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Garcia 1

Jenifer Garcia

Mrs. McCann

English 1302.203

13 April 2022

The Usefulness of Mars Exploration and the Curiosity Rover

For many years, scientists have been trying to find any type of life on Mars. Up to this

day, there are still ongoing investigations about the planet. In the year of 2020, The International

Space Station (ISS) and NASA successfully sent the Curiosity Rover. The whole purpose of the

rover was to explore the geology of the planet and bring back samples in order for scientists to

confirm their theory that at some point there was actually water on Mars and that the planet may

have contained life. Mars has long been cloaked in romanticism and mystery, as has been the

case with many other prospective outposts. Beyond being a viable goal for space research,

colonization of Mars has been a hot issue in recent years, fueled by the possibly naive and

dubious assumption that this planet could one day be terraformed to support human life. There

are many debates between people that state that the exploration of Mars should not continue,

instead, they should focus more on our planet in which the people state that it is “deteriorating”.

Focusing on the exploration of Mars may not be beneficial to the people on Earth, that is why it

is better to focus more on solving the pollution and global warming issues that are affecting the


Focusing on Earth
Garcia 2

Is it ethically correct to colonize Mars?

(state about morals)

Garcia 3

Works Cited

Joseph, Rhawn G., et al. "Oceans, Lakes, and Stromatolites on Mars." Advances in Astronomy,

vol. 2020, 2020. ProQuest,



Levchenko, Igor, et al. "Mars Colonization: Beyond Getting there." Global Challenges, vol. 3,

no. 1, 2019. ProQuest,


Mancinelli, Rocco L. "Mars Science is Expanding Internationally." International Journal of

Astrobiology, vol. 20, no. 2, 2021, pp. 109-110. ProQuest,



Mesarović, Miodrag. "Global Warming and Other Climate Change Phenomena on the Geological

Time Scale." Thermal Science, vol. 23, 2019, pp. S1435-S1455. ProQuest,



"Out of this World! NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover on the Red Planet." Vayu Aerospace and

Defence Review, no. 5, 2021, pp. 135-137. ProQuest,

Garcia 4


Riddle, Bob. "Back to Mars." Science Scope, vol. 43, no. 9, 2020, pp. 68-74. ProQuest,


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