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Flores 1

Camila Flores


English 1302-227

4 May 2022

When I finished ENGL 1301, honestly I was really happy because those were some of the
hardest essays I have ever had to write. But having had writing those essays definitely helped me
with ENGL 1302 essays. So far I have loved the essays that I've written. There were times that I
contemplated rewriting my essays completely. I'm happy with how they turned out. Having to
write about a movie I love so much, was actually the hardest because I couldn't put in my
Essay one was probably the easiest between essay one and essay two. Mostly because the
essay all depended on me and the experiment I conducted. Not much was needed to write it.
Knowing that oranges were good for the immune system was also a good pro. All I basically
needed was the result of the experiment and the peer review. I first had to start the experiment to
even be able to start the essay. I would have to record throughout ten days, what I had
experienced and how it was affecting me. Once I started to write my essay all I had to do was
explain the experiment, what I learned from the peer review. After turning in the first and second
draft, I had to review the spelling and grammar. I'm sure I changed some of the things I wrote in
the essay. I did have to add a couple things into my essay, but apart from the small details it was
just that. Definitely the easiest essay so far.
Essay two was a lot harder because it's a subject that I love. It was hard mostly because
when I wanted to put in my opinion I couldn't. I had to write based on the articles that I had
found. Forming a structure based on the opinions on others without involving myself in any type
of way, was very difficult. I believe that the annotated bibliography did help a lot. Having the
article that I was going to write about made it easier to know what I wanted to talk about. It was
just choosing the six articles. The essay was mostly written around the articles. So I didn't have
much of a problem there; it was mostly what to say without putting my opinion and without
writing in first person. The Third essay was the easiest out of all three because I only had to
integrate two more articles while “adding “ my opinion in third person with what the two articles
said. The thing I mostly fixed was spelling and grammar once I was done writing both.
Something I learned in ENGL 1301 would be that to write something I really like, would
mean to leave my comfort zone. And I've definitely used it to my advantage. Being able to give
my opinion in writing without the care that I offend someone has been really helpful not only in
writing essays but also in class and in society. It has helped me write about three communities
and their type of genres. To be honest, I still have trouble understanding what that means. But
luckily it's the end of semester again and honestly I don't think I'll be using that and those themes
again for a while. At least not till school starts again.
So far I think I've gotten better at my spelling and grammar. But mostly because of
grammarly. It has helped me so much, not only in English but also in my other classes. I did have
Flores 2

grammarly last semester, I just didn't use it as often as I should have as I do now. One of my
biggest problems is that often I'm typing so fast and so deep into my writing that I don't pay
attention when it's marking me that a word is spelled wrong or when I'm double typing a word
etc etc. But since I have started using grammarly it has helped me alot. Helping me avoid
making simple mistakes and correcting a phrase and reword it. I'm not sure what exactly would
be my strength and weakness. I think one of my strengths is that I'm really good at writing when
I understand what I'm writing about. While my weakness would be that I definitely can't write a
good essay if I don't fully understand the assignment, less I'm writing it under pressure.
Sometimes when I'm writing under pressure, the words just start coming out and I'm typing like
crazy. I would have to go through the essay and see how I can word it together and rephrase
everything together. Sometimes when I'm writing essays that involve something I love, it comes
to me alot easier and faster to just write it.
For my website, I went for the same layout as my website last semester. I found it less
complicated. Mostly because I liked how it was laid out. Pretty easy to access everything instead
of having extra buttons and extra pages on the website. To avoid getting lost, I made shortcuts to
get to the essay a lot quicker. Any extra work and all the ruff drafts were added to a different
page. While the Annotated Bibliography got its own page. I'm separating everything because if it
doesn't correlate, it will just look messy and unorganized. I wanted my website to look organized
and clean, and maybe a little professional.
The most challenging part would definitely be having to organize everything so it
wouldn't be messy. Having to put everything together was also a challenge. Sometimes I couldn't
find certain assignments and I would have to open documents to find it and at some point I
would give up so I would have to log into my Tamiu uconnect to download the assignment that I
turned in. The least challenging part of making my website was making the shortcuts. Because I
used the website that I used for the last semester, I didn't have to restart from scratch. I could just
change the titles and add in the assignments that I wanted to use.
Between all my essays that I've written so far. I believe that my favorite would be
between my first essay from the first semester where I talked about cars and my last essay from
this semester where I write about Harry Potter, because I was able to write about my two favorite
topics. I think between those essays and this essay, I've changed my technique quite a bit. Having
to go from writing what I know to writing about something only from the first point of view, to
finishing this essay in the third point of view, has been a struggle. I believe I've changed how I
approach writing. How I approach the articles. Something that has definitely helped would be at
the beginning of second semester in class we were told “you can skim over the article”, and i
believe that has definitely helped me. Instead of reading and taking in all this extra information,
i'm only taking in what I need to use for my essay.

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