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Instruction: Make an outline of the sequence of the teaching procedures observed by

the teacher.
Ma’am Annalyn Mae Campos-Ellorin’s teaching procedures are as follows:
Greets the students
Recaps or reviews the last lesson (Prose and its types)
Ma’am Ellorin along with the students read aloud the objectives of the present lesson
Individual activity as a motivation
Students present their output
Reading the definition of Poetry
Connects the students output to the definition of poetry
Introduces the types of poetry
Present the subtypes of poetry with its examples
Generalization and Application (connecting the relevance of poetry in real-life)
Group activity
Asking the students for their feedback about today’s lesson
1. What is the Subject Matter taught by the teacher and the Competencies? What is
the target level?

Ma’am Annalyn Mae Campos-Ellorin’s demo teaching is about Poetry and its types for
Grade 11. During the teaching-learning process, there are competencies that can be
observe and those are: Oral language, listening comprehension, writing and composition.

2. Did the teacher apply a logical sequence of teaching poetry? Explain your answer.

The teacher applies the logical sequence of teaching poetry because ma’am Ellorin first
defines the poetry and one by one introduces the types of poetry and its sub-types along
with examples. Each example that she introduces, she gives a quick overview and short
summaries moreover, she introduces some poets.

3. What did you observe with the questioning techniques of the teacher?
During the discussion, I could observe that the teacher used a questioning technique that
asks about their familiarity with the examples of the sub-types of poetry which can
effectively awaken the students’ attention. After the discussion, the teacher asks
subjective questions which are connected in real life that could let the students think

4. If you are her student, will you learn the lesson based on her teacher method?
Explain your answer.

The teacher’s teaching method is the typical way of teaching, the normal and benign way.
And with this kind of method, the students usually forget what they learn the next day.
Thus, if I am her student, I will surely learn the types of the poetry on the day of
discussion however, that knowledge will only be stored at my short-term memory
because just like I said, she teaches in a typical and normal way and during the
discussion, the student’s connection in teaching and learning process is lacking.

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