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Teacher Leader Project: SEL Teaching Post Pandemic Presentation

Slide 1: Title Slide (1 minute)

Provide an introduction of who I am, what I teach, and why I am doing this project for my
induction program. Thank the audience for choosing to attend this professional development
and that I appreciate their pre-attendance survey responses.

Slide 2: Objective Slide (2 minutes)

Read the objectives off of the slide and the objective question to remind them that my teacher
leader project is based on what I have learned through the CSU Fullerton induction program
and is guided by academic information and training. All of these resources make effective
professionals in the education sector. Also, let the audience know that they will be actively
working on becoming more effective professionals by engaging in self care strategies. Let them
know that my hope for them is to be able to answer the objective question: “To what extent can
teachers leverage different self care strategies (mental, physical, social, spiritual) in the
pandemic/ post-pandemic context to remain effective in the classroom?”

Slide 3: Educational Hook: Teacher Check-in (4 minutes)

Read the questions on the slide, “What are three things that you enjoyed about your
day?”, ”What are two things that you are thankful for about your week so far?”,and “What is one
goal you have for the remainder of the academic year?”
Then ask the audience to stand and find someone that has the same color of shoes that
they do to find their partner to answer these questions. After about 3 minutes of talking with this
partner, ask the audience to take their seats.
Ask if anyone wants to share the last question, “What is one goal you have for the
remainder of the academic year?” Let only three people share their answers so you have time
for the rest of the lesson.

Teacher Check in Image citation:

Alt text: Three hands are signing the numbers 1, 2 and 3. Each hand has a different
shade of melanin and underneath the hands is a title that reads “Teacher Check In”

Slide 4: Creating Safe Discussion Space (2 minutes)

I will tell the audience that in order for us to have difficult conversations, we need to feel
comfortable communicating openly with one another. We are going to make sure that people for
comfortable communicating with one another by setting rules for dialogue, letting them know
that this meeting is, “A chill space for conversation in community” and “A time for reflection over
this past academic year”. I will let them know this meeting is not, “A space to report/demand
your needs to administration or the board of directors”. We want to make all audience members
comfortable to share without feeling ashamed or scared of those in the school's administration.

Teacher Leader Project: SEL Teaching Post Pandemic Presentation

Slide 5: Prior Knowledge Assessment Question (5 minutes)

Ask the audience to raise their hand if they have heard of SEL or have seen the image on the
slide. Then ask “What does SEL mean?” and “And why does it matter in the classroom and in
our own professional lives?”.

If you have a sufficient response that matches the below definition and description then move on
to the next slides, if the audience does not know the answer to these two questions, then read
the description below.

SEL stands for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and is a process through which children and
adults develop their abilities to integrate thinking, feeling, and behaving at important
developmental tasks. The specific competencies in SEL are broad and interrelated. They are (1)
self-awareness, (2) self-management, (3) social awareness, (4) relationship skills, and (5)
responsible decision-making. Today, we are currently creating this space for adults to focus on
self-awareness in our own personal and working lives. In order to teach self-awareness for our
students, we need to teach ourselves how to stay present and mindful with how we are feeling
and where we are in our self discovery.

It is important in the classroom because classrooms can only be built when there is educational
equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships. In order to
establish these learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative
relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation the
teacher and the community need to commit to teaching SEL lessons and own their own learning
experience. As professionals in the classroom we all desire to contribute to safe, healthy, and
just communities in and out of our school walls.

Content and Image credit:

Alt Text: Cyclical rings that read from top to bottom “Communities”, “Families & Care Givers”,
“Schools”, “Classrooms”. In the center is a five section pie diagram that has a center circle of
“Social & Emotional Learning” with each of the five segments reading “Self-Awareness”,
“Self-Management”, “Social Awareness”, “Relationship Skills”, and “Responsible
Decision-Making”. The last text are the bottom part of the rings that reads top to bottom, “SEL
Instruction & Classroom Climate” “Schoolwide Culture, Practices & Policies”, “Authentic
Partnerships” and “Aligned Learning Opportunities”

Slide 6: Direct Instruction (3 minutes)

Tell the audience, one way to understand how we are feeling is by naming it. By naming the
emotion, we are better able to handle what to do and what next action or sentence we should
say, which is why the slogan on the slide says we need to “Name it to tame it!”

