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Unidad 2- task 2 – This is me

Presentado por:

Jineth Karina Chisco Cuellar




Milton Andrés Rosero

Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil –UNAD

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


STAGE 2 -3

Hello, my name is Jineth Karina Chisco Cuellar, I am twenty-two years old, I am from
Villavicencio-meta, and I live in Esperanza, second stage. At the same time, I find myself
living with my mother and my two pets in a fairly busy area where you can find several
stores. , bakeries, shops and a large park that has soccer, volleyball and basketball courts,
Zumba activities and some tournaments are held in said park. Also, I am going to tell you
what I normally do in my week, every day I get up at half past five in the morning, I have
breakfast at six to start the day with energy, and then I leave my house to go to work. I am
working as an independent teacher which allows me to study and work at the same time, I
usually leave work at six in the afternoon and the time I have left is dedicated to grading
papers or many times I go to the gym, I have dinner before seven and my lunch time is at
twelve but sleep times always vary between eleven and one in the morning. In addition, I
am studying child pedagogy at the National Open and Distance University where I
emphasize that one of my favorite hobbies is playing volleyball, in addition, I like to sing,
read, do crafts and travel by motorcycle.

In the development of this activity I learned to use the connectors, to create a portfolio
which required a lot of time and dedication, since I had never done it before, also,
consciously carry out each of the topics suggested in the e-book, constantly participate in
the forum, taking into account the time you could allocate to advance the work. Likewise, I
emphasize that this work is important because all the knowledge acquired is good for one to
implement in the classroom and even help one as a teacher to have bases to create
activities, strategies that motivate the student to learn English in a more dynamic way, such
as using an electronic book, also contributes greatly because it is a means of support that
facilitates the learning of this language and helps to acquire vocabulary, everything is
worked on in groups such as listening, speaking and writing.

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