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8 Psychotherapeutic Ideas to

Change Your World.

1. Individuation:
The process of self-actualization: you, the individual, matters.

According to Carl Gustaff Jung in his "Man and his Symbols", to fulfil one's destiny is the
greatest achievement. But to Jung this was a goal not only for champions but for every human
being; for him to be human meant to be oneself. During the course of a lifetime of study he
discovered that within the human personality there was a psychic energy available within us,
which could assist us in our personal self-development. Jung called this process individuation.

The centre of the psyche is the self. When a person is individuated or individuating they have
a successful dialogue between the unconscious and the conscious. This "narrative" is
normally executed through dream image, intuition and symbols. The main result of this
activity is a more resourceful, balanced, courageous, creative and self-reliant individual.

It is useless to compare yourself to others when one realises the importance of individuality
and uniqueness. Modernity has tried to impose crushing conformity through educational
indoctrination and generic mass media. A society that supports individuation is the exact
opposite to a mass socialized culture. It nurtures creativity, self, purpose and meaning. In the
words of Jung:

"As any change must begin somewhere, it is the single individual who will experience it and
carry it through. The change must indeed begin within an individual; it might be any one of
us. Nobody can afford to look around and to wait for somebody else to do what he is loath to

Thus the psychological process of individuation allows the individual time and space to open
up a framework of development between the unconscious and the conscious; the possible and
the actual; the past and the present/future. To "escape the horror of history" we must all help
to find new ways to live; everybody matters.

2. Precession:
The Intercomplementary Integrity of the Universe: It is all connected.

Buckminster Fuller in his consciousness-raising masterpiece "Critical Path" presented the idea
that precession, i.e. the laws governing the interbehaviours of all bodies in motion, had
relevance to human history.

In essence he believed that consciousness itself was far too significant a reality in the cosmos
for it to be without purpose. He therefore asserted that nature was supporting the success of
human development despite mankind's error, stupidity and corruption. He conceived of a
force that actively helps and assists those who use their individual talents for the greater good
of the greatest number. He named this phenomenon; "precession". He explains it as follows:

"The big question remained: how do you obtain the money to live with and to acquire the
materials and tools with which to work? Since nature was clearly intent on making humans
successful in support of the integrity of eternally regenerative Universe, it seemed clear to me
that if I undertook ever more humanly favourable physical-environment-producing artefact
developments, that did in fact improve the chances of all humanity's successful development,
it was quite possible that nature would support my efforts, provided I was choosing the
successively most efficient technical means of doing so. Nature was clearly supporting all her
intercomplementary ecological regenerative tasks-ergo; I must so commit myself and must
depend upon nature providing the physical means of realization of my invented environment-
advantaging artefacts. I noted that nature did nor require hydrogen to "earn a living" before
allowing hydrogen to behave in the unique manner in which it does. Nature does not require
that any if its intercomplementing members earn a living.

Because I could see that this precessional principle of self-employment was a reasonably
realistic probability, I resolved to adopt such a course

I assumed that nature would "evaluate" my work as I went along. If I was doing what nature
wanted done, and if I was doing it in promising ways, permitted by nature's principles, I
would find my work being economically sustained and vice versa."

Please note that Mr. Fuller made this commitment when he was broke, disheartened and had
just suffered through the death of his first baby girl.

He went on to become one of the most influential modern design engineers of all time.

3. The Natural Soul of Money:

In a life spanning over 70 years, one of the greatest students of money, and it's meaning, was
the American E.C. Riegel. In his book "Flight from Inflation", he identified money as the
mathematics of value and argued, that for a democracy to thrive, the money power must be
free. He spent his life pointing out that this money power is YOU AND ME. He was amazed
that very few knew this life-changing secret.

The freedom of exchange is the foundation of all freedoms, according to Riegel, and the
freedom of exchange unencumbered is the truest democratic freedom of mankind. He felt the
best way to vote was to vote every day with your actions.

In a free community money is issued by a buyer. Such a money issuer must, in exchange for
the goods and services he buys from the market, place other goods or services into the market
place. Thus money as a money instrument is evidence of a purchase that is issued by a
purchaser to a seller. Therefore, MONEY IS ACTUALLY BACKED BY THE VALUE

Thus, in essence: money is issued by a purchaser, but it must be issued by a purchaser who
can, and is, prepared to issue value; it is a tradesman's agreement to carry on split barter
among themselves. From this analysis we can deduce that commercial banks do not "lend"
money. They, in fact,
permit the "borrower" to issue money {which everybody should have the personal
unencumbered right to do if a free democracy}. Once given "permission", the borrower now
has the "legal" authorization to write cheques to the extent of the loan and tenders them in
trade. ONLY UPON THEIR ACCEPTANCE by a seller, who in fact provides value, does
new money come into existence.
From this reality of the natural law of money issue, it must be understood, that governments
cannot qualify as issuers because they are not in the real situation of personal enterprisers who
can provide value.

