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rN rAp!

ryrNc sprins zou CAiilUtTmEilT AGREEIIENT

I SOclETt/.
sHlEtsffi lrEAfri
celBn^arwelffiYBARs Greater 8ay Aroa Chapcar I ergt snilirfr@lsorg
I 221 Hdn St . Ste 1650. San Fxarxls, CA 9,(105 I Fax {15-62}1159
2455 Bsnrdr Vslby Rd., $e. B2O{, Snta RGa, CA 954(x I Far 707-5*l-44:'0
675 N. FiI3t S., Stc I 100, Ss! Jose, CA 95112 | Fax 4{t8-4.3&663

GqGRAfULAnOilS on yourfundraising ard training efurts thus far. We are loddng foruard to you continuilq these efions on behalf of The Leukemia &
LympfffE Soddy (LLS). By signing thF commitrent agreemer{ you solidifu your furdrabing cornmitrn€nt and event weekend anangements br your eEnt_
l,imrort Vou corninged issliance that you will reacfi your fundraisino comrnirnent LLS b unable to searre ewnt weekend anangements on your behalf as
this wqild tske auray vit4 funds from the mission.

lf you enornter an wrgxpeded sihration thet preyents tou fun parthipating in your e\,snt afier you haw suunitted thh fom, vou atq Elill resPonsible to fuEll
\rolrfundraisito commifl*nt bv.lhe doadline. lf you ha\re any questions, please call yourTeam ln Trainhg meiltor orteam manager. We arc here lo support you
in read*ng yourfuidraishg and training goals.

lf yor de<ide that yor arc wnbh to continue your cornmiun€rt to Team ln Trainirq, the money that you hare raised to date i6 not fansferabl€ lo anoffer
parti@ant butwiil go tonad The L€ukemia & Lynphoma Socb{ys rsearcfi and patiert services prograrns.
LLS agrees to provkie you with a Team ln Training ergerirn€ ,or you cfiosen event. lf you deviate from lhe arrangemeils LLS will make on your behalf, this will
be at yorr o*n elpensi. LLS perbrmane is contingent upon the eyefit taking place in the de{$gnated dtyA*eierdate proviled by th€ race to LLS.6
purfrermore, studd tre eveni course be cfiarged, slutened or cancelled by the rae organizers, and fp parlidpant b unabb to ffinpbte the event due to
UE€e cfiatrges, LI,s ts unde. no obligalion to provide fte patticipam enfy inb another event.

You ErrCr€furnlfilstomttothe LLS ofrceand complcby'ourewnf @cend arangtsltl3t[s bf youreuentco[lrnitsoeiltdab llsiled below.Teem ht
Trdnlng crlrcl sqcrrre y'our arringemcnts without your cxrratGe End contlnued coildtrrm b your fundrddng commltmcilt. Please keep a
copy of tr*s fum br ydrr records.
I lravet?Eds,,rdwrdel,sgt,dtl}eatplye. ltwebywnrnittoAwaTam lnTrainiwwlun@,aibfiHdPer@cf8il*rrt,6sf..tffirabw. I d<tp/wtsdgethatl
amWWinTamlnTniniry#erytoiuWnnendss;@.ofll9,witu$aflye@bt c/ntotredrrybrefitttut,ttyocrtlici@io,rinTednlnTniniry. I
a* *stofif4p tM I a Tean [n Trainitg volunt*r, , wlfi b eng€gdIrg in fudrahing ffib d, M d arrd 6 an qant of LL$, ad thal any fun(,s- raisd
,n lf <o/14(3oY -.*Name rr*,i'Bro" EaBt
B:dimePhore Zol - 7Lo+ 'bG t 4 Copor#Tean

EtE''f frtrffirrg@rr5,rn'f'fi Amrilbrwlttrsdtrc i,rAr/*Uftxd/tn

tr | tua\re .ne{ my frm#abirg Commitrn€nt ard veriFed with my tsn mafiager thd it tes be€n met {VeriW ry U,S Stdt: .....'..,'....'..- )
${ t nrr" na rd my tundrai8ing commitnent I anr prwiling my cr€dit card d€tails b6lov or I ha\re attacfied a signed check made payabb to "LLS" (chcck # )
to secure rny spoi on the teanr. I am cmtinuing b fufitraise and l,ld€'Etand LLS yrifi this ctedit cald for final fndraising cttaEes if I ha\re nct met my
commitnenl bythe Final Ftmdrai$rE Dedin€ daie.
tr lamunab{ebcornsritildertinueryithTeamlnTrainlrg&€ia Ell[tp€s trlnjury trMilitary OPregrency trTime OFuftllaising trO0ler
Hoi,e\rer, I ar irtereSed in a lirture secon [I Sumrler 2014 tr Fa[ 20'14 A Spdng 2015
Q lamafun<labirs: trCoEdt tliiErttor BCaSin BFlonoredTeemmato
tr lannon-fimdraisingardparticipatirEinfheareiltabsredmyowrexpensatrCoacfi OMentor tlC@in OFlono(edTeammate

DrF;............................. Crwgo:J........... ErGrrt, .,,.......,...-, MErfbt......... eAg M: ............. "" -.....

tr TNT MarathodRun REV O TNT Marahon$ralk REv trTNTTIi/T.iREV trTNTOtfEr,SKiREV tr Tt{rcld€rc\rcle REv tr Hke(HFDYHikeREv

et656p 3prnp}6 yanr a35it ud tuffin Crcdt ard tnWon Wrrdd b r-l,S b rlr0oyd dl @ N cnrarrt dab.

{- US ,ay u€€ the credit cad belo,v for any everit $eekend eryendtune(s) not colere<t by ry tnd*ito Ge Addimaa trcpfeim Oinner tickete).

l"n,**.8-l5l6T-rrSmOT_OllII4-4I6EEEIE p
D* hL\/t+ cadvefrficarion"*" 65 D-

Bi*insi,ram€,A&k*s"*or,i srk- F lr} oa \.\q.,A .cA Q-4&

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