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Essay about English as the Lingua Franca

Because to socioeconomic and geopolitical events, after of the second world war, the English was
consolidated how the language of the politic and the international commerce, was because of this who
this language was denominated the lingua franca of the nowadays, how franca lingua the English is
denominated as a means global for the maritime and economic communication, this faculty has enabled
people who don’t speak the same natal language can establish a right communication through this
language. With this assay we seek to explain that a general form the implementation of the English how
franca lingua and its use established in the maritime world.

At the beginning of the XVII, the British Empire began its conquest in America by establishing various
colonies in North America. English was the language of the British Empire. For the British, one of its
main objectives was foreign trade, which both at that time As it was currently driven by shipping, As
time passed and with the significant growth of the shipping and trade industry, it became a necessity to
establish a single language as the language of the sea, thanks to the power and all the colonizations that
the British empire had, English was the established language. Rodriguez, L. (2012).

English was implemented in the maritime industry after the destruction of Great Britain, the United
States took advantage of that opportunity and positioned itself as a world power, as a result of that
event English was consolidated as the language of business and the maritime industry was not the
exception, that is why it was mandatory for people related to the maritime field to learn English. Lopez,
A. (2004). inglés como lengua franca administración marítima.

Due to the diverse nationalities of the people who operate in the maritime sector, it was of utmost
importance to have a unifying voice, and English does that job, it is essential that seafarers have fluid
communication in a practical way, throughout the Different studies have been carried out over time, in
which the result has been the same and that is that lack or poor communication represents more than
70% of accidents in the maritime sector.
Sanchez, J. (2015).

English is the first language used in the maritime sector, in addition to being the lingua franca of today,
which forces all people who work in the maritime industry to learn it, knowing English minimizes the
chances of maritime accidents occurring, the English breaks the barriers of communication, makes a
crew more stable thanks to the understanding and correct answers among its crew, makes the industry
much safer since everything should work in harmony, the fuel must adapt to the engines, the ship must
fit the load and the crew must be able to communicate.

Mara Agresot, Milary Ramos

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