Teacher Leader Project: SEL Teaching Post Pandemic Presentation

Tell the audience that according to psychology professors from University of Johannesburg
South Africa, “Ultimately, self-awareness and self-management are closely linked. For example,
being able to stop and calm down when one is upset (self-management), requires skills like
recognizing and labeling the emotions that one is feeling and considering how they might be
affecting one’s behavior choices (self-awareness).” Therefore there is a direct correlation that
we are experiencing in our daily lives and classes that we are not fully aware of. The University
of Johannesburg also provides a list of actions we should take in order to become more self
aware and ensure that we are able to manage ourselves and our actions, these include,
“Labeling and recognizing one’s emotions, identifying what triggers own emotions, analyzing
emotions and how they affect others, understanding the relationship between one’s emotions,
thoughts, and behaviors, recognizing one’s needs, values, judgments, and biases, identifying
personal strengths and areas for growth, practicing self-compassion, and cultivating
self-confidence, positive self-regard, a “growth” mindset, and optimism”

Image citation:

Alt Text: Infographic with image of the brain, arrows are pointed to the right and left to
demonstrate the right and left brain hemisphere. On the right brain hemisphere is an additional
image of emojis that read “emotion, art, holistic”. On the left brain hemisphere is an additional
image of a graph and reads “logic, language”. Towards the bottom is a quotation sign that reads
“I feel angry” with a speech bubble clipart image. The bottom title reads “using language to talk
about feelings uses left brain logic to help regulate right brain emotion.” There is a speech
bubble to the right of this title that says “Tip: You only need to say it inside your head.”

Slide 7: Self Care Wheel Explanation and Worksheet Handout (5 minutes)

Tell the audience that after we have defined where we are struggling, there are helpful tools, like
the “Self Care Wheel” produced by graphic designer and trauma prevention expert, Olga
Phoenix. We will be using the “Self Care Wheel” to understand which parts of our lives we are
feeling a deficit in and where we are feeling confident. After you are able to understand
emotionally where you are at, you can make a more focused decision on what you need to pay
more attention to in order to attain a better work life balance. The above Self Care wheel depicts
6 different areas that people tend to neglect and key into when identifying where they need
more time to take care of themselves.

At this point I will give a handout to each audience member with the Self Care wheel and a
graphic organizer Think-Pair- Share (T-P-S) chart on the back for them to complete with the
following slides (8-11).

I will let the audience know we will start with the first part of the graphic organizer, “Think”.

Image and content credit:

Alt Text: Title of image at top says “Self-Care Wheel”. On the outer periphery are titles of each of
the topics that go into the “Self Care Wheel that read clockwise starting at the top of the circle
Teacher Leader Project: SEL Teaching Post Pandemic Presentation

“Psychological, Emotional, Spiritual, Personal, Professional, and Physical”. Under each of these
are potential tasks that focus on that aspect of the Self Care Wheel. All this material is also on
the worksheet provided.

Slide 8: Progress Monitoring Self Reflection Question: Self Care Wheel

Preliminary Discussion “Think” aka Slide X(6 minutes)
Tell the audience that on the slide, they will see two questions, “Where on the “Self Care Wheel”
are you thriving?” and “Where on the “Self Care Wheel” are you surviving?”

Tell the audience that the definitions of thriving and surviving are similar as they both have a
sense of living. However, thriving means that you are living well and are able to pursue life
needs above and beyond basic needs. Surviving means that you are only able to attain basic
necessities in your daily life. This can look like getting to school, minimally communicating with
your colleagues, teaching your class, and going home after completing what is required of you
for the next day. Thriving is individually defined because you are focusing on the parts of your
life your values have defined important to you. Thriving could look like being more present at
home with your family after school, it could look like taking on more leadership roles within the
school community, or it could look like creating better collaborative spaces with your colleagues
because you have carved that time out for your own self care needs.

