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Sample psychological report for thematic apperception test

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a psychological assessment device used to measure an individual’s personality, values, or attitudes. The TAT is a projective test that is made up of 30 pictures that show persons in black and white, engaged in ambiguous activities. The test may be
adapted for adults and children, males or females by using particular cards within the set. The test taker is asked to make up a story, telling what led up to the scene in the picture, what is happening at the current moment, how the characters are thinking and feeling, and what the outcome
will be. The original purpose of the TAT was to assess Henry Murray’s need theory of personality. Currently, clinicians or researchers use it more generally to assess personality, attitudes, and values. Background and History of the Thematic Apperception Test The TAT is based on the
projective hypothesis. Projective tests assume that the way that a test taker perceives and responds to an ambiguous scene reveals inner needs, feelings, conflicts, and desires. The responses are a “projection” of the self and are thought to be indicative of an individual’s psychological
functioning. This type of testing was influenced by Freudian thought and theories and became popular in the 1940s. Projective tests have been used in psychological testing since the 1940s and remain popular in clinical settings. They have been criticized, however, for having poor reliability
and validity. While the tests seem to generally reflect a participant’s feelings or personality, they are also potentially influenced by other variables. In particular, there is a lot of random error introduced into these tests. The participant can be influenced by temporary states, such as hunger,
sleep deprivation, drugs, anxiety, frustration, or all of these things. The results could be influenced by instructional set, examiner characteristics, the respondent’s perception of the testing situation, or all three elements. Finally, ability factors influence all projective tests, particularly verbal
ability. A meaningful interpretation of projective tests must consider all of these factors. The TAT is the most popular projective test after the Rorshach Inkblot Test, and when scored using the standardized procedure developed by Bellak or used for well-defined constructs such as
achievement motivation or affiliation, it is fairly reliable and valid. The TAT was developed as measure of Henry Murray’s need theory. Murray proposed a set of psychological needs that determined personality. He also defined common environmental forces—presses— which acted on
personality and behavior. Murray believed that the projective responses to the ambiguous TAT cards would reveal an individual’s needs and presses. Currently, the TAT is used in clinical as well as research settings to measure personality constructs. In social psychology the TAT might be
used to assess individual differences in relating to others within social settings or groups. Reference: Bellak, L., & Abrams, D. M. (1996). The T.A.T., C.A.T., and S.A.T in clinical use (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Skip to main content Skip to table of contents The Thematic Apperception
Test (TAT) is a performance-based measure developed by Christiana Morgan and Henry Murray (1935). Described as a test of literary imagination, the TAT forms the basis of an intensive analytic study by psychologists who believe that stories reveal aspects of human nature that may
otherwise remain unknown. According to Murray and Morgan, this systematic approach has provided a method to investigate those original, highly personal themes that constitute the unique personality of each individual (Murray, 1938). The core themes, subtle nuances, and even the
omissions that emerge are variants of an underlying narrative or personal representation of the individual’s past and present experience (Cramer, 1996). The TAT consists of 31 black and white pictures printed on a bristol board and designed for use as follows –11 were designed for all
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Rehabilitative Medicine Psychology Service Pediatrics New York University Langone Medical CenterNew YorkUSA what does thematic apperception test measure. what is thematic apperception test in psychology. what is the thematic apperception test used to measure. what does the
thematic apperception test measure. what is the thematic apperception test used for

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