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EDFD 460/461
Resource List for the Digital Ethnography
Dr. Nicholas Wysocki

NOTE: The Word version of this document must be uploaded to the D2L Assignment Box and a PDF version of this
document gets uploaded to your Digital Ethnography.

First Source: Content Area Standards

You located a list of content area standards and placed the URL both at the end of your Funds of Knowledge Self-
Investigation as well as Chapter 2, Exercise 2.2.

List here 3-4 of those content area standards, and/or benchmarks of those content area standards, that you feel best could
be met by intentionally connecting academic content to students’ prior knowledge, experiences, activities, interests, etc.

Benchmark #1: Exhibit civic skills, including participating in civic discussion on issues in the contemporary world,
demonstrating respect for the opinions of people or groups who have different perspectives, and reaching consensus.

Benchmark #2: Explain how different types of governments reflect historically and culturally specific understandings of the
relationships between the individual, government, and society.

Benchmark #3: Use appropriate geographic tools to analyze and explain the distribution of physical and human
characteristics of places.

APA Citation of Second Source

(Provide the APA citation of a source that examines the concept of Funds of Knowledge or Cultural Relevant (or Responsive)
teaching in your content area)

Korbey, H. (2018, May 23). A history in which we can all see ourselves. Edutopia. Retrieved April 4, 2022, from

Provide a succinct summary of this second source in bullet points:

• Who is the author? Holly Korbey
• What is her or his credibility? Holly Korbey is an author and journalist for Building Better Citizens. Her writings are
primarily on education and have been published in The New York Times, The Atlantic, Bright, Brain, Child Magazine, and

• What are some CONCRETE strategies (3-4) offered or suggested by the author to EITHER make use of learners’ Funds of
Knowledge in the teaching of your content area OR use learners’ cultural backgrounds, experiences, resources, etc. in the
teaching of your content area? (Note: You must include concrete examples, quotations, and page numbers from
this source or this entry will not be accepted as a valid analysis)

Under the “Hitting Refresh” part of the article, Korbey pointed out how using primary sources can help students
connect with the emotions and experiences of the people in these sources. This is especially true for students who might
be of the same ethnicity as the people in the primary sources. Second, Korbey showed how Dr. Taylor from Overton High
School used local resources to tie in learners’ backgrounds. She taught her class about Civil War Reconstruction and how
it led to violence and lynchings. Hearing this, a group of students found out that there was a lynching site about 20
minutes away from their school. They located these sites, marked them, and held memorials for the victims. “I think
about Dr. Taylor’s class all the time because it really helped to shape my character and gave me a position to use my
voice,” said Khamilla Johnson, one of Dr. Taylor’s students. “Dr. Taylor reminded me that I do have a voice, that I can
speak out about things that matter and make a difference.” Lastly under the “Changing Requirements” section on the
article, Korbey suggested how a change in requirements can lead to learners’ experiences being used. Recently, the
Philadelphia school district made it a requirement for students to complete at least one African American History class to
graduate. Montana, Washington, and Wisconsin have made the same requirement regarding Native American History.
“The more people understand other perspectives and the more we include underrepresented people in history, the more
they are legitimized as American history,” says Shana Brown, who helped write the Native American history curriculum
for Washington.


APA Citation of Third Source

(Provide the APA citation of this second source that examines the concept of Funds of Knowledge or Cultural Relevant (or
Responsive) teaching in your content area)

Ukpokodu, O. (n.d.). Culturally conscientious classrooms - Essential Characteristics of a Culturally

Conscientious Classroom. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from

Provide a succinct summary of this third source in bullet points:

• Who is the author? Omiunota Ukpokodu
• What is her or his credibility? Omiunota Ukpokodu is originally from Nigeria where she taught elementary, secondary,
and teacher training classes until she came to the United States in 1982. She is now a professor in the School of
Education at the University of Missouri. Her research areas include teacher education, multicultural education,
transformative learning, culturally responsive pedagogy, social justice education, and social studies and citizenship
education. Her publications have been recognized nationally and internationally, she won the Outstanding Education
Service Award in 2018, and she is the founder and president of the International Association of African Educators.

