed by
alternating layers of BiTes, and Bi-TessSeo.7, so that elec
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS trons in the second superlattice 130 serve as a refrigerant. The
electrons drift in the opposite direction as the current, i.e.,
The drawings accompanying and forming part of this 60 from the top to the bottom of the second superlattice 130.
specification are included to depict certain aspects of the Thereby heat generated by the chip 100 will also be actively
invention. A clearer conception of the invention, and of the dissipated to the ambient by the second superlattice 130.
components and operation of systems provided with the In constructing the chip 100, a skilled in the art may apply
invention, will become more readily apparent by referring to a first buffer layer (not shown) between the processed layer
the exemplary, and therefore non-limiting, embodiments 65 110 and the first superlattice layer 120, as well as a second
illustrated in the drawings, wherein like reference numbers (if buffer layer (also not shown) between the substrate 102 and
they occur in more than one view) designate the same ele the second superlattice layer 130. The first buffer layer may
US 8,026,567 B2
3 4
have the same doping concentration as the first Superlattice within the scope and range of equivalents of the claims.
layer 120 for reducing strain due to lattice mismatch between Accordingly, it is appropriate that the appended claims be
the processed layer 110 and the first superlattice layer 120. construed broadly and in a manner consistent with the scope
Similarly, the second buffer layer may have the same doping of the invention, as set forth in the following claims.
concentration as the second superlattice layer 130 for reduc
ing strain due to lattice mismatch between the substrate 102 What is claimed is:
and the second superlattice layer 130. 1. A thermoelectric structure for cooling an integrated cir
It is well known that when current is sent through a circuit cuit (IC) chip, the thermoelectric structure comprising:
made of dissimilar materials, such as the first and second a first type superlattice layer formed on top of the IC chip
superlattice layer 120 and 130 of FIG.1, heat will be absorbed 10 connected to a first Voltage; and
at one junction and given up at the other according to the a second type superlattice layer formed on the bottom of
Peltier effect. The chip 100 according to the embodiment of the IC chip connected to a second Voltage, the second
the present invention is cooled from both top and bottom, and voltage being different from the first voltage,
it is done so by the chip's main power supply without involv wherein an active conducting current flows through the
ing additional Joule heating. Besides, the first and second 15 first and second type Superlattice layer for cooling the IC
superlattice layers 120 and 130 can block ambient heat from chip.
conducting back into the chip 100 due to thermal conductivity 2. The thermoelectric structure of claim 1, wherein the first
reduction and phonon localization like behavior in Superlat type Superlattice layer is a Ptype, the second type Superlattice
tice structures. layer is an N type and the second Voltage is higher than the
Cooling efficiency can be measured by figure-of-merit (Z) first Voltage.
which has an expression: 3. The thermoelectric structure of claim 1, wherein the first
type Superlattice layer is an N type, the second type Superlat
tice layer is a P type and the second voltage is lower than the
(Seebeck coefficient (electrical conductivity first Voltage.
(thermal conductivity 25 4. The thermoelectric structure of claim 1, wherein the first
and the second type Superlattice layers are connected to a first
and a second main power Supply metal layers, respectively, in
In Eq. 1, the electrical conductivity is improved by the large the IC chip, wherein the active conducting current is a power
areas of the Superlattice layers 120 and 130 which reduce the supply current of the IC chip.
resistance in conducting the main power Supply to the chip 30 5. The thermoelectric structure of claim 1 further compris
100. At the same time, the thermal conductivity is reduced ing a top metal layer formed at the top of the first Superlattice
due to the blocking of the feedbackheating by the Superlattice layer, wherein the first voltage is provided to the top metal
layers 120 and 130. Therefore the Z and hence the cooling layer.
efficiency of the chip 100 with the sandwiched superlattice 6. The thermoelectric structure of claim 1 further compris
structure is very high. 35 ing a bottom metal layer formed at the bottom of the second
FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a thermoelectric cooler Superlattice layer, wherein the second Voltage is provided to
for a flip-chip 200 according to another embodiment of the the bottom metal layer.
present invention. In the flip-chip 200, superlattice layers 120 7. The thermoelectric structure of claim 6 further compris
and 130 are also formed on the top and bottom, respectively, ing one or more through-silicon-vias connecting the bottom
of the chip 200. The superlattice layers 120 and 130 provide 40 metal layer to one or more solder balls, respectively, on top of
the Z enhancement to the chip 200 as described earlier. Since the first superlattice layer.
