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Elaisa Mae V.





1. Explain what primary and secondary sexual characteristics are? Give three

Primary and secondary sexual characteristics are physical traits that make males and
females look and behave differently from each other in certain species, including
humans. Primary sexual characteristics are those that are present at birth, and are
determined by chromosomes’ influence on hormones in utero for mammals, and on
other factors such as egg incubation temperature for some reptile species.

Secondary sexual characteristics appear during puberty. These characteristics are not
used in sexual reproduction, but are important for attracting a mate - such as long
tusks or brightly colored scales - or being able to provide care for offspring - such as
human breasts or marsupial pouches.

The external and internal genitalia are the primary sexual features that are present at
birth (e.g., the penis and testes in males and the vagina and ovaries in females). In the
prepubescent and postpubescent phases, secondary sexual traits (e.g., breasts in
females) arise.

2. Give your reflection about the article in sex myth “It’s the man’s responsibility to
buy condoms.”
I have experienced blended responses in regards to the utilization of condoms in
engaging in sexual relations. Nonetheless, the genuine inquiry is, whose obligation is it
to purchase condoms? There are individuals who might contend that it is a specific
individual's "work" to have condoms accessible. After hearing the article "It's the man's
obligation to purchase condoms." in "Sex Myths", I had this assumption that the male
accomplice in a relationship was the one answerable for purchasing condoms.
Notwithstanding, subsequent to making a careful examination about this theme, my
discernment changed. From my own viewpoint, condoms are not just a man's duty.
There are no guidelines out there, about who needs to purchase or bring more secure
sex supplies. It is a common duty to get things done to forestall negative results of
unsafe sex. It is the obligation of both genders to utilize condoms and plan on what is
ideal and safe for the two of them. In spite of the fact that occasionally, a woman
purchasing condoms may appear to be somewhat off-kilter in this critical society,
women should not be embarrassed about purchasing condoms, particularly when it is
for her and her partner's advantage. This idea that men need to purchase and supply
condoms for their sexual connections can influence those connections contrarily and
give ladies less authority over her sexual inclinations and propensities. I accept that
gendered assumption for men can influence individuals in same-sex connections, as
well. Any individual taking part in sexual movement can purchase their own condoms,
regardless of what their character is or whom they are having intercourse with. This is
significant particularly for women and eccentric individuals who have been avoided with
regard to the account that "the man purchases the condoms."
Condoms are significant; they secure individuals against pregnancy and STIs. What is
additionally significant about them is that getting them can be a method of
communicating your sexual requirements and inclinations and assuming control over
your decisions. Allow us to standardize the truth that any individual who needs condoms
can get them. Ensuring yourself and your partner is substantially more significant than
securing sex roles.
3. Is sex without reproduction legal in the Philippines? What is your basis?
No because it is legal to have sex when you are married but nowadays young people
think it is legal so most young people get pregnant now because of having sex with

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