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ays @* DANAH UNIVERSAL SCHOOL OF KUWAIT MAY SuagSII (a duallell 2}! dusyse RLF EDUCATION FOR TOMORROW'S WORLD NEWSLETTER PRINCIPALS’ MESSAGE: Dae As Ramadan ends, so too does our academic year for 2022. This year we saw our students slowly come back to school after two years of pandemic. There was much to be achieved to start to bridge the gap of learning and we did it as a unified community of teachers, students, parents and administration. On behalf of KG, ES, MS, HS we would like to take this opportunity to show our gratitude to each and every one of our school community members. The year is not yet over and Q4 exams are about to begin. Take care and work hard to achieve the goals to secure the future that awaits you. Our prayers go out especially to G12 who write their final exams and then move beyond school to universities, colleges and institutions around the world, It is indeed an exciting time - but also a time that should be MEMAMEN dedicated to planning and thoughtful execution to fulfil the end of a school career. : In the month of May, we will have Graduations for KG2, G5, G8 and G12. z EME We wish each and every graduate both big and small a wonderful experience and rite of passage. Each one of our students who will graduate deserve mention of excellence. We are so happy for you, and we wish you well on your journey ahead. As a school we also take a last wish to welcome in the Eid period. There is much to celebrate and be thankful for. G12 Graduation CORE VALUE OF THE MONTH: APPRECIATION The supportive environment at DUSK allows us to show our appreciation for life, learning and opportunities. TIPS FOR EXAM PREPARATIONS: 1. Create a revision schedule and include break times. 2. Study in an environment where you can concentrate without any distractions. 3. Eat healthy food and stay hydrated. 4, Get enough sleep and don't stay up too late. za Various activities for the month of June will be broadcast. Stay tuned ce | cognia: © Dusk_kw Ei Danah Universal School of Kuwait © (J 22218123 A fer DANAH UNIVERSAL SCHOOL OF KUWAIT CuugSI! (8 duallall Aula! dusyae RF EDUCATION FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD. telyaoll Albu PORES Eset] Lig, ball ia 8.1 TY lal dyopulSY Liaw LO) gti oliney oth elgil go Oatty gill 15 shia ISA elygll Go Guale ass as jaall eden Ggagsy Lidl Graleall G0 2age goineS Alls Liled aig olsill 6gn8 aus 8 sail! addins Lule oka 5425 Gh api Lglalya guoay daw jacll Ge dls 3,loYly p90! elalglg DUally Lately ats atts al plell Litas a0 gaia alsa coo a8 JS Lslitel jlglby au yal ay Joely tladiy ite all tig le (lst! gayi! ey! ual pall 5 all Ayla ill Jada Quali sla gadadl egibilaial 9a§1 Guill ste (31H! Ball dle Gol] Gals JS) Lites dagit slasl gion pf Slasaifallg “ialSIlg nolo 1] dat ysoll (50 GpLAinu gd auilgil AuAiillg dasa arama 19) cig LEy! aiSlg ~ yrte cig! Lia ai] allel! 255 Lal gS gule soi 8 Aur jaall 6 daigall a slgs Gada Gag s2all epic SL acl yall dually «gavel! call «itil! sginoll duzag yl US Gaia Sasi 99 40 Guplilog 8525 | yudse ol |yuaS GIS! elyuw Qu 5 USI Gintig AI Gatg Alla ya Lig elaeus a juaill 9S 99 pStne Guill Lia Gye alla Syd (98 Lay cans pill ysl Adal Liab AusyooS Aledo! Alida y 8 Gadgill 4 Silla JlAGADU 2S ig asa hla ae yaaa 1 Aoudll 2 pill eleill Sal L y1a85 sigh] Asollell Ailall Aw yao 6 Aoelall Atal Ll Qui :OlaieSU puasill ables Gals Gligl Greats oi le Asal ye Jota elisily oi -\ uss ol (ogo 545 pill [gas A1iSoy Ais 8 Au! yall -T stlisghe y le dailag in.e Lalals Jglis -Y pilin cdg! sau Yo agill ya AIS dauud Le Juan! -£ © Dusk_kw Ei Danah Universal School of Kuwait @

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