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Sage Kadow

, Ex-Christian, long-time Atheist, Secular Humanist

Updated Oct 15

Originally Answered: How would you convince an atheist to believe in


Question originally answered: “How would you convince an atheist to believe in


I am the atheist you want to convince to believe in Christianity. I am an ex-Christian

and I’ve read the Bible Genesis to Revelation four times plus have referred to it
numerous times over the decades. I am totally conversant in Christianity and fully
understand it.

All you have to do is read what I’ve written below, which is a summary of my years of
research and study of how Christianity can claim Judaism as its basis. Much of it was
done from the side of Judaism because their scholars would best know the answers I
searched for. So read it and be ready to answer logically all the points made, but do
not for an instant try to use any Christian Apologetics on me. I’ve heard them all. You
need to research and find the truth, then explain it so that I will accept it. I’m right
here when you’re ready,

Jesus was born a Jew, lived as a Jew, died and was buried as a Jew
right after he celebrated the Passover, as a Jew. He was not a
Christian, he was a Jew. He did not create Christianity. The name Jesus
never appears in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, he is never
mentioned by his name or any other name claimed by Christians, and
not his birth, his life or his death were ever mentioned. He was totally
unworthy of note.

Christianity claims Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament/Hebrew

Bible but according to Jewish scholars, all claimed prophecies were
fulfilled hundreds of years before Jesus, in the OT times. Yet even
today, Christian clergy still claim the prophecies were about Jesus,
disregarding the scholars of Judaism, the very religion of Jesus right up
to his death.

The awaited moshiach (messiah) of the OT is to be:

1. Fully human.

2. Not divine.

3. Not born of a virgin and a ghost.

4. Not a Son of God.

5. Not a god.

6. Not a savior.

The moshiach is to be of the (tribal) line of David, but most of

Christianity denies Joseph as the father of Jesus, insisting God is the
father. That alone is anathema to Judaism. The tribal line however
passes down only through the biological father. Jesus was Jewish
because his mother was Jewish, but the mother is not considered for
tribal line. That is the law.

There is no concept of Original Sin in the Hebrew Bible (Old

Testament). In Judaism, the religion of Jesus, we are not born tainted
with sin but pure and innocent with no need of a savior. The word sin
in the OT simply means "separation from God."

There is no heaven or hell in the Hebrew Bible either. In Judaism, the

religion of Jesus, when you die, you go to your grave in the ground,
not heaven or hell. The words heaven and hell are not biblical.

The word redeemer is wrongly used by Christians to mean savior. In

Judaism, it means the moshiach is to redeem all the Jews from
wherever they may be on earth, and bring them all home, which
today would be Israel. It has nothing to do with redeeming sinners.

All those things are but false constructs of Christianity having no

association with Judaism or truth.

The moshiach is to complete a number of tasks, none of which were

even begun by Jesus. There is no need to list them here because the
most important one is that if someone claims to be the moshiach,
but dies by any means before completing the tasks, he cannot have
been the moshiach.
If Jesus had been the awaited moshiach, it would have been
proclaimed loudly and clearly in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. It
was not because he was not.

After his death, his followers split into various sects of Judaism but it
wasn’t until the 4th century that the Christianity we recognize today
was created. In 325 AD the Council at Nicaea was convened by
Constantine To officially organize Christianity as an official religion of
Rome. This Christianity has far more in common with Paganism than
with Judaism, the religion of Jesus. Do you still say the Nicene Creed
in church every Sunday?

The Council used Jesus, without his knowledge of course, and

modeled him after the numerous preceding and concurrent god-men
so popular at the time. These god-men were born of virgins and gods,
on December 25th or around the Winter Solstice, in a stable, cave or
other lowly place, they came to save the world, they had 12 disciples,
they performed miracles (magic), they had a communion using bread
and wine symbolizing the body and blood, they died horrible deaths
and after three days, they were resurrected. Does this storyline sound

Over the 4th century, there were numerous other councils to decide
things like, the divinity of Jesus, was he divine at the resurrection, at
birth, or from the beginning? Also regarding the concept of the Trinity,
which isn’t even biblical. Did you know that? Canonizing the books of
the New Testament came later still, officially 393 and 397, not in Rome
but in North Africa.

This is why, according to the scholars of Judaism and the Old

Testament/Hebrew Bible, Jesus was not the moshiach, he had no
status in his own religion, so he certainly had none to be carried over
to Christianity. The long-dead Jesus, without his knowledge, was made
a false god in a false religion. He cannot come back either.

Note: This information has been checked by Orthodox Jewish sources

and even upvoted by them right here on Quora. I would invite anyone
wishing to double-check, to please do so. If any errors are found I
certainly wish to correct them.

Online sources I find useful are:

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