solder balls in the flip-chip 200 are all located on one side of 8. A thermoelectric structure for cooling an integrated cir
the chip, the VDD metal layer 135 needs to be connected to cuit (IC) chip, the thermoelectric structure comprising:
the top of the chip 200. Here a plurality of TSVs 224 is a P type superlattice layer formed on top of the IC chip
employed to connect the VDD metal layer 135 to the VDD 45 connected to a first Voltage; and
solder ball 228. The plurality of TSVs 224 is insulated by a an N type superlattice layer formed on the bottom of the IC
dielectric layer 226 formed during the TSV process. A VSS chip connected to a second Voltage, the second Voltage
solder ball 208 conducts the VSS Voltage to the superlattice being higher than the first voltage,
layer 120. An exemplary signal line 212 inside the processed wherein an active conducting current flows through the N
layer 110 is connected to a signal solder ball 218 through a 50 type and the P type superlattice layer for cooling the IC
TSV 214 which is insulated by a dielectric layer 216. The chip.
various solder balls are insulated by a dielectric layer 202. 9. The thermoelectric structure of claim 8, wherein the P
The flip-chip 200 demonstrates that the sandwiched thermo type Superlattice layer is connected to a ground power Supply
electric cooling structure shown in FIG.2 as well as FIG. 1 in (VSS) metal layer in the IC chip, and the N type superlattice
accordance with present invention is very easy to fabricate 55 layer is connected to a high Voltage power Supply (VDD)
with the TSV process. metal layer in the IC chip, wherein the active conducting
The above illustration provides many different embodi current is a power Supply current of the IC chip.
ments or embodiments for implementing different features of 10. The thermoelectric structure of claim 8 further com
the invention. Specific embodiments of components and pro prising a signal line connected to a signal Solder ball formed
cesses are described to help clarify the invention. These are, 60 at the top of the Ptype superlattice layer via a through-silicon
of course, merely embodiments and are not intended to limit W18.
the invention from that described in the claims. 11. The thermoelectric structure of claim 8 further com
Although the invention is illustrated and described herein prising a top metal layer formed at the top of the P type
as embodied in one or more specific examples, it is neverthe superlattice layer, wherein the first voltage is provided to the
less not intended to be limited to the details shown, since 65 top metal layer.
various modifications and structural changes may be made 12. The thermoelectric structure of claim 8 further com
therein without departing from the spirit of the invention and prising a bottom metal layer formed at the bottom of the N
US 8,026,567 B2
5 6
type Superlattice layer, wherein the second Voltage is pro (VSS) metal layer in the IC chip, wherein the active conduct
vided to the bottom metal layer. ing current is a power Supply current of the IC chip.
13. The thermoelectric structure of claim 12 further com 16. The thermoelectric structure of claim 14 further com
prising one or more through-silicon-vias connecting the bot prising a signal line connected to a signal Solder ball formed
tom metal layer to one or more solder balls on top of the Ptype at the top of the N type superlattice layer via a through
Superlattice layer. silicon-via.
14. A thermoelectric structure for cooling an integrated 17. The thermoelectric structure of claim 14 further com
circuit (IC) chip, the thermoelectric structure comprising: prising a top metal layer formed at the top of the N type
an N type superlattice layer formed on top of the IC, chip superlattice layer, wherein the first voltage is provided to the
connected to a first Voltage; and 10 top metal layer.
a P type superlattice layer formed on the bottom of the IC 18. The thermoelectric structure of claim 14 further com
chip connected to a second Voltage, the second Voltage prising a bottom metal layer formed at the bottom of the P
being lower than the first voltage, type Superlattice layer, wherein the second Voltage is pro
wherein an active conducting current flows through the N vided to the bottom metal layer.
type and the P type superlattice layer for cooling the IC 15 19. The thermoelectric structure of claim 18 further com
chip. prising one or more through-silicon-vias connecting the bot
15. The thermoelectric structure of claim 14, wherein the N tom metal layer to one or more solder balls on top of the N
type Superlattice layer is connected to a high Voltage power type Superlattice layer.
supply (VDD) metal layer in the IC chip, and the P type
Superlattice layer is connected to a ground power Supply k k k k k

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