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B1 Past Passives Teacher’s Copy

Read the text and circle correct option to make a correct


  Martin Scorsese was born in 1942 in Queens, New York.

As a child he (1) ________from asthma, and so he (2) ________to
play games and sports with other children by the doctors.
Instead, he (3) ________ much of his time in small cinemas, and
soon became fascinated with the art of film making. Scorsese’s first major film was Taxi Driver. It (4)
Martin Scorsese
________ in 1976 and starred Roberto de Niro and Jodie Foster. The director of “The Wolf of Wallstreet”
After this film, de Niro (5) ________ as Scorsese’s central screen figure and the two worked together
for many years. In 1988, Scorsese (6) ________ heavily for his portrayal of Christ in The Last
Temptation of Christ, but the main result of this controversy was to increase ticket sales. Scorsese (7)
________ for an Oscar five times before he finally won one. He (8) ________ the Oscar for best
director in 2007 for his film the Departed.

1. a) suffered b) has suffered c) was suffering d) was suffered

2. a) didn’t allow b) wasn’t allowed c) isn’t allowed d) allows
3. a) spent b) has spent c) was spent d) will spend
4. a) made b) makes c) was made d) has made
5. a) established b) was established c) is established d) could establish
6. a) is criticized b) criticized c) was criticized d) was criticizing
7. a) was nominating b) was nominated c) nominated d) is nominated
8. a) awarded b) was awarding c) is awarded d) was awarded

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