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Facultatea de Psihologie 

si Ştiinţele Educaţiei
PIPP – Bucuresti

Disciplina: Limba Engleza

Anul I, Semestrul I

Nume, Prenume:


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

A. Joanna wishes she 9)….was….. (be) a ballet dancer. If she 10) …could…. (can), she 11) …
would have joined..…. (join) the Royal Ballet, but she hasn’t been trained. “If only I 12) ……
took… (take) lessons!” she says. Her parents told her that they 13) …would have sent…... (send)
her to ballet school when she was a girl if they 14) …had….. (have) enough money but,
unfortunately, they weren’t as well-off then as they are now. “How I wish my parents 15) …
were able… (be able) to afford to send me to the Academy,” she says. “If I have a daughter, I
16) …will make… (make) sure she has the opportunity to study there if she wants to.

B. My friend Jessica 17) ……has recently changed….. (recently/change) jobs. She 18)
…..worked…… (work) as a nurse before she 19) ……deciding…… (decide) she wanted to do
something different. At the moment 20) ……she works….. (work) in a temporary job in a school
near Leeds.

C. Sarah 28) …left…. (leave) school two years ago and for the last year she 29) …has been
looking…. (look) for a decent job. She 30) …hopes…. (hope) to find work as a secretary but as
she 31) …has never done…. (never/do) a secretarial course before, I think she 32) …will
have…. (have) some difficulty in finding such a job.

2. Translate the following text into English:

“Trăim vremuri interesante. Deși suntem mai liberi, mai sănătoși și mai înstăriți ca oricând,
cumva, totul pare să se fi defectat într-un mod oribil și ireparabil: planeta se încălzește, guvernele
eșuează, economiile se prăbușesc și toată lumea se declară ofensată pe Twitter. În acest punct al
istoriei, când avem acces la tehnologie, educație și comunicare cu o ușurință la care strămoșii
noștri nici n-ar fi visat, prea mulți dintre noi se simt lipsiți de speranță.
Cu erudiție și umor, Manson ne ia de guler și ne provoacă să fim mai sinceri cu noi înșine și
mai conectați cu lumea în moduri la care probabil că nu ne-am mai gândit până acum” (Mark
We live in interesting times. Although we are freer, healthier and richer than ever,
somehow everything seems to be broken in a horrible and irreparable way : the planet is
warming up, the governments are falling, economies are collapsing and everyone declares
offended on Twitter. At this point in history, when we have acces at technology, education and
comunication with an ease that our ancestours would not have dreamed of, to many of us feels
With erudition and humor, Manson takes us by the collar and challenges us to be more
honest with ourselves and more connected to the world in ways we probably never thought of

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