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 Pathophysiology of the disorder

 Laboratory Examination and Diagnostic Tests
 1 drug study or risperidone
 First actual nursing care plan
Preterm at birth- 30 weeks
3 lbs.
37 y.o when get pregnant and 39 father
Synapses are brain structures that allows the neurons to transmit an electrical or chemical signal to another
Serotonin and Autism Research
Despite the high blood serotonin, studies also show low levels of serotonin in the brain of people on the
spectrum. Serotonin in the blood does not pass into the brain, instead, the brain makes its own. The studies
also reveal that those with low brain serotonin see some of their symptoms worsen such as:
 Increased repetitive behaviors
 More irritability and mood swings
 Heightened challenge with social behavior and face processing
Serotonin, the brain chemical best known for its link to depression, may also be involved in autism.
Those with too little serotonin level have repetitive behaviors and social difficulties.
In the mature brain, serotonin is a neurotransmitter: It relays messages between neurons. Its level at the
synapse is tightly controlled by the serotonin transporter, which pumps serotonin back into neurons and
recycles it for later use. This transporter may be altered in people with autism
Synaptic pruning is believed to remove unnecessary synaptic connections to make room for relevant new
memories, but because it is disrupted in diseases such as autism and schizophrenia, there has recently
been widespread interest in the subject.
Dr. Smith points out that the mice with too many brain connections, which do not undergo synaptic pruning,
are able to learn spatial locations, but are unable to re-learn new locations after the initial learning,
suggesting that too many brain connections may limit learning potential.
GABA is a neurotransmitter that blocks impulses between nerve cells in the brain. Low levels of GABA may
be linked to:
 Anxiety or mood disorders
 Epilepsy
 Chronic pain
Children with autism have an imbalance of excitation and inhibition in the brain, according to the first study
to measure synchrony between brain networks using magnetoencephalography (MEG).
Many people with autism and related disorders have seizures. Others have speech problems and difficulty
filtering sensory information.,in%20several
A low melatonin level has been reported in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but the
underlying cause of this deficit was unknown.
A tiny chunk of the brain’s emotion center, the amygdala, is enlarged in some autistic children. And the
larger this piece, the more anxious and depressed a child is likely to be.
A range of physical and mental-health conditions frequently accompany autism. They include, but are not
limited to, the following:
 Gastrointestinal (GI) problems
 Epilepsy
 Feeding issues
 Disrupted sleep
 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
 Anxiety
 Depression
 Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
 Schizophrenia
 Bipolar Disorder
Hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe. It has a major role in
learning and memory. hippocampal activity is required for forming and reconstructing relational memory
Spatial relationship memories involve pathways or routes. For example, when a cab driver learns a route
through a city, they use spatial memory. Spatial relationship memories appear to be stored in the right

siguro for me, there are few points po to avoid or to break the stigma.

First is to be educated, since siguro dapat mas maging aware ang public, and it is one of our duties din as
a s student nurse to share and spread awareness about the signs and symptoms, and understand their
behavior. Since, when we already know those, we cam empathize with them, and that will lead to respect
and non judgmental view of them.
With that, we can also look at them as an equal individual as we are, let’s not look at them as different, but
we should look at themas a like a fragile and luxurious item that needed to be taken care of. As autism
patients mentioned in the video, they’re special and they are as equal as we are. Actually, practically
speaking, diba hindi din po nila ginusto or wala silang choice na magkaroon ng ASD, meaning it just
happened na sila yung may ASD, so who we are to judge. So maybe awareness and being the person with
empathy to these autism clients will help to break the stigma.

Create a safe and “homie” environment
Provide support for the child
Being consistent as a nurse, be gentle- change in routine distressing
Reward can be a good positive reinforcement
Provide toys or familiar objects- felt secured
Therapies- play, music, art and occupational

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