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Level 3 Inquiry Reflection & Findings

Using the formative and summative assessment data you collected during the enactment of
your plan and the data you collected when analyzing your video for the outcomes related to
your wondering, respond thoroughly to the following questions. *Include as an appendix the
chart or graph you created to communicate your assessment results (FEAP 4f).

#1 Analysis of your formative & summative assessment data:

 What were the results of your assessment? – Very successful! My assessment
was incorporating more hands-on learning activities during my lesson and having
my students move around to increase student engagement/concentration.
 Which students achieved the learning objective(s) and which did not? – In the
data provided at the bottom of this page, it shows the results of what students
were paying attention to during certain parts of my lesson and who weren’t.
Overall, at the end when the students were completing the activity, they were
labeling their skeletons with the scientific information we learned. That shows the
majority of them understood the learning objective.
 Which of the following helped or hindered your students’ learning “teaching
methods, activities, instructional materials, planned differentiation strategies?”
– The activities and instructional materials helped my students learn the most.
Coming well prepared and with different resources helped maintain my student’s
attention and encouraged participation. I wouldn’t say anything hindered my
student’s learning, but maybe should have used more turn and talks.
 If your assessment(s) did not adequately provide the information you needed
relative to your learning objective(s), how would you change the assessment(s)
you used to gain more appropriate information? If your assessment(s) did
provide adequate data relative to your learning objective(s), what would your
next instructional steps be – what would you do for students who met your
objectives and what would you do for those who did not? – My assessment did
provide adequate data relative to my learning objective. My next instructional
step in future assessments would be to follow the same method used for this
lesson. Show a video, read an article as a class, and give some sort of activity or
worksheet for the students to do. This helped me see that I have 5 students who
work better with partners rather than independently and who they are sitting next
to on the carpet is important for them to pay attention.

#2 Planning for the success of ELL students: Explicitly describe the instruction and
assessment you planned to meet the needs of ELL students. If you enacted your plan with ELL
students, what were the outcomes for those students? Did these students meet the learning

I have no ELL students in my classroom, so I did not have to enact an instructional plan for
them. If I had to I would probably accommodate by reading slower, repeating my instructions
a couple of times, and including more imagery for the students who need it.

#3 Findings from Data Analysis: After looking across/analyzing all of the data collected and
actions taken, what learning statements/claims might you make (minimum of 3 statements)?
For each learning statement, describe the data or evidence that you used to develop that
claim, including proper citations if literature/course connections served as evidence.

Try more of keeping the environment stimulating. That will help stimulate their minds and help
them concentrate more. 6 Behavior Management Strategies for Your Classroom in 2021.
Opinion: Stimulating classroom environments help students, Teachers Education
World. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2022, from

Don’t always do the same teaching strategies, mix it up to keep student attention/engagement.

Have more student discussions/turn and talks to increase student engagement.

#4 Conclusion/Final Reflection: Reflect upon your inquiry work as a whole. Thoroughly

address the following questions -
 What did you learn about yourself as a teacher? – That I am the type of teacher who
likes my students to learn through creativity and interest. I think teaching through
discussion and turn and talks are the best for engagement and building a strong
student community.
 What were the most powerful adjustments you made during the planning process? –
Just trying a new style with the way that I usually teach. I had to trust more of the art
activity as an informal assessment, and it worked. I also incorporated using more
technology with the projector settings.
 What do you believe would be the most beneficial changes you could make next to
improve student learning? - Just incorporating more student discussion in my lessons
and being open to the idea of learning through art.
 What have you learned about using data as a part of your teaching? What did you
learn by evaluating data with your teaching peers (CT, cohort, resource teachers?) I
learned that collecting data helps us teachers see what’s working and what’s not in
our classroom environment. Data helps us see what needs to change in order to help
our students succeed. I learned that this is a great formative strategy that definitely
helped communicate some important data relative to my class.
 What new wonderings do you have?
- What are other fun techniques to keep my students engaged or how to better
differentiate engagement?


Y/N=Both to paying
Devan Y N Y
Karlena Y Y Y
Tori Y Y Y
Kira Y Y Y
Damyen Y Y Y
Ronnie N N/Y Y/N
Addyson Y Y Y

Seth Y Y Y
Roman Y Y Y
Nevah Y N Y
Colton Y N Y/N
Emma Y Y Y
Andrew Y Y Y
Jager Y Y/N Y
Jakobi Y Y Y
Brianna Y Y Y
Aria Y Y Y
Dylan Y N Y
Clayton Y N Y
Jaiden Y Y Y


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