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Journal Week 11

Monday March 21st, we started the day off with our weekly meeting. Barbara was not at

the meeting due to her recently having her ACL replaced. We discussed our internship project,

which has been changed multiple times. I was somewhat frustrated with how many times this has

been changed, especially when it is due so soon. By the end of the day, we finalized what our

project would be over. After the meeting we headed to a park for outdoor ed. Ms. Ruth grilled

hotdogs for everyone, which was really nice! They all enjoyed the food and fellowship. We

headed to GC for step in time practice. The individuals are doing great! They have come a long

way and are really close to memorizing the entire dance routine! When we were done with dance

practice we went back to the center, and then went to BodyPlex for personal training.

Tuesday March 22nd,The plan for the day was to go to the Cherry Blossom Festival in

Macon, GA. We left the center around 9:30 a.m. When we got to the festival, we realized that it

did not open until 12. This did not work because we had to be back to the center by 2 for the

individuals to be picked up by their vans/families. We decided to go to Wendy’s for lunch, and

the individuals went to the park. The staff member who is over this particular group of

individuals wanted to take them back to the cherry blossom at a later date this past week, but it

did not fit into their schedule.

Wednesday March 23rd, We went to Georgia College for the creative expressions

program. Jay was out of town, so it was a little different. The students who are in charge of

running Jungle Royals, and Music and Motion are amazing, and great teachers. The individuals

absolutely adore them! They are wonderful at getting them to interact, and create beautiful

music. Dr. Kaninjing, if you are free on April 18th, you should come to the Creative Expressions

concert! It would be great for you to see a little bit of what we have been doing this semester,
and for you to meet some of the individuals. If you would like to attend, I can send you an email

with all of the details. After creative expressions we went back to the center for lunch. I went to

class and then came back to the center to spend time with the individuals until they went home.

Thursday March 24th, we went to Community Baptist Church for Nutrition class. This

class had turned into a cooking class and less of a nutrition class. We taught the individuals how

to make apple pies with biscuits, and fresh apples. They were able to need out the biscuits and

put the apple filling inside the biscuits and then fold them into mini pies. After nutrition class we

went back to the center and then went to Georgia College for their Food Safety Course. I am in

charge of creating the PowerPoints for the class, and a lady from Surcheros teaches the class

based on the power points that I create. I usually try to find a video based on the lesson they are

learning, and also find some way to make the lesson interactive. It is important to teach the

lessons in sections, so that we are able to keep them engaged in the material. They really enjoy

playing Kahoot, and asked me this week if we were going to play it.

Friday March 25th, the beginning of this day was crazy. There was a lot of confusion, and

all of the interns were a little confused on what we should be doing. I will give a huge shoutout

to Ashley and Jamie for taking one for the team and going to the cherry blossom festival with

another group at the LEC. This took up most of their Friday, and a lot of their gas. There are

times that we have to do things we do not want to do, and they did that without complaining. It

has been a wonderful getting to work with them! There are also times that you do things and they

may go unnoticed, but I definitely believe that they need to be recognized for that. The rest of the

interns and myself went to the Brick to celebrate one of the individuals birthday. Their mom paid

for our lunch, which was extremely generous and unexpected. After the birthday celebration we

went to GC for the food safety class. We use Friday as a review day.
I am really enjoying my internship. Although things can be a little crazy sometimes, I am

learning a lot. I know that you may be concerned about my hours, but I promise they will be

made up over the alternative spring break (we will be there for 2 nights and 3 days), and I will

make up hours at the creative expressions concert. I also have quite a few Jumpstart events

planned. I have calculated hours, and will more than likely have more than 480 hours by May 3rd.

Student Name: Maddy Harris Internship Site: The Life Enrichment Center Semester: Spring 2022

WEEK Time In Lunch Time out Hours Worked

Monday, 8:00 am n/a 2:00 pm 6 hr

March 21

Tuesday, 8:30 am n/a 2:30 pm 6 hr

March 22

Wednesday, 8:30 am 1-2 3:30 pm 6 hr

March 23

Thursday, 8:30 am n/a 3:00 pm 6.5

March 24

Friday, 8:30 am n/a 3:00 pm 6.5

March 25

March 26

Total Weekly Hours 31 hr

Total Hours to Date 315 hr

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