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Teachers of Color

Growing up in school was a bit challenging for me because many of my teachers were white

women. There weren’t many teachers of color and up until now a lot of people from diverse

backgrounds and cultures have gotten into the field of education. Teachers of color are a huge

part of the education community because these are the teachers that often tend to make a

difference in students that are a minority. Teachers of color should be appreciated more because

they want to help students become something more in life and give them a better opportunity.

All around the world there is a lack of diversity in teachers, not just CCSD. Although there is

a lot of diversity in students there still is not enough diversity in teachers. While researching

upon teachers of color I read something interesting that stated that there are more than 54% of

students of color but for teachers there were approximately 18% of teachers of color. I feel like

people of color are looking for better job opportunities and want more than what a teaching job

can offer them although I feel like they would want to help these students, but at the same thing

they want a job with better benefits and teachers are underpaid for their hard work. Teachers of

color are needed in the community to connect with students more.

Things I have learned while doing research on teachers of colors are that Black and Latino

teachers often tend to quit more due to stress and the racism that they often receive. While some

of these teachers may have a higher position parents tend to be racist while assuming that they

would be different. A lot of these teachers try to help students out but most of the time they have

inadequate training. While there are quite a few teachers of color leaving this profession there is

also a decline in students who want to major in education and often tend to change their degree

to a different profession. Another reason some of these teachers tend to leave is that sometimes
when a student is going through something personal it tends to hit them personally because

sometimes these teachers of color have gone through the same thing.

While looking more into this topic it affects me because it seems like a lot of teachers of color

seem to give up and leave this profession. I feel like this affects me because it is giving me a

negative perception but at the same time, I feel like I want to be able to prove myself and be able

to help these students out. At first when I was reading about how all these teachers are affected

and decided to leave it motivated me to push myself harder to become a teacher and although

there is a lot of things that happen, I can reach my goals and be a mentor and a safe space for

these minorities and be able to help them accomplish their goals.

While reading and looking at different articles for teachers of colors a lot of these teachers

tend to try and stay and overcome all these obstacles to be able to help these minorities and push

them forward. I want to be able to push myself and overcome these obstacles as well. As I had a

lot of teachers that were white women, I want these kids to know that they can be anything they

set their mind to. Teachers of color are needed, and they make a difference in these kids' lives.

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