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,);S I,sssFery-

' Darcl tooos

Consiqnee CoPY
wtLr gi oerivtRED AGsr' T"ls coPr)

cJ oarcl togistics Limited

(Fornrerly [nown as Darcl Loqistrcs Lmited)
Resistered Office:
PloiNo 55e lnsntutional Are3'
i".toi++, c*ug**-lz2o03 (Haryana)
Phane : 9O1 5202121 .25-26 Fhone No : 7082420100
i,^N No : aaacD2oa6J

Work O rder Detai ls

Loading Station

i"^;;'"1'ffjfut rt th'e) iin,\ ::::' ":!'*'I+/A i !/

*w c/e cho
Address: ooo*"",!47l, A d0 .}qA w:!
kre_<Wl -nilriii,F+Y4 et il2

El Minimuq qu a ran

Freight Charge Amount

Rate PMT :

Firty oocument Details

billed at
E-Way Bill No:-/ST Form Branch :
El To Pay il | tr Pai
nlct ,s ls sdppri6d&rthoLrt
r * c--oanv ,s no, ,esPonsible fot aav p€ralrv "ts"ntl"t
i i i s,iiN (os. E-wav Br.r No , csr No ' e'r'ro irrraaare.s or consig nor & consignee Transit Insurance
GST to be Paid to Government
Loading Detention Deta E Carrier EI Customer

fl consignee Reporting Date/Time: Name of lnsu ra n ce Com Pa nY

f:l Consignor
i-] Exemotl2
dldentol siG linead of6rA *nte prcvEei

; ;;;5,7;:].". ..:,i" ";: * "',,. ..-" ".' . *, M "..


ll: I x:":;:.' .''.: r' i""*" "1,":.,*:':-ft .;; :, ot Responsible for Breakagei'Leakage

::rx;:;::;;t",", ** ::k l"$itlf"i"r*xl;'"1r"#x Any Other Remarks

Consignor Details (see rerms
Name & Signature of ReP. :

