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Name: Cynthia Moreno Unit 2 Research Worksheet Analysis

What are researchers saying about unfair custody battles?

Source Author’s Evidence Author’s Your analysis Analysis of Your analysis

Claim or author uses conclusions of how the how this source of how this
Argument to support author agrees with the source
claim contributes to other source disagrees
research with other

Source 1: There are The authors The child’s Much of the The source Some sources
Abusers cases in which cite a lot of safety should content from focuses on could say that
gaining forms of other authors be the first the authors is abuse and other this isn't how
custody in abuse are not in order to priority when taken from issues regarding it is in most
family courts: taken into support their deciding who other authors. custody of cases
A case series consideration claim, and will have They also abusive parent
of overturned when they also custody over discuss the over child
decisions determining conduct a them unfairness of
which parent research custody battles
will have
custody over
their children

Source 2: The mental The author The safety The author The source Not many
Parental health of uses important and well provides agrees that the differences
Mental parents should documents being of solutions and child’s
Illness: The be checked such as an children counter well-being
Importance of before the amendment should be argument to should be
Requiring court decides proposed to considered, their research prioritized when
Parental which parents support their and it comes to
Mental Health should have claim background giving a parent
Evaluations in custody over checks should custody
Child Custody their child be conducted
Disputes on parents

Source 3: The gender of The authors The results of The author The source Not many
Gender the parents use cases and the studies conducts could agree with differences
stereotypes greatly affects conduct highlight the various studies other sources
underlie child the court’s studies interplay of of judicial that gender
custody decisions stereotyped decisions for stereotypes are
decisions attitudes child custody present in child
custody battles
Source 4: The authors The authors A federally Provided Loss of custody The source
Child Custody conduct a use statistics, funded statistics of based on talks about a
Outcomes in research to charts, provide program abuse and allegations of mother’s
Cases determine data, and should be gender abuse resistance to
Involving whether or not conduct a created to comparisons let the father
Parental courts are research investigate see the child
Alienation ignoring abuse reasons as to
and Abuse allegations why mothers
Allegations do not let
fathers see
their child

Source 5: Child Custody The author The author Information Both sources Not many
Why Judges evaluations provides real concludes that given by the could agree that differences
should not should not be life examples judges author shows it could be
Permit Child given by of Child shouldnt give that it is safe better if the
Custody judges for the Custody permission for the child if decision is made
Evaluations child's well Evaluations for child there are no by the parents
being gone wrong custody child custody alone about who
evaluations evaluations gets to keep the

Source 6: What is the The conduct a Just because a Information Custody battles Criminals
Custody influence of series of parent has a about how should be fair, should also be
Judgments, substance experiments + criminal people should custody able to have
Ex-offender abuse and charts, tables, background be able to have decisions should custody over
Parents, and criminal graphs or past with custody over be made in the child (abusers
Best Interest conviction on substance their child best interest for etc)
for the Child custody abuse does even with a child
decisions not mean that criminal
they should record
not have
custody over
their child

Source 7: The paper The authors The The authors Not many Both parents
Improving offers a not only try to introduction explain the similarities are suitable for
Custody solution to support their of the many aspects the child
Dispute unresolvable main Equality of the Equality
Negotiation: custody argument but Principle Principle and
Empirical disputes also provide would be a its
Testing of the weaknesses very effective effectiveness
Quality for it way to solve
Principle custody
Source 8: The article Some of the The author The author One source Not many
The Equality talks about the evidence that states that contributes to could state that differences
of Principle: different parts the authors use shared the articles shared custody
Splitting the of custody is equations to custody is point by giving could lead to
Difference in disputes and use on their ruled out the research bad things
Custody other similar studies because of and between the
Disputes things high-conflict information relationships of
parents about the topic children and

Source 9: A Elaboration on The author There are still The authors Evaluations of Not many
30 years of child custody elaborates on things that are elaborate on child custody differences
Research guidelines guidelines, not checked guidelines cases
Survey of explain on during placed on child
Child Custody previous evaluations custody battles
Evaluation experiments
Practices and

Source 10: Analysis on The authors Creating a The authors Not many Joint
Custody and the joint uses sources, joint offer solutions similarities relationships
Child custody and graphs, charts relationship to the prevent
Symptomatol study parental and math after divorce of negative
ogy in High symptomatolo equations is good for emotions of
Conflict gy on children children kids after
Devorve an divorce
Analysis of

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