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TopAccolade News Project Round off:

1- Change the media upload and retrieval from Website Public folder in to Cloud
storage such as S3 bucket AWS.

2- Optimize site streaming video for faster performance by calling it from aws S3
bucket and possibly play none-mp4 format and make the effect like Facebook videos.

3- Implement Archiving functionality for all the news we publish on the website.

4 Make CSS and Styling Design amendment for these pages:

// Design needed pages

[Project_Homepage] URL Image Path correction and some CSS Correction to make news
articles look louder and beautiful and no only newly published news should be
showing on the Homepage and other Category pages and not those with 3-4 months old
as it show now.




5- Add “total views” and “Likes” of News Articles and Videos (with eye icon, etc).

6- Make the advert payment to be subscription based.

7- Add front end form which the public can use to send their own news contents or
video they may want us to publish about them.
The upload form will have the following fields:
(a) Title of Video
(a) Small Description of the content of the video
(c) Checkbox slide button confirmation that the uploader is the other of the video
he is about to share.
(d) Checkbox slide button to confirm that he agrees to the video being edited where
necessary and has given us the permission to publish part or all the videos.
(The video after uploaded will be received by an admin who will then assign it to a
publisher admin who will review, edit and then publish the videos to his articles.
(Note Publisher users already exists in the system)

8- Add SEO features where needed in the app to improve google ranking and add
security header for meta tags.

9- Upgrade the website from version 5 - 7version and make the site load very

10- To be able to see the news published by each publishers fro their banckend
dashboard. Right now all news displays in one Admin backend dashboard for all users
which needs separating for every admin users so it is clearer in each Admin's
respective Grid or dashboard.

website link is:

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