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Hidden In Plain Sight


Aggressor Walkthrough
Objective 1: Get into library
1. Approach Library: After receiving intel from your team, you move towards the library.
2. Scouting: You climb up to a vantage point and scout the environment in order to locate the guards.
3. Fight At Ossulston Street: You walk up towards the main gate and using cover you fight the guards and turret stationed there.
4. Moving into Courtyard: You take down the two guards, and the turret goes into a cooldown.
5. Alarm Sounds: During the engagement, the alarm sounds and guards from the surrounding area close in on your position.
6. Finding Temporary Cover: You rush towards the courtyard greenery for shelter and take down the remaining reinforcements.
7. Enter Facility Interior: Once the area is safe, you enter the library.

Objective 2: Find a way to access the basement

8. Ambush: The player is flanked from both the North and East Stairs with hostiles approaching from the stairs and surrounding area.
9. Finding Temporary Cover: You take cover behind the reading tables on the west side of the library and start to engage with the guards.
10. Finding a Way to the Second Floor: You fight the hostiles that are congregating and blocking the North stairs. You rush up the second floor.
11. Identified an Area of Interest: Turning the corner, you notice a turret guarding something and hastily approach the Security Room.
12. Taking Elevator to Basement: You use cover to dodge the fire from the turret which guards an elevator. You quickly enter it.

Objective 3: Find the robot and its schematics

13. Enter Basement/ Scouting: Upon approach, you are amazed at the size of the facility and notice increased security near Bailey’s Laboratory.
14. Strategize Combat Approach: You plan to approach Bailey’s heavily guarded laboratory by flanking the guards and turrets that protect it.
You walk down the stairs near the elevator to get to the lower level of the basement.
15. Begin Assault: Sneaking through the storage rooms, you engage with the enemy, waiting for the turrets to enter their cooldown phase.
Meanwhile, the alarm sounds and the guards approach your position from the Engineering Labs.
16. Bailey Escapes: As the turrets begin to cool down, Sophia Bailey rushes out from her office and escapes to the elevator. You do not pursue
her as the attaining the schematics are a more pressing issue.
17. Collect Schematics: You run into her office as guards are on your tail. You steal the schematics and update your team.
18. Fight off Remaining Hostiles: You proceed to fight the remaining guards in the area as you move up the stairs towards the Engineering Labs.
19. Collect Robot: Once the area is clear you begin to explore the Engineering Labs and collect the robot prototype.

Objective 4: Get to the extraction point


20. Take Elevator to Second Floor: Going up to the second floor of the library, you avoid the turret by jumping through an open window.
21. Take Stairs to the Inner Courtyard/Combat: You take down the remaining hostile forces outside the library.
22. Mission Complete!: You walk through the libraries main entrance gate to the extraction point.

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