Thus, in essence, money is a social phenomenon based on mutual respect, co-operation and
interest. When this natural contract is broken, through abuse of power, the result is usually
inflation. Simply put, inflation is the over issue of money without the required provision of
value. Such a situation can be entertained in the short term but in the long term this fraud
destroys the social system.

4. Metanoia: Move Beyond Thoughts Alone .

The present World psyche needs to move from a zeitgeist of paranoia to one of metanoia. In
other words we need to move beyond abnormal fear and learn to embrace joy and hope and
faith by going beyond thought alone. In other words, thoughts can imprison us. Jean Gebser
in his classic "The Ever Present Origin" used the word "arationality" to describe the need for
humanity to move to a higher level of consciousness.

The World recovered swiftly from two world wars and moved forward but the present
paranoia mind-set of permanent and unending war is wearing down even the most optimistic
of souls. Currently everything seems increasingly to be scripted by social engineering types
who care more about non-change for the sake of power rather than change for the benefit of
some common good.

We need to believe again in each other and the community of good. This belief would allow
us to transcend the mundane, the cynical and drudgery of modern systems. We need to accept
the limitations of scientific reason and engage the reality of the unknowable. Life is a
mystery. Metanoia could give us inner space for joy and courage and grant us the confidence
to try the road less travelled.

Human beings need freedom and meaning as well as security. Let us limit our need for
conceptual security and accordingly increase our capacity and opportunity to grant our life its
unique and special meaning. Give newness a chance. Modify your life’s routine, you never
know what might happen, live a little. Go beyond the limitations of your current thought

5. Civitas: Need Little, Want Less, Care More.

Giambattista Vico in his classic book "New Science" pointed out that the greatest
achievement of mankind was the growth of civil society out of the terror of barbaric nature. In
his view God had created man, but man and man alone had constructed civilization. Thus, for
Vico, the greatest investigation man could undertake was to truly understand how this miracle
of order and achievement was made manifest through the passage of time.

In the course of his study Giambattista came to comprehend the importance of moral order in
the development of societies. This Civitas, or sense of the greater good, formed the bedrock
of the social contract that built Alexandria, Sparta, Greece and Rome.

Unfortunately it is all too obvious that this old natural civic sense is dying in modern society
and unless we educate our youth about the fragility of society I fear civil order will continue
to breakdown. The end result could be an ongoing civil war within "developed" nations that
will eventually lead to a new Dark Age of city-states and self-preservation. We need to realise
That consumption alone does not bring happiness. The Earth and its resources cannot be
endless exploited forever. We need to raise or consciousness to a new understanding of what
“civilization” is. To quote Carly Simon we have to stop destroying paradise to put in parking
lots. We must move on.

In his book "The Evolution of Civilizations" Prof. Carroll Quigley summed up the problem

"The third age of conflict of our society began to display the ordinary marks of such a stage
about 1890. At that time, in the principal industrial countries, it became clear that the rate of
expansion had reversed itself....
All the characteristics of an age of irrationality began to appear on all sides. Increased
gambling, increased smoking, the growing use of alcohol and narcotics, a growing obsession
with sex and perversions of sex, an increased mania for speed, for nervous tension, and for
noise; above all, perhaps, a growing tendency to regard violence as a solution for all
problems, be they domestic, social, economic, ideological or international. In fact, violence as
a symbol of our growing irrationality has had an increasing role in activity for its own sake,
when no possible justification could be made that the activity was seeking to solve a problem.

All the characteristics of any age of conflict are too obvious to require further comment. They
arose because the organizational patterns of our culture CEASED TO FUNCTION AS
INSTRUMENTS........Religious organizations no longer linked men to God but adopted
diverse mundane purposes. Our intellectual theories no longer explained anything or made us
at home in the Universe. Our social patterns no longer satisfied our gregarious needs, even
when we fled from the lonely anonymity of the city to the rat-race uniformity of sub-
urbanism. Our political organizations increased the burden of their demands on our time,
energy and wealth but provided with growing ineffectiveness the justice, public order,
education, protection, or incidental amenities we had come to expect from them. And on the
military level costs rose at an astronomical rate without being able to catch up with our
increased danger."

