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I would have to say my biggest achievement of last semester was being able to pass all of

my 18 credit hours and still be able to have fun and go home sometimes. It required a lot

of time management and work ethics to pull it off.

2. I think a good book to read would be the Inheritance Cycle as there are many good

themes in the books that can be taken into your own life and have a better outlook on life

and the happenings of things.

3. The best strategy that I used to great advantage was to study and do homework in

intervals. I would spend an hour on work then 15 minutes on something that has nothing

to do with work to give myself a break and be able to process what I had just done.

4. My biggest non-academic achievement last year was hitting 1 over par on my home

course in golf as that is not something that a lot of golfers can say.

5. I have had a hard time with putting in more effort into my assignments and work, just

doing the bare minimum. I do not want to do that anymore because I have losted my old

student personality that I had to be an A student and if I did not then I had to correct it. I

have asked for suggestions and have decided to use a planner to stay ahead and to

compete with one of my friends.

6. To be honest the best site that I used last year was Pandora because it helped me focus on

work and not think about other things that need to be done.

7. Youtube had to be my biggest time waster as it is so easy to have it in the background

and slowly start to watch the videos.

8. This year I would like to learn more on how to create good lesson plans with more ease

as my first attempt was very hard and time consuming.

9. Successful students use many things to help them achieve their goals like planners, time

management skills, seeking out help from students and professors.

10. I feel that I have a growth mindset and outcome in life as I have failed many times where

others have quit and I have persisted.

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