• What are some CONCRETE strategies (3-4) offered or suggested by the author to EITHER make use of learners’ Funds of
Knowledge in the teaching of your content area OR use learners’ cultural backgrounds, experiences, resources, etc. in the
teaching of your content area? (Note: You must include concrete examples, quotations, and page numbers from
this source or this entry will not be accepted as a valid analysis

• On page 5 under Principle 2, Ukpokodu suggests that a culturally conscientious classroom builds off the knowledge and
resources students bring to the classroom. The teacher should recognize and include student resources in the official
curriculum. For example, a teacher in Ladson-Billings starts her US history class by discovering how her students’
families and cultures are connected to events in US history. This way students are motivated and feel empowered
because the curriculum is relevant to their culture and experiences. On page 6 under Principle 3, Ukpokodu points out
how connecting curriculum to where students are in their lives will result in an increase in motivation. Ukpokodu uses
the example of asking students if they’ve ever moved before and what it was like to connect them to the concept of
migration in history. And on page 7 under Principle 6, Ukpokodu suggests that a conscientious social studies teacher will
value students’ families and communities and use them as resources in the curriculum. What students learn should be
relevant to their families and communities. Involvement with students’ communities could lead to great opportunities to
have someone that they know come to class and share their perspective on a topic relevant to them which could bring
about first-hand learning for the whole class.

APA Citation of Fourth Source

(Provide the APA citation of a source that offers some concrete, useful suggestions for developing learner’s 21st Century
Skills in your content area – See Chapter 4 of my textbook for a discussion of the P21 Framework)

Hanifan, O. (2022, January 10). 5 ways to establish effective communication in the classroom. Mentimeter. Retrieved April 18,
2022, from

• Who is the author? Olivia Hanifan

• What is her or his credibility? Olivia Hanifan is a content creator for Mentimeter. She has been writing for them since
January 2021.

Provide 3-4 suggestions, offered by this source, in succinct bullet points:

(You are required to include author’s examples, quotations, strategies, instances, etc. in the bullet points below!!)
• One of Hanifan’s suggestions to improve communication in the classroom is to incorporate more teamwork into lesson
plans. Teamwork and collaboration are skills that are transferable across all aspects of life, and it’s important to
improve them at an early age. Pairing or grouping students together that might not interact with each other outside of
class will cause them to ask more questions and listen more carefully.
• Positive feedback is another suggestion from Hanifan. Although negative feedback can cause positive outcomes, positive
feedback is a key part of improving communication in the classroom. Praising a student’s accomplishment will build
their confidence and shows them how to provide positive feedback to one another, the importance of showing
gratitude, recognition, and appreciation.
• Hanifan’s next point is to not stand at the front of the classroom. Moving around the classroom during class and getting
more involved will create less of a student-teacher feel. Moving to individual desks or chiming in on small discussions
will make students feel more comfortable and open. Moving closer to students who usually don’t participate encourages
them to contribute to the discussion without having to speak as loud.
• The last point from Hanifan involves active listening. This means listening to hear the students, not just giving a quick
answer. Taking time to listen to students and think about what they are going through will help them value the skill of
active listening and will improve their ability to connect with their peers.



APA Citation of Fifth Source

(Provide the APA citation of a source that offers some concrete, useful suggestions for developing learner’s 21st Century
Skills in your content area – See Chapter 4 of my textbook for a discussion of the P21 Framework)

Risinger, C. F. (2008). Teaching and Learning about Skills for the 21st Century Using the Internet. Retrieved April 18, 2022,
from Teaching and Learning about Skills for the 21st Century Using the Internet

• Who is the author? C. Frederick Risinger

• What is her or his credibility? C. Frederick Risinger graduated from Northern and Southern Illinois University and has a
Bachelor of Science in education and a Master of Arts in history. He has worked with the Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development, the National Council for Social Studies, and the National Council of History Education. He has
worked for the University of Indiana in a number of roles, including coordinator for the School of Social Studies.

Provide 3-4 suggestions, offered by this source, in succinct bullet points:

(You are required to include author’s examples, quotations, strategies, instances, etc. in the bullet points below!!)
• Risinger listed several links to help teachers use modern technology to improve their learners’ 21st century skills. In one
of the links, he showed Mr. Gilchrist’s Social Studies Blog. It is a blog site from a social studies teacher in Calgary,
Canada. It is used to announce homework and summarize lessons, leading to clear communication between teacher and
• Another link Risinger suggested is one that gives details on virtual worlds. According to Web 2.0, these virtual worlds
are the fastest-growing “collaborative technologies and can give students new perspectives on topics after they enter
these virtual worlds in a historical setting.
• The International Society for Technology in Education is a link Risinger suggested. It is an organization that sponsors
the National Education Computing Conference. This link explores the different ways students can use the latest tools in
technology to expand the learning experience.

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