Thus, the culture of the west needs to reconnect with its roots. Philosophy, learning,
investigation, discipline, self-sacrifice, future orientation all these attributes need to be
focused upon and nurtured for out youth. Sport, lotteries, quiz games, celebrity, reality shows,
crime, are all very well but if they become the essential core of modern mentality then it
bodes a society trending towards narrow self interest and terminal decline. We need to start
believing in meaning again and the place to start
is to believe in yourself and the power of a human life.

6. The Map Is Not The Territory: Observe, Reflect, Learn, Remember, Apply.

One of the greatest breakthroughs in contemporary psychology has been the development of
NLP or neuro-linguistic-programming.

One of the main mantras of this discipline in the idea that: "the map is not the territory". This
statement aims to communicate to initiates the concept that very often the way we "see the
world in our minds" is not how the world actually works.

If we have persistent problems in our life very often it is because our "map" is faulty. In our
current world of constant change and disruption never before was there such a need to really
“suss” what is going on rather than “think” what is happening.

NLP believes that people can and do change and one of the best ways to bring about
successful change is through a change in ATTITUDE. A modification in attitude will only
come about when we have the humility to accept that the outer world has a validity that is
different than the validity of our inner world. Through constant attention to what is happening
to us and through the "re-running" of personal experience we grant ourselves the opportunity
to observe and grow.

This willingness to learn from ourselves takes humility and maturity. But the results can be
marvellous and immediate.

7. Transcendent “Presentness”

James Joyce often stated that history was a nightmare from which he sought to escape. Hegel
was the first philosopher to fully incorporate time (history) into his system and thereby he
produced the mental framework for advancing socialism and ultimately communism. Under
his system of thought the only "time" is human time and its ultimate end product is a closed
society where individuality is lost and "time" stops. Thus a nightmare of the "ever
bureaucratic present" is replacing the nightmare of "history" around the globe.

Hegel in his masterwork "Phenomenology of Spirit" propounded that the only time that
matters is human time, all else (i.e. nature) is space. This human time develops through a
"dialectic" process of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. For Hegel reality was all about a
struggle for recognition and the story of history is the story of this struggle. Hegelian conflict
produces masters and slaves. Masters order society; slaves build society. History is the story
of this human action. While Hegel accepted the existence of spirit he rejected the existence of
any God, he was a total materialist.

The end result of this philosophy was a rejection of the divine and a replacement of the role of
God by the State. This became the philosophical bedrock for the rise of Socialism and
Communism. This mentality accepted that Man was alone and must rely on his own devices
to survive and prosper. To quote Hegel:

"Man is negating action, which transforms given being and, by transforming it, transforms
itself. Man IS what he IS only to the extent that he BECOMES what he is; HIS TRUE BEING
IS BECOMING, TIME, HISTORY; and he becomes, he is history only in and by action that
negates the given, THE ACTION OF FIGHTING AND OF WORK........."

For my part one can only truly understand the modern march toward global socialism when
one understands Hegel. In almost every society today we see five and ten year "economic &
social plans". Human beings have become subservient to a FUTURE rather than the
PRESENT. In other words the world lives in a suspended state of future orientation. "Nobody
is here everybody is there". When one understands the nature of the Hegelian system one can
readily comprehend why its teachings were so influential on Marx, Engels and Lenin.
Anybody can be made to do anything in the expectation of the future "Utopia". Unfortunately
what Marx and Lenin knew, which they did not inform their followers, was that Hegelianism
is a closed philosophy, which produces a static society, which has no allowance for
individuality. Static societies eventually stop "time" and opportunity is limited due to
"statism". This is exactly what is happening all over the world today. Material future
orientation is making the whole world "the same" and "time" (i.e. human time) appears to be
the same also. (E. G. the New Year, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all blend
into one similar event throughout the globe and nothing is "special" anymore because the
local human "magic", the mystery and romance have gone and nobody really understands
To prevent monolithic world sameness overtaking every society and destroying individuality
folks need to understand the underlying Hegelian materialism surrounding modern culture.
You cannot overcome what you do not understand.

Human culture is more than "a plan". The present does matter. Individuality is paramount.
Freedom is essential to true peace and happiness. Creativity and individuality, fundamental
benchmarks of western culture, need to become heroic ideals again. TIME HAS NOT
STOPPED BECAUSE "GOD IS DEAD"; as Hegel proposed. "God" is alive and is a human
experience of truth, which accepts that there is transcendence.

Human beings evolved from nature. Therefore Hegel is wrong when he asserted that nature is
"space" because the development of human consciousness enabled human beings to move
beyond "nature" and transform it, therefore human consciousness is "transcendence" made
manifest. This "transcendence" means that the future is not certain but is free and open and
subject to potentials and possibilities as yet unknown. Consciousness proves Hegel false.

