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Allocate roles and responsibilities

Allocating roles and responsibilities

Once of the last aspects of planning is to identify all the

various roles and responsibilities for different areas and
personnel within a tourism organisation

 What are examples of roles and responsibilities?

 How do you identify them?

 How do you communicate them?

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Allocate roles and responsibilities

Areas of roles and responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities may can allocated for a range of

areas in tourism organisation, including but not limited to:

 Finance

 Marketing

 Promoting sustainability

 Facilitating working partnerships

 Liaison and communication with stakeholders

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Allocate roles and responsibilities

Types of internal roles and responsibilities

What would be common roles and responsibilities relating to

sustainability for:

 Managers

 Staff


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Allocate roles and responsibilities
Types of appropriate external stakeholders
 Private sector organisations – including land
owners, developers, businesses, transport
 Public sector organisations – including
tourism information centres, land
management groups, government agencies
 Voluntary organisations – including local
community groups and service groups


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Allocate roles and responsibilities
Communicating expected outcomes, activities and
All stakeholders need to understand:
 The specific outcomes expected – goals for the
organisation, deliverables for a work area and KPIs
for those implementing the strategies
 The range of activities to be undertaken to achieve
the goals
 The responsibilities assigned
 Any interrelationships with other parts of the
organisation in terms of impact of the initiatives

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Communicating the sustainability plan

Information to be communicated

 Rationale behind the plan

 Areas that the plan covers

 Range of activities designed to implement the plan

 Expected outcomes of each plan strategy in measurable


 Benefits from a successfully implemented

sustainability plan

 Support the organisation will provide

to implement the plan

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Communicating the sustainability plan

Communication methods to internal stakeholders

 Presentations

 Website - intranet

 Internal Newsletter

 Posters and notices

 Meetings

 Logo or a mascot

 A green team

 Competitions and rewards

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Communicating the sustainability plan

Communication methods to external stakeholders

 Media and public relations campaign

 Correspondence

 Presentations

 Websites and newsletters

 Annual general meeting

 Information service

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Eco-tourism certification programs
Subscribe to eco-tourism certification programs

Given that each region will have laws and regulations that
must be complied with, as a minimum of any sustainability
program, it often means that management and staff need to
undertake training or gain certification.

 What are key tourism and environmental departments and

authorities in your region?

 What laws apply?

 What certification must be obtained?


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