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Hello 3M Families,

We are headed into the home stretch with only 8 weeks left to go! This is an exciting time of the year,
which is jam packed with learning and fun! We are working hard every day to be prepared for next year,
I have told my students they are fourth graders in training!
In Language Arts, students are exhibiting growth in their reading with comprehension, accuracy,
fluency and expanding their vocabulary. Students have been continuing their daily word sorts and
grammar practice. This month the students will be writing mini story books. They will be working
through the various stages of the writing process (planning, writing their rough draft, editing, and
revising, peer editing, teacher conference, publishing with completed illustrations and a book cover).
They will be presenting their final products, reading their stories to their classmates and their grade one
book buddies later this month.
In Math, we have completed our multiplication and division unit up to 5 X 5, however, we will continue
to review our facts for the remainder of the year. We have started our unit on fractions last week and
learned that fractions are equal parts of a whole or a set. They have learned the math vocabulary
words numerator and denominator. We are practicing how to represent fractions. with pictures and
numbers. We are learning how to read, write, and say fractions. This week we will be creating fraction
sundaes and writing our flavours as fractions on our recipe cards. Later this month in math, we will be
working on our measurement unit (passage of time, grams, kilograms, centimeters, and meters).
In Science, we have completed our unit on Animal Life Cycles. Students learned about invertebrates,
vertebrates, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and birds. Students had the opportunity to read with
expression as they read aloud for the class the readers' theater scripts about animal classifications.
They also completed a research project that detailed the behaviour, adaptations, habitat, diet, life cycle,
and fun facts about their animal! They had to become a researcher and record notes of their findings
before they completed the final animal fact file. Students then did a wonderful job of orally presenting
the information about their animal. Your child is bringing home their animal project fact file this week.
Please have them read it to you so they can show you all that they learned about their animal.
In May we will switch back to Social Studies and will be studying our final country, Tunisia. This week
we focused on the national symbols, geography, and climate of Tunisia. Next week, we will be
exploring Tunisian fashion, food, festivals, celebrations, music, dance, and art. We will also view a slide
show on Tunisia, which is on our class website. We will also check out Google Maps as an interactive
way to take a virtual field trip to Tunisia and explore the many scenic sights.
In Art, students have completed oil pastel butterflies, April Showers watercolours, and this week they
will be drawing and painting flowers to display on our class windows for the Spring Art Walk on May 7th.
Students will also be working on a Mother’s Day activities this week to celebrate all the Moms! Thanks
so much for all your continued support with their learning.

Take Care,
Mrs. Tracey Mahoney

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