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In this section of Beloved, we see arguments brought up and issues some of the women

have. Mostly regarding their past experiences and how it is difficult for them to be able to

talk about. We also begin to see the interaction of Beloved and Sethe and how it impacts

Paul D. In certain parts of the novel, I begin to wonder if Beloved is possibly struggling

with mental illness. Considering the loss of Baby Sluggs and her getting into constant

fights with those that are around her.

2. How Audre Lorde’s work intertwines with Beloved is that in Lorde’s article it is centered

around black women being able to be escape the negative feedback that many African

American writers have faced. Ultimately what Lorde is saying is in order to dismantle

“the house”, African American must bring forth their own change. Using the “master

tools”, it will never be possible because they are the source of oppression.

1. How can we in today’s society continue to destruct societal norms?

2. How did you interpret what Lorde meant by her saying “the master’s tools will never

dismantle the Master’s house”?

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