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Darren Daniel S.


Art Appreciation

Introduction Activity

This is the text written:

Hello! My name is Darren Daniel Serrano Infante. My nicknames are "Ren or Da", you

can call me either of the two and I am fine with it. I am currently twenty years old and will turn

twenty-one this year 2022. I am a student of Colegio de Sebastian under the course of Bachelor

of Science in Psychology. The reason why I chose this course is that I want to become a doctor

of medicine, and in order to achieve that, I need to take Psychology as my pre-medicine. Another

reason is that I am really curious about human behaviors and personalities and this course is the

best path to learn about those. Also, I chose Psychology because I want to become someone that

can help others. My expectations about this subject are exciting and I will learn a lot here. I am

excited because I am an artist and because I am a Psychology student, it is too rare for me to

showcase my talent. It is also hard for me to draw because, in this course, there is a lot of reading

and writing but not drawing (which is my hobby), this is why I was so excited knowing that I

have a subject related to art. Another expectation is that I want to learn art appreciation. Like

literally, appreciation. Because even though I am an artist, I am not the type of person that is

easily amazed or appreciates things. I often do depreciate more than appreciate especially in

others' works. And I immediately thought "This is exactly what I need as an artist" after knowing

this subject. I am looking forward to the most about this subject is when we make art ourselves.

And I know that I will enjoy this subject a lot. Thank you!

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