_l -'
l ThF Ca., i"- will
not recetve or acceot ,or ca aidge goro. te^6 e., p-ec o_s
{ ve..
E ny reason whatsoever
FsrrL ,
<'ore.,se(L.,trFs. va JdbledocLm"nridnoove. r /pes or o.: .o .. c. c. Jr 9. The Carler will not be responsibte For toss or damage to or destruction oF
vauablegoodsdtor-e, are .lor aLlho, iec !o .e.e\e or a.l/ goods ar.sno oul ci or ,.o.n fo,ce mate-.e coro 10. rlc,-dirg
acceptanvsJ,hoooa., -"ge l, ar, s,t"- ooodc a.r ..-p:er b.rt -ol rn'ted o actrs) of God, ad(s) of wdr hostri,res ano ., oo"ruooni
l"H:i,.Tff;i::"':;"1.;"1J""il".$:;"".,''" 'l'e
ca'-ie- De -oF' r ' (whe'he. wa. oe oe,ld-cd or rot). an afl or pJo .o. src
restairls or oerd,rmerts .lnte< (ega' & Ot"e .. ..
7. T'e Cafict wll not acceo( ar goods ol d- r,ldrrable/ explosive/ dangeroLs.
.nv lnexpected and/or Lrnavoidab€ .i:s oi'-e!s
damaging nairre unless FarfiftH+y=6oleEgE.nt ard untess properly and s;curety
'ooDe-. o jo .. .:: irrtro.;.. ..--r1 o-ea.39:.
oacked tn ac( o-ddr F v'tt -.tcrrnq regutat'or.,, orTs, r o o.or ro ooorrng
o"LLl gooos. t-e.on. gno srd'lqrje "olr..-oth, (dr. e. ar o,rt na^t : .,. r,.,n
eakage, insufflciendy of packtng, inadequacy of rnake.. any accident
as lo rhe rarL-e aad cra.arre. o.sJc l goods other!1 se aooa" -1a, 1=,d-aed ar o-y
Al claims for compensatlon in respect of loss,/damage to or destructLon ofgoods
place en-route or be destroyed/rendered innoclous or be deat vrith a; carried by the carrier should be slbrritted to the c.;rtei w th n 15 davs ffo; fte
the rar.e may rhrnl llt a'rd rne Coregnor oi sJch gooos shatt be,iabte to tle da € o'boo. -o
carrier for all loss/ damaqe/ destru.tion or expenses, dire. ! rr wourc oe seflred ar Deth, sublect (o ne ca rier --tes,legL ar,ons ano
ndlrectly, arising out oF or resuting fror. terms of the bookng and carrlage of
gpods. 11. W€ do never allow consignor(s), consigne€(s) or their representative(s), if any,
3. Perlshable and/b1'fragile gobis, hazardous. 6nd/or extra hazardous goods/tiquids along wlth our tlanspodation vehicle but t\,e may consider and a ow, on requeit
a nd a ll goods liabla to breakage and/or leakage witt be accepted for
carri;qe only at on y in specialcase, a caretaket eitherofthe Consigno(s) or Constgnee(s) to tiavet
ll.e sk oI owners and/ or Co^srg 10( s/ dnd/o. Coleqnee( <1. I in lhe vehi.le but l4ls. el Qarcl Logis|cs Limited Or lts agenr(stor iti-bonafide
a. lhe cdrier,eservei o.tsef the nghr, witl-oJt ac<.qn rq dn/ reasbn, wl-arsoever, employee(s) shall not be responsjt le .,o!.'airy damage/toss to ard/or destruction of
to dev,ate f or,r y L,La, ot cLsto,na./ toLIP{st and car} goodsby roJte(, f person and propert including beong ng suct-r as caretaker arsing out of any
deemed it by t. accidentorotherwise in the courseoiand atthetermii\at on oft€nsii
5. Inresoettofooodsw,rr.nlavebeeacove.edbynsurarcerror"t-erarrrer,s,ns._r-er, The officers, employees or agents ot the :arrilr are not authorized to
lhernsJranLeceases -Teorate,v o rL e.veryo. the gooos llo he 1 ta, w.--l.oL.€ a ter/o\)erride/deducei/ditute ihe effe.t of or t. regate or to'conmrvomit any act
a{/ot slore at rhe oes -arot,s(alion ndheo nerein or at rhe expi-y o, I0 hours co:l a ytoaryo ll_eaoove .olot'o-s
' from the time of arrival of the conveyance at the destination whichever 13.' ne Ca:r., sf a, hdue' r.,J,( to s,I]+do.. d oera 1 L. r goods at tre nskof the
<halr occur first, Thereafte,, l\e gooo> -prra'1 e.ttre'y at the .ts( of owner: and Corsgno- ,\ and/or C(.. l-Be . loirt , n o .:\e.a L dr ,t rre & other
re ther r.ecdre-no. l.tri<r'erLs)shat be esporsote or ',dot- r(r, los or dam"oe charqes ti efeon a re Da a:r:ra Cer€i
to a1o/o-aFstucttol o. sLcl 9oods. 14, All above ccndiilons :.e s!bj€c1 io coniracts/agreements entered h,ith
6. Demurrage wrll be charged @ tRs.perk!/oay f detjvery of goods is oot tak€n by the Consiqnor/Consiqne€.s ihe case mdv Ir€.
consignee(s) afterexpiry of4 days from date ofan vatolgoods at destinauon. 15. All types of Cisputes arstng out of this Consignment shall be
7. If delivery ol goods is not taken by lhe coisignee(s) flihrn 3 nrontrs fron the entedainec and riied only by appropriate Courts at Gurugram,
!se i i:r€ rioht to
time of their arr va I at frnal destination the carrrer resetu-es 16. lt is obl!ai!-/ on the part of the Consignor, Consignee to declare their
sell gooasatcLTenrralel orceano rcrpat ze ro- r-€ sere f,.oceeos a-, d-o.1r CGST SCSI IGSf/UTGST Registration Number and their Registration Number
due and/or ny mount which shoutd have ac..!ed rbv wa). of freight and/ci
a a unde' CGST, SGST/IGST/UTGST & Custom Act, ncluding pAN No. ssued by
d.erlur-a9e .ro/or dnv other ano-.1 9" 6.q6uni 6. 3", Go4 oi;rora, lfar) (onsignmen€ lo, wa.,acl lrese nfrrnaEon
charges/expenditurc incuned. Consrghorrconsrgree will be sole,y rabte for art conseque.rces li,hatsoere,
6. Ihe;arrier rjll noq rnaei any .ir.rn1stunces, be re$onstbte or lable n]r toss ol financiallvorothe ise
darrage ro or desr.-cton o. !ood9 ooo.oo ano ,o,-,0 ar oarer .sk or lor an, l7 l_ a.\ r"n.. i eid,-. _.. : :S, sCS IGS-i-uS- . :Lsoons, reitsloler/
c'am for conpersar'o i.esoe.r of -. ce,tru.lto- aro rha J\/iq !,re Lo..) c 1j C.lli.o-c: :. o ie -ranrpo:T Ot erdlor.:f e: no,..avbE
Carrier reserves to itself the rght to repldate.ny ilch ciam ,vthout assigninq l'aDle dc(oL'tao e r, penal.,ed'o-..:.ane, \ ' r


Delivery Acknowledgment to be provided on _below given space.

qra qlfk d R-S-< +a tua -rq sPrIT=t qr< € I a
I: lr,
I *t'"t-l ' ( "1
',q f,c

, aQo'
,( -L)

Con signee's Stamp & Sig natu re


Exide lndustrie-d Limited
: Su rv.ey No.246, Gh.ich u rakanapa| l i,Sevaganapat I i panchayath,
lk,frishnaSiri ot,]1lllNadu-635J,03,,.,

Plant Code

Gate Entry Time :

24-01-2021.:. 20:11:20


. ta.

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