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Descriptive Questions

Unit I

1. Define Organization Behaviour
2. Write briefly about Big 5 Personality theory.
3. What is Figure ground in perception? Give an example
4. What is closure principle in perceptual grouping? Give an example.
5. Define culture

Long Questions

1. What are the major characteristics of diversity?

2. Explain briefly the process of impression management.
3. What are attribution errors?
4. Discuss briefly Hawthorne studies
5. What are the factors affecting perception of individuals?
6. Explain the characteristics of perceiver and perceived in social perception.

Unit II

Short Questions

1. Define attitude
2. Explain personality on a continuum
3. Write the five components of emotional intelligence
4. Draw Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
5. Explain Optimism
6. Mccelland’s theory of motivation

1. What are the three ego states according to transactional analysis theory? Describe them.
2. Explain Johari Window .
3. What are the major factors influencing job satisfaction?
4. Explain the difference between self-efficiacy and self-esteem
5. Write briefly about Big 5 Personality theory.
6. Discuss Herzberg theory of motivation
Unit III

Short questions

1. Draw the communication process

2. Types of communication in organization
3. Define decision making

Long Questions

1. Explain barriers of communication.

2. Write the importance of non verbal communication
3. Discuss the effective ways to improve communication

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