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Since the pandemic halted the journey of our lives in early 2020, life had been so hard.

Many things
have changed and psychology science wasn't an exception. Problems are very evident and not surprising
since this pandemic arise and everything is affected. Now, the question is what is the biggest challenge
using experimental research design during this trying times and I can say that the main challenge is the
situation we currently have, the time, expenses, ethical problems, and human error. I will explain it
briefly and thoroughly base on the depth of my knowledge.

First is the situation we currently have. We are all aware that COVID cases are still increasing day by day
and so, there are things that we still cannot do. Next is the time. Between the two types of Experimental
Research Design, which is the True Experimental and Quasi-Experimental, the time needed to consume
is a major problem. Just by gathering random participants is already a difficult thing to do because of the
time needed. Next is the ethical problems. We have our rules and limitations that needs to be followed.
We don't have a control in our surroundings. Lastly, the human error. This is a challenge ever since pre-
pandemic. In every experiments, human error is not new. There is always a high risk of experiencing it
and everyone should be very careful because it can lead to the elimination of the validity of the
experiment and research being conducted.

We need to accept that since this pandemic started, we can't easily go back to our normal lives. There
are things that jad changed and will never go back to what it was before, but in Experimental
Psychology, I still have this hope that maybe one day, things will return again. Now, we just had to deal
with what is convenient to each and everyone of us.

Since the pandemic halted the journey of our lives in early 2020, life had been so hard. Many things
have shifted, including psychological science. Problems are evident and unsurprising, given that the
epidemic has impacted everything. Now, the question is what is the biggest challenge in using
experimental research design during these difficult times, and I can tell that the greatest challenge is the
current situation, including time, expenses, ethical issues, and human error. Based on the extent of my
understanding, I will explain it briefly and clearly.

First is the situation we currently have. We are all aware that COVID cases continue to rise on a daily
basis, and as a result, there are some things we’re not allowed to do. The time comes next. The time
required to expend between the two forms of Experimental Research Design, True Experimental and
Quasi-Experimental, is a major issue. Gathering random participants is already a challenging task due to
the time required. The ethical issues follow next. We have our own set of rules and limitations that must
be observed. We have no control over our environment. Finally, there is human error. This has been a
problem since before the outbreak. Human mistake is common in all experiments. There is always a
considerable danger of encountering it, and everyone should take extra care because it can lead to the
invalidation of the experiment and study being undertaken.
We must realize that, since the outbreak of the epidemic, we will be unable to return to our usual
lifestyles. There are certain things that had changed and will never be the same again, but in
Experimental Psychology, I still have hope that things will return one day. We just had to deal with what
was most convenient for each of us.

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