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Math Project:

Van Hiele
By: Emma, Taylor, & Emilee
Van Hiele Levels Explained
Level 0: Visualization-Shapes
● Shapes are grouped by their appearance based on similarities and differences.
Level 1: Analysis- Classes of Shapes
● Shapes are grouped by their properties at this level.
Level 2: Informal Deduction-Properties of Shapes
● Logical arguments regarding the properties are made at this level and inclusion of informal logical
thinking begins.
Level 3: Deduction-Relationship Among Properties
● At this level, distinction and relationship between different axiomatic systems occur.
Level 4: Rigor-Deductive System of Properties
● Abstract statements and conclusions based on logic rather than intuition are made.
Background of Students
Clara Lily
9 years old
11 years old
3rd Grade
5th Grade
Getting tested for gifted
Strengths: Strong math skills, Advanced Strengths: Strong math skills with grade level
reading for grade level Area of Difficulty: Struggles with geometric
Area of Difficulty: rushes through assignment thinking, couldn’t recall specific shape names
due to task being “easy” (trapezoid)
New Shapes: Match it: Color By Sides:
Students will show how to Students will match shapes Students will color each shape
divide the shapes and make based of the total number of by the total number of sides.
new shapes. sides.
Task Explanation
Why is it appropriate for the students?
- We truly did not know what level of geometric
thinking the students would be on however we felt
like this activity was a good outline to see what level
they would fall under.

How we anticipated it helping asses levels?

- We believed that the tasks were on a level 1, we
chose this level as a starting level due to their
mathematical language at their age.
- We chose these assignments based on the level of
difficulty of the questions we asked.
Questions Asked
Questions Planned to Ask:
New Shapes:
Rhombus into 2 triangles ask…
- Is there another way to cut the shape in half and make another
All Shapes:
- Do these shapes have any similarities/ anything in common?
Match it:
- Are the triangles all the same? Why are they different?
Color By Sides:
- what are the names of some of the shapes?
Questions Asked
Questions Asked In the Moment:
New Shapes:
- After asking them to cut the rhombus in half I asked “How
many triangles did you make?”
Match it:
- Did you notice any other similarities or differences after
categorizing the shapes by sides?
Color By Sides:
- Why didn’t you color the circle?
- Did you see any differences in the shapes with 3 sides? 4 sides?
5 sides? etc.
Added Assignment: (Student compared the images describing how
they are alike and different)
Students’ Work & Mathematical Thinking
Student 1: Clara
Easily made new shapes on the “Make New Shapes”
- Clara cut the rhombus into 2 triangles diagonally to the left; after asking her if there was
another way to cut the rhombus, she said yes and drew another line diagonally to the right.
She identified that this then created 4 triangles, similar to how she cut the square.
- When asked about the similarities among the shapes, she shared that the rhombus, rectangle,
and square all had 4 sides.

When asked why she did not color the circle on “Color By Sides” she said, “because it has 0 sides”
On the “Color By sides” Clara…
- Counted sides and took a minute to identify octagon
- Couldn't remember trapezoid or pentagon and said, “Only when I’m in school I can think”

On ”Match It” we asked “Are the triangles different?” her response was
- “Some are taller than others” and “That one’s skinner than that one”

On the added question, Clara identified that the sides were parallel on the rectangle.
Students’ Work & Mathematical Thinking
Student 2: Lily
Make new shapes worksheet
- Is easily able to turn shapes into new shapes when prompted
- Great understanding of the shapes properties and how they can be used to make new
- Notices similarities in all shapes, “most of them are parallel, and symmetrical”, “they all
have 4 sides”

Color by Sides
- She is able to recognize how many sides each shape has
- Struggles a little on the irregular looking shapes, works a little slower when counting
“Circle has no sides”
- Recognizes that all triangles are not the same because “their angles are different”
- Recognizes right triangles vs acute triangles
- Does well on shape names but does need some reminder on shapes with more than 4
- Says “diamond” when asked what a Rhombus is
Analysis of Van Hiele Levels
Student 1: Clara Student 2: Lily

- Level 1- beginner, uses shape names - Progressing level 1- she, identifies

and can identify shapes by properties shapes by the number of sides and
angle measure
- She could easily see the differences in
the shapes and properties - Can easily put shapes into groups using
properties with correct justification
- Not yet to the logical thinking of a level
2 student
Progressing Forward
Instruction must match the student’s level of thought.

Student 1: Clara Student 2: Lily

-We would have Clara cut a - We would continue to
square piece of paper into 4 work on her knowledge
triangles and arrange the of angles, sides and
triangles to create various properties like parallel
polygons. lines vs perpendicular
- We would also teach her more lines.
about shape properties such as - An assignment like
angles, different triangles, and constructing shapes
other classifications. using pre-made lines and
angles would be very
- We would have the students solve problems that are more complex and
require more critical thinking.
- Allowing more exploration with shapes.
- Group shapes and explain reasoning
- Another assignment that would have allowed us to get a better feel
for their Van Hiele Level would be to have the students use shape
manipulatives and explore various ways that other shapes can fit into
each one and explain their discoveries.
Thank You!

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