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Research Log #8 - Solutionary Project 2022

Date: Mar. 8, 2022

Name: Christopher Ahmed
Essential Question: How can we control invasive species?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Invasive species cause problems for native ones.
#2: Feral pigs cannot be fully removed from Hawaii.
#3: Invasive species lack predators in Hawaii.

Point that this Source Proves: #1

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

At the 1:12 timestamp, Meg Modley states that “We had really great success in killing those clams when we were able
to find them. The challenge was that we were not able to detect the juveniles and over the course of the last nearly
decade, this species has been able to spread around the lake to points where there’s good habitat in the Lake George”

At around 3:40, when asked about bio-controls, Modley says “Yeah, there is a worm that has been detected in some of
the Asian clams that have been found...”

On a closing note, at 12:15, Modley mentions that “We’re inviting folks to come out... we’ll show folks what water
chestnut looks like...”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This interview did not have anything to do with Hawaii or the invasive pigs and hoofstock here, but
there are still things we can learn about invasive species. The first quote is a recurring issue with invasive
species no matter where you go: finding them before they can establish themselves. For a species to become
invasive, it must be able to survive and reproduce in its new environment. Sometimes, there are not enough
bio-controls, which leads to the next quote.
The second quote here is about bio-controls. Bio-controls are things that keep a species’ population in check,
such as diseases, predators, weather, and parasites. Often, if a species becomes invasive, it is due to a lack of
bio-controls. An example of an introduced species that has not become invasive would be the wallabies in
Hawaii. They do not cause any destruction or harm to native ecosystems, and their numbers can be kept in
check because the weather here is not too far off from their native habitats.
The final quote for this log is an important one but is often forgotten during these discussions: figuring out a
solution. While anyone can look up facts about invasive species, the most important thing is how to deal with
them- and that is when people are needed. Modley is talking about how her organization is having people
help remove the invasive aquatic plants in Lake George, and things like this can be applied anywhere. If
people are willing to help for a greater cause, entire ecosystems can benefit.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

“Invasive Species - Bonus Interview” YouTube, uploaded by Mountain Lake PBS, July 7, 2017
This is a reputable and reliable article because it was published by Mountain Lake PBS and field experts were

Types of Resources:
• Scholarly publications (Journals) * Conference Proceedings. * Books/ Journals
• Popular sources (News and Magazines) * Government Documents
• Professional/Trade sources. * Thesis & Dissertations

Research Log #__ - Solutionary Project 2022

Essential Question:

Three Points to Prove: #1:



Point that this Source Proves: #

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove)

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

This is a reputable and reliable article because

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