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3 Authentic Learning-model and facilitate the use of digital tools and resources
to engage students in authentic learning experiences.

For my Engaged Learning Project, I was tasked with creating an engaging lesson that

encompassed multiple learning strategies, learning styles, and that was based on both Georgia

Standards of Excellence (GSE) and The International Society for Technology in Education

Standards (ISTE). This artifact required us to create a lesson that was designed specifically with

our student population in mind. For me, this meant using technology to meet the needs of a very

diverse student population, including English as Second Language (ESL) students. This artifact

also relied heavily on constructing an engaging lesson that scored high on the LoTi framework,

meaning that it was not only engaging but it also contributed to student learning beyond the

classroom, was an authentic learning experience, promoted collaboration, and used technology in

an effective way.

The Engaged Learning Project demonstrates my ability to model and facilitate a variety

of digital tools to promote student engagement by creating a lesson that ensured students were

engaged in an authentic learning experience. While designing this lesson, I successfully

researched new technology tools, programs, and software that will help increase student

engagement and make their learning experience authentic. To do this, I first needed to

understand and effectively incorporate aspects that promoted a high LoTi level. Because

students’ engagement through the use of technology is measured by the LoTi levels, these are

areas I was required to master in order to complete the assignment. Aside from designing this

lesson individually, I also participated in D2L discussions, read my peer’s work, and responded

to their drafts. From this, I was able to learn how to positively communicate with peers through a

digital platform and have my work reviewed by my peers. Their feedback helped edit my lessons
and improve student engagement by finding new tools to incorporate into my lessons. This also

helped me effectivity provide standard based suggestions and elevate my lesson to higher LoTi


I learned a significant amount about proper technology incorporation while completing

this assignment, but the most impactful thing I learned was the importance of including others in

our assignments. While my students appreciated being able to show their learning in a way that

was more creative, it didn’t exactly promote student engagement on its own. Letting students

know their work was going to be seen by people other myself was the best way to promote

student engagement. Learning this impacted the level of collaboration I include in lessons. In the

future, I would like to incorporate more viewers into our project and extend the time frame for

student to work longer. I’d to make this an ongoing project and have students present their work

to a larger audience at the end of the year. This way, student can use the knowledge they gain

throughout the year to continuously improve their work. I’d also like to share their work with

more members of the community to bring more authenticity to their work.

As far as impacting school improvement goes, I was able to share this lesson with so

many others. That means teachers, including myself, saw the impact collaboration had on my

students as they shared their work with others. That was significant because it encouraged

teachers to try and incorporate new technologies into their classrooms, which in turn, created

more opportunities for student engagement and authentic learning. The impact of this lesson can

be assessed by how teachers may incorporate technology into their lessons that engages students

and allows them to experience authentic learning beyond our school.

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