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Garcia 1

Ximena Garcia

English 1302-129

Judith McCann

30th January 2022

Reading Journal Articles

Before you start reading an article, make sure to ask your professor or teacher what to

mainly focus on while reading. This is useful in order to obtain and write down important notes

on the side. Also, look at the subtitles in each paragraph and break them down in order to

understand what it is the article is talking about. While reading the article, make sure to break the

paragraphs into pieces to not overwhelm yourself with information. Like mentioned before,

make sure to annotate a bit in each paragraph to later go back and remember what each section

was about. Lastly, do not go crazy and stary highlighting everything you see, make sure to finish

reading the section and in the end highlight the main ideas. After reading make sure to put your

article aside and re-read it another day in order to truly obtain the information that you could’ve

missed the first time. Summarize what it is you just read and learned and repeat it to a peer in

order to see if you obtained the information. Lastly, try testing yourself on what you learned.
Garcia 2

Work Cited

“Reading Journal Articles.” Learning Center, 24 Sept. 2021,


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