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Beas, D., Beas, S., Hernandez, D., & Trujillo, M.


General Questions
1. Please tell me about your cultural background and identity.
2. How relevant is your undocumented status to you?
3. What educational limitations within college have you experienced because of your legal status?
4. How does your undocumented status affect your ability to fit in on campus?
5. Tell us about your experience interacting with faculty and administrators.
6. What type of knowledge do you possess from your family, community, or culture that has benefited your
collegiate experience? [cultural capital]
7. Based on your undergraduate experience, how can your institution provide a more welcoming space for
undocumented students?

Community Cultural Wealth Model Questions

1. How do you navigate and utilize services for undocumented and Latinx students?
[navigational capital]
2. Do you speak more than one language? If so, how does speaking two or more languages enhance your
linguistic skills? [linguistic capital]
3. When encountering discrimination or racism based on your legal status, how are you able to overcome
it? [resistance capital]
4. How does the support of your family and friends contribute to your academic success? [familial capital]
5. Do you believe you have an established social network(s) you can rely on for support? If yes, how did
you build this social network? If not, what has made it difficult to build it? [social capital]
6. When feeling discouraged at the university, what type of familial stories (cuentos), advice (consejos), or
proverbs (dichos) do you hold onto as a source of motivation? [aspirational capital]

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