Give 3 minutes for the audience to read through the “Self Care Wheel” on the front side of the
handout and write for 3 minutes on the back side under the question “Think”.

Image and content credit:

Alt Text: Title of image at top says “Self-Care Wheel”. On the outer periphery are titles of each of
the topics that go into the “Self Care Wheel that read clockwise starting at the top of the circle
“Psychological, Emotional, Spiritual, Personal, Professional, and Physical”. Under each of these
are potential tasks that focus on that aspect of the Self Care Wheel. All this material is also on
the worksheet provided.

Slide 9: Progress Monitoring Self Reflection Question: Self Care Wheel

Preliminary Discussion “Think” and write on handout (5 minutes)
I will let the audience know that we are going to dig deeper into this tool by annotating your
choice with analysis on the T-P-S worksheet. The audience will be told that they will have to
underline their choices and jot down some ideas as to “Why are you thriving in this portion of the
“Self Care Wheel”?” or “Why are you surviving in this portion of the “Self Care Wheel”?

At this point. I will let them know that they will individually have to find a partner to complete the
second part of the graphic organizer with. This partner will be the same partner they talked to at
the beginning of the professional development. I will remind them to bring their papers and a
writing utensil with them as they work on the handout. And I will give them time to move around.

Teacher Leader Project: SEL Teaching Post Pandemic Presentation

I will tell the audience that they should have found the other person to have a conversation with
on where they are thriving and where they are surviving on this “Self Care Wheel”. They should
be sharing and taking notes on where and why their partner is on that section of the “Self Care

Image and content credit:

Alt Text: Title of image at top says “Self-Care Wheel”. On the outer periphery are titles of each of
the topics that go into the “Self Care Wheel that read clockwise starting at the top of the circle
“Psychological, Emotional, Spiritual, Personal, Professional, and Physical”. Under each of these
are potential tasks that focus on that aspect of the Self Care Wheel. All this material is also on
the worksheet provided.

Slide 10: Progress Monitoring Self Reflection Question: Self Care Wheel
Preliminary Discussion “Pair and Share” (10 minutes)
On this slide, I will be monitoring the room to assess how long of a discussion time is necessary
for the completion of the activity.

I will then pause the conversation to let the partners know that I would like them to start thinking
about what they want to share with the larger group. I will ask them to come up with activities
they can accomplish or practices they can do that would take you from surviving to thriving.

I will then organize the audience into a circle so everyone can see each other and ask folks to
write in the third section under “Share” with what has come up through the larger discussion on
these practices. I will tell the audience that before they move to thank your partner for their time
in creating community and reflection with them.

Slide 11: Group Discussion Questions on T-P-S Activity aka Slide Y (10-12
I will show the slide with discussion questions, and read out the three that I anticipate will be
helpful in starting the discussion and allowing folks to learn strategies from one another, I will
ask, What did you learn from your partner on where they are surviving and why?”, “How are you
and your partner working on this portion of the “Self Care Wheel”? I.e. what techniques have
you already tried? What have you yet to try?”, and lastly, “How can we support each other to get
to the end of the school year and reach our goals (as stated at the beginning of our meeting

During this discussion time I will ask everyone to speak on one of these questions so that we
can get equity of audience voice and participation.

Teacher Leader Project: SEL Teaching Post Pandemic Presentation

I want this space to be audience centered and want them to learn and listen from each other.
This will help them recognize that they are experiencing similar frustrations and hopefully
effective strategies to balance out those frustrations. After that I will ask them to keep these
handouts to continue their reflections throughout the rest of the semester and before the
beginning of the next academic year.

I will also let them know that I was hopeful that they would find colleagues that are feeling
similarly and would want to connect on ways they can manage their own work life balance.