Thus in essence the spiritual crisis in World events is a crisis in human philosophy. Freedom
and individuality and transcendent creativity need to be championed against statisim,
totalitarianism and bureaucratic control.

If such socialist "planning" is allowed to flourish unchallenged eventually Europe, America,

Asia and India will be crushed under Global institutionalism. The role of individual freedom
will be replaced with political opportunism and exploitation. Western culture needs a
reawakening of the essence of the human spirit, which were its hallmark. This spirit once died
in the dark ages but miraculously it experienced a rebirth. Do we have the courage, the insight
and the philosophical awareness to nurture a new renaissance?

8. The Open-Source Movement:

Receive By spontaneous Giving.

To quote Professor Carroll Quigley: “the essence of the myth of the Western tradition is the
ideal of an independent life lived in liberty and dignity through family and community.” This
liberty and independence promotes enterprise and action. Such a myth engendered the human
initiative which gave birth to such epoch-changing developments as paper money, financial
credit, steam power, the combustion engine, steel hull shipping, electricity, wireless
communication, television, air flight, nuclear power, the micro chip and the Internet.

The Western tradition is hopeful, future oriented, ordered and based on action, reflection and
compromise. In the event of "either /or" the West will opt for both, if possible. Its successful
evolution is based on an ever evolving dialectic, never totally true, but always moving toward
a more comprehensive understanding of truth. In this manner the natural outlook of the West
is not just material or spiritual. It is a synthesis of both: - the body and the soul matter equally.

One of the great mysteries of Western civilization, currently centred in Washington, and
which now dominates the World, is the fact that the West has re-invented itself three times.
This rebirth came about through the process of circumvention and reform of old inefficient
institutions and mind-sets. This process of rebirth resulted in new dynamic engines of growth
being designed, developed and applied. The dates the three phases of Western expansion as

1. 970 - 1270
2. 1420 - 1650
3 1730 - 1929
In each case the instruments of expansion were respectively:

1. Feudalism
2. Commercial Capitalism
3. The Industrial Revolution

If the West is to transcend our age of conflict and enter a new age of expansion the only way
forward is through human initiative, enterprise and action. The open-source movement,
which is an effort to circumvent a failed economic model based on "price", is just such
an epoch changing initiative. But this creativity will only blossom in an environment of true
liberty and dignified freedom. Repression, on the other hand, would stifle any such initiative
and would spell the end of Western society. Hopes could be dashed. Civil conflict could
ensue. The current post-socialist model called "pluralism" does not appear to have at its
disposal a new instrument of expansion. Its guiding philosophy seems to be one of atrophy.
The modus operandi of contemporary political power evidences a group of "vested interests"
holding on to money rather than motivating and organizing the creation of new wealth.

Reformation and change can come about through outright reform or circumvention and this
latter method I believe is beginning to operate and should be fostered by enlightened
leadership. This is a solution in which everybody can play a part.

In essence, co-operative action is circumventing frustration. Eventually this movement, if

fostered, will give the current atrophied structure much needed time and options. And options
are crucial. Circumvention will work, but it must be understood by power groups that it is
essential and thus should not be destroyed. Such insight is what is imperative from our
political masters today. This circumvention must redevelop energy systems, monetary theory,
financial practice, political structure, media distribution, excellence in education, etc. At the
end of the day, however, the goal has to be the conceptualization, development and
application of a new instrument of wealth creation and distribution. Open-source
initiatives have the potential to do this particularly with the continued growth of
broadband systems.

The open-source movement has shown how difficult, complex problems can be solved in
community, outside the control of official economic "price" doctrine. The rules are being
rewritten and can be interpreted by those who understand what is happening. The explosion of
the Internet is but one example of this developing paradigm in successful operation. Through
liberty positive change could come about and this may lead the West toward a fourth period
of expansion resulting in a new phase of development for the world.


"Critical Path"
Buckminster Fuller

"Man and His Symbols"

C.G. Jung
"New Science"
Giambattista Vico

"The Evolution of Civilizations"

Prof. Carroll Quigley

"Introducing NLP"
Joseph O'Connor

"Existentialism from"
Dostoevsky to Sartre"
Walter Kaufman

"Hegel's Phenomenology of
the Spirit"
Translated by A.V. Miller

Jesse’s Café Americain Blog.

"The Ever Present Origin"

Jean Gebser

© Christopher Michael Quigley

B.Sc., M.A.
Dublin, Ireland.
4th May 2022

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