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1. Tell me something about yourself.

I am --. I am from --. I am a hardworking graduate specialized in Computer science Engg. I got
introduced to programming after 12th and ever since I developed a deep interest in it and hence
decided to choose computer science stream. I am good in C,C++,Java. I am good at DSA and
DBMS. Apart from coding and engineering I enjoy travelling, playing volleyball and spending
time with friends.

2. What are your strengths?

My strength would be my ability to work efficiently under pressure and finish the given task
before deadline.
I have good communication skills and I have strong ethics while at work.

3. What are your weaknesses?

My weakness would be I get nervous around new people. I am little shy in starting a
conversation. But I have been working on this form a long time and I am sure I will overcome
this weakness.

4. What Are Your Hobbies and Interests

I’ve played sports since high school and specially volleyball so I joined the college volleyball
team. I also like to cook and try out new dishes.

5. Why should we hire you?

I am very passionate about my work and a skilled code writer. I can work under pressure and do
whatever is needed to complete the task before deadline.

6. Where would you see yourself in __next years

A few goals I have set for myself over next few years which include learning and gaining
experience within my position. I'm excited about the opportunities this job would provide me,
as I believe the company will support me and allow me to grow within the company. And give
back by utilizing the skills I'll gain.

7. Why do you want this job?

In my life, I am sure of one thing and that is I want to build a decent career in my current
domain. I have necessary skills to some extent as well as I am hard working.
This job can help me set up a strong professional life foundation and eventually build upon it.

8. Tell me about your project.

My project is university management system. It is created with Java and MySQL. It is made with
Swing and AWT. This application performs the basic tasks which are practiced in a university like
we can add students and faculty details, we can manage attendance of teachers and students,
we can submit fee also manage examinations.
9. What is your recent project?
My recent project was Stock market prediction using candlestick chart.

10. Why do you think you are a good leader?

I can be a good leader because my communication skills are good, I can convey my thoughts to
people and I can convince them. I am calm and a good listener. Quality of a leader is not just to
lead the team but also listen to the teammates and take decisions what’s best for the project
and the team. I am a quick learner and I always keep positive attitude which helps me to tackle
tough situations.

11. Why Accenture?

12. About Accenture.(CEO,kaha ka company, types of services provided,ranking)

13. What will you do when one of your teammate is not cooperating?
If I am leader of a project, I will allocate task to every member of the team and explain them
their roles. Planning is very important before starting a project to minimize the conflict ad issues
but in case there is a conflict or a member is not cooperating than as a leader I will go and talk to
them and try to understand and solve their problem. I will make them understand importance of
teamwork and try to handle such situations calmly.

14. Situation when you worked as a leader?

Throughout my Engineering carrier I have worked on several projects as a leader. I was leader of
my group in 5th sem project, We made masked face detection for covid 19 and we got praised by
our hod sir and also got excellent grades.

15. What do you prefer, to be a leader or to be a teammate?

I think I can be a good leader because I have lead some projects in my egg life and got good
results. I am calm and a good listener, I always keep positive attitude and listen to my
teammates and take decisions what’s best for the project and the team.
But if I got the role of a teammate, I am also a good team player, I always listen and do whats
best for the team and project.

16. Your role in the project?

17. Difficulties you have faced during your project?

18. What motivates you most?
Most exciting task for me is learning a new thing. I always keep positive attitude and try to learn
new things in every situation. If I g
19. How do you handle stress?
Whenever I am in a stressful situation or tough situation I don’t think about the results. I always
take positive approach and focus on my current task.
this helps me to complete my work fast and efficiently.

20. If you are given a task in which you are not interested, what will you do?
I always take new task as challenges and learning opportunities . It helps me and motivates me
to do the job with more efficiency and it also builds interest in the task.

21. Do you have any questions?

I want to know what types of projects and technologies are given to freshers after joining.

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