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Task 1. Big Picture Questions

Question 1 – Name 4 countries that have a great educational system. Based on what you learned in this course, what are 3
similarities that these countries have in common? In other words, what are some factors that have helped these countries to
excel in the area of education? 
Finland, South Korea, Japan & China. I would say that the 3 similarities would be the competitiveness for top rated colleges, the
fact that education is something that the country holds in high regard and the idea that teachers aren’t just there to babysit but
to teach and they are held accountable for their classrooms and students.
Question 2 – Based on what you learned in this course, do you think the top performing countries are influencing other
countries? In other words, describe how the countries which are listed highest in terms of PISA scores are having an affect on
other countries? 
I think that the top performing countries are influencing other countries. When we read about them, I shared with my husband
the fact that the children can grade the teachers and they were paid according to their success with their classrooms. There are
plenty of teachers that aren’t really in the field for the children and are burned out. In one section, she talks about the fact that
the teachers are put on probation if they don’t have decent test scores and then are fired if there isn’t any improvement. I think
countries are re-evaluating the way their school system and education programs are set up.
Question 3 – Do you think that countries who pay little or no attention to educating its citizens can/will have a negative
impact on the world in the future? Support your answer.  
I think that is a genuine possibility. There are many technological advances that happen around the world and the countries that
aren’t placing a high value on educating its citizens are risking being left in the proverbial “stone age”. Right now, for example,
we have scientists working on a vaccine for COVID-19 and disseminating it to the global population, however, there are countries
that can’t participate in this medical advancement. Another example is the fact that there are females in many countries that
aren’t allowed to go to school or even have their education placed on the backburner because they have a male relative that is
deemed more fitting to attend school. This will negatively impact a whole generation of women who won’t be able to participate
in the various fields or careers in the world.

Question 4 - How does education in other countries compare to the system of education in the U.S. from your observations?
Based on the PISA results from 2018, the U.S. doesn’t exactly measure up the way that we are meant to believe that we do. We
are constantly shown countries in Europe that are considered laissez-faire with their education and are deemed capitalist
countries, however, their education is ranked way higher than ours. Education here is, in essence, a machine that basically puts
in a child and spits it out into the world with the small hope that they will succeed.

Question 5 - Name some populations that are denied a good education? For example, we all know based on experiences in
this class that women and girls are denied a good education in parts of world (sadly). What are other groups of people that
are denied a good education?
The black community. Take redlining education, for example. A school is funded based on the zip code and land taxes. If a school
is a poor district, then it will receive less funding than one in a more well-off district. This means that certain things are often
sacrificed i.e. school supplies, up to date text books, and teachers/staff.

Question 6 - Thing about the things we discussed in this course – name some things you could now do differently in your
future classes because of the information learned in this course? In other words, we want you to be self-reflective (thinking
about your thinking) – tell us some things you could in your future class to make it better based on items we learned about
with regard to learning about educational systems around the world? It could things like helping diverse learners, or perhaps
being more aware about students who may live in more rural areas of your district and don’t have access to technology (these
are just some ideas I had).
Teacher expectations are a huge factor. I think having the expectation that my students will be held to a certain standard of
learning and being able to ask the questions they need in order to understand the lesson is highly important. Also, giving my
learners multiple ways to understand a lesson, whether it be a verbal instruction, visual instruction or even a follow along
instruction, that allows for all my students to grasp what I need them to grasp. With the potential to be moving multiple times in
my career due to my husband being in the military, being cognizant of the fact that some of my students may not have access to
certain materials and being able to find a way for them to gain access, whether is hosting a study group after school or on the
weekends at a local library.

(questions 7a through 7e) Let’s say that you are the ruler of your own country - think about some of the factors/conditions
that go into having a great educational system. And please have a little fun with these questions, too.
Question 7a - What would be the name of your very own country? What would be the name of the capital of your country?
Make something up! Have fun, be silly.
I would name my country Aikius and the capital would be Coeus.

Question 7b – What would the population be? Big or small? Come up with a number. Why would be the size that you choose?
Would you want over 1 billion people in your country? Would you want under 1 million? Tell us why.
I would have a medium population of about 37 million people. I’d want there to be enough people to have bigger cities but also
enough to have untouched land to hike. I’d also want the land to be able to thrive as well as the people.

Question 7c - Do they have access to technology (very briefly tell us about technology in your country)?
They’d have access to technology. The technology would be much like it is in America and Canada, however it would be their
choice as to how extensive they would like to have access to it. High speed internet would be important because of situations
like this past year where a pandemic has shut down school systems and workplaces.

Question 7d – Would your country be mostly rural? Urban? Suburban? A combination? Why?
My country would be a combination of all three. I loved growing up in a suburban setting, but also having access to rural areas
(my grandparent’s farm) and urban areas (visiting big cities or even local big cities). I think a balance is important. My country
will have land that is untouched by technology and man-made structures like buildings and skyscrapers.

Question 7e- Come up with at least 4 more facts/factors that would have impact they have on your country’s educational
system. In other words, think about conditions/factors that have led to the creation of great educational systems around the
world. Now, what condition/factors would like to see in your very own country?
I would like to see an educational system that keeps the teachers accountable and involved in their students’ education. I would
like to see educators actually assisting in the formation and execution of an educational system that works to promote education
for more than just a political standpoint. Another factor would be the parent involvement in their child’s education. Teachers
would be in constant communication with parents and working together to educate the child. Diversity in the field would be
important, not only with students but also with teachers, having male and female educators at all levels and teachers from all
different backgrounds.
OPTIONAL – If you would like to draw an outline of country in Word (using tools found in Word), include some clipart and/or
freehand then insert that picture of your country and place it here, please do so. This is optional of course, but I love seeing
how creative students can get! Only do this if you have some free time.

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