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PS C:\Users\eurspinstallacc> $myWebApp = Get-SPWebApplication "http://mysite-eur"
PS C:\Users\eurspinstallacc> foreach ($prop in $myWebApp.Properties.GetEnumerato
r() | Sort-Object -Property Name) {Write-Host " - " $prop.Name "->" $prop.Value
- MySiteRedirectConfig -> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--Keys that are not listed will be copied with the same key and value
unless listed in the Excluded keys-->
<QueryString OriginalKey="accountname" TargetKey="k" Mode="Ensure" />
<QueryString OriginalKey="accountname" TargetKey="k" Mode="Ensure" />

<QueryString OriginalKey="Source" />
<!--Keys that are not listed will be copied with
the same key and value unless listed in the Excluded keys-->
<QueryString OriginalKey="accountname" TargetKey
="u" ValueMapRule="AccountToUserId" />
<QueryString TargetKey="u" TargetValue="" ValueM
apRule="AccountToUserId" Mode="Ensure" />
<QueryString TargetKey="tab" TargetValue="Profil
e_Others_Org_Chart#tab=My_Org_Chart" ValueMapRule="" Mode="Override" />
<!--Keys that are not listed will be copied with
the same key and value unless listed in the Excluded keys-->
<QueryString TargetKey="hideNavigation" TargetVa
lue="1" ValueMapRule="" Mode="Override" />

<UrlMappings EnableDefaultRedirection="False">
<Url OriginalUrl="" TargetU
rl="" QueryStringMapp
ings="Default" MatchMode="Exact" SorryUrl="
<Url OriginalUrl="
spx" TargetUrl="" Que
ryStringMappings="Default" MatchMode="Exact" SorryUrl="http://mysite-eur.nestle.
com/Pages/Sorry.aspx" />
<Url OriginalUrl="
px" TargetUrl="" Que
ryStringMappings="Default" MatchMode="Exact" SorryUrl="http://mysite-eur.nestle.
com/Pages/Sorry.aspx" />
<Url OriginalUrl="
ionView.aspx" TargetUrl="
.aspx" QueryStringMappings="AddOrgChartTab" MatchMode="Exact" SorryUrl="http://m" />
<Url OriginalUrl="
NestContent/EditProfileRedirect.aspx" TargetUrl="
m/_layouts/Editprofile.aspx" QueryStringMappings="Empty" MatchMode="Exact" UrlMa
pRule="ReplaceZone" SorryUrl="" />


- nest_navigationcacheenabled -> true

- nest_resourcequerystring -> ?version=8_11
- portalsuperreaderaccount -> i:0#.w|NESTLE\EURSpCacheSRAcc
- portalsuperuseraccount -> i:0#.w|NESTLE\EURSpCacheSUAcc

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