Slide 12: Four Corners Activity Introduction and Explanation (2 minutes)

I will let the audience know that I am now going to give them options based on the parts of the
“Self Care Wheel” that you would like to work on. I have provided an activity that you can
accomplish both these strategies here, on campus, and at home that will cater to that
self-directed portion of the “Self Care Wheel”. All of the links are provided on the slide deck that
I sent out in the email to faculty and staff members who were interested in signing up for this
professional development opportunity. On slide 13, or Corner A, you can watch a guided
meditation and get in touch with your inner spiritual peace. On slide 14 or in Corner B you will
move from that corner to go outside with either another person or by yourself and complete the
outdoor scavenger hunt in which you will take photos of the places around you. This activity will
get you moving and will keep you grounded. Time yourself for 5 minutes, exit the building and
walk around campus to take a picture of the following items that appear on the slide. You might
need to walk briskly to find these items! On slide 15 or Corner C you see color pencils and
coloring pages on the desks in the corner. In this corner, you will be self reflective and take
some time for yourself to reflect on your day through coloring pages. These will center your
mind on a specific task so you can take some personal time for yourself as a break from your
busy schedule. And in the final corner, on slide 16, you will find two youtube videos to focus on
your emotions. These videos are compilations of babies laughing. Psychologists have found
that babies do not laugh because of jokes or certain objects, they laugh only when they are in
community with others. Babies only laugh with other people. Therefore, in this corner you will
get intouch with your emotions and I hope you have a good laugh.

I will give some time for people to get settled into their corner and I will come around to see if
anyone is having technical problems with the provided links.

Image citation:

Alt Image: Five clipart enthusiastic individuals having conversation with each other in a box with
the corners labeled by the letters “A, B, C, D”.

Slide 13- 16: Corners relating to the Self Care Wheel (5 minutes)
I will remind the audience that these links were sent to them in a prior email before the
presentation. I will give them all a timestamp for when they should be done with the activity,
especially the group that will be participating in the scavenger hunt to come back to our meeting

Teacher Leader Project: SEL Teaching Post Pandemic Presentation

Video Citation on Slide 13: Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond
Photo Credit: Julia Cesar
Music: Ambient - The Ambient by Kevin MacLeod
Image Credit on Slide 13:
Alt Text: Man in a relaxed crossed leg position with stack of papers on desk and window to
cityscape in his background.

Image citation on Slide 14:

Alt Text: Clipart image of a yellow sun to the right of text that reads “Outdoor Scavenger Hunt”
with a clipart bee to the left of the text.

Image citation on Slide 15:
Alt Image Text: Paper coloring page of flowers and petals with six coloring pencils of a variety of
colors. The page has been colored in mostly reds, oranges, and green.

Video Citations for each youtube video on Slide 16:

Slide 17: Culminating Activity and Reflection (5 minutes)

At the closing of our professional development together, I will share the questions provided on
the slide, “What did you learn about yourself today?” and “What strategy will you take with you
to support your self care throughout the rest of this academic year and beyond?”

Again, I will ask all the participants to share on both of these questions to get a sense of how
well the audience understood the importance of identifying and managing their social emotional
understanding of self. After that we will all read together in a choral reading the 5 daily
affirmations for teachers to end our time together with positive affirmations and a growth
mindset on how we have learned from each other about our community and about ourselves.

Resource citation:

Image Citation:
Alt Text: In the image, the center text reads, “5 Daily Affirmations for Teachers” surrounding the
title are speech bubbles of various sizes that read specific affirmations that read, “I am a
competent and capable teacher”, “I am creating a better tomorrow for my students.”, “I treat
myself and my students with kindness and respect”, “The work I do matters”, and “I am
becoming a better teacher every day.”
Teacher Leader Project: SEL Teaching Post Pandemic Presentation

Slide 18: Thank you and Reminder (1 minute)

I will thank all the participants for helping me in my teacher leadership project and leave them
with a reminder that I will be asking for feedback from them on this professional development.


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