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Artificial Intelligence

It is the most important revolution in technology since the invention of computers. Artificial
intelligence is going to change everything (it already is), although we are not clear when, how...
or why. It is the great paradox of AI. Everybody talks about it, but few know how it works, or
what it really does.

Definition of the Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the scientific field of computer science that focuses on the creation of
programs and mechanisms that can show behaviors considered intelligent. In other words, AI
is the concept according to which "machines think like human beings".

Normally, an AI system is capable of analyzing data in large quantities (big data), identifying
patterns and trends and, therefore, formulating predictions automatically, quickly and
accurately. For us, the important thing is that AI makes our everyday experiences more
intelligent. How? By integrating predictive analytics (we will talk about this later) and other AI
techniques into applications we use on a daily basis.

*Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the combination of algorithms designed to create machines that
have the same capabilities as humans. A technology that is still distant and mysterious to us,
but which has been present in our daily lives at all times for some years now.

In its form more simple, the IA is the attempt of imitating the intelligence human using a robot,
or a software. But it is a concept very vague, because exist many ramifications.*

History of the AI

The term artificial intelligence was adopted in 1956, but has become more popular today
thanks to increased data volumes, advanced algorithms, and improvements in computing
power and storage.

Initial research into artificial intelligence in the 1950s explored topics such as problem solving
and symbolic methods. In the 1960s, the U.S. Department of Defense showed interest in this
type of work and began training computers to mimic basic human reasoning.

This initial work opened the way for the automation and formal reasoning we see in computers
today, including decision support systems and intelligent search systems that can be designed
to complement and enhance human capabilities.

Artificial intelligence has evolved to provide many specific benefits to all industries.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

- Systems that think like humans

They automate activities such as decision making, problem solving and learning. One example
is artificial neural networks.

- Systems that act like humans

These are computers that perform tasks in a similar way as people do. This is the case of
- Systems that think rationally

They try to emulate the rational logical thinking of humans, that is, they investigate how
machines can perceive, reason and act accordingly. Expert systems are included in this group.

- Systems that act rationally

They are those who try to rationally imitate human behavior, like intelligent agents.


This vertiginous irruption of AI and robotics in our society has led international organizations to
consider the need to create regulations to regulate their use and employment and thus avoid
possible problems that may arise in the future.

- Robots must have an emergency switch to avoid any dangerous situation.

- They may not harm human beings. Robotics is expressly designed to help and protect people.

- They cannot generate emotional relationships.

- It will be compulsory to take out an insurance policy for larger machines. In the event of any
material damage, the owners will assume the costs.

- Their rights and obligations will be legally classified.

- The machines will be taxed by the social security. Their entry into the labour market will
impact on the labour force of many companies. The robots will have to pay taxes to subsidize
the aid of the unemployed.

Why is artificial intelligence important?

Artificial intelligence automates repetitive learning and discovery through data. Artificial
intelligence is different from hardware-based robot automation. Instead of automating manual
tasks, artificial intelligence performs frequent high-volume computer tasks reliably and
without fatigue. For this type of automation, human research remains critical to configure the
system and ask the right questions.

AI adds intelligence to existing products. In most cases, AI will not be sold as an individual
application. Instead, the products you already use will be enhanced with AI resources, much
like Siri was added as a feature to a new generation of Apple products. Automation,
conversational platforms, bots, and intelligent machines can be combined with large amounts
of data to enhance many technologies in the home and workplace, from security intelligence
to investment analysis.

Artificial intelligence adapts through progressive learning algorithms to allow data to perform
programming. Artificial intelligence finds structure and regularities in data so that the
algorithm acquires a skill: the algorithm becomes a classifier or predictor. In this way, just as
the algorithm can learn to play chess, it can also learn which product to recommend next
online. And the models are adapted when new data are provided. Retropropagation is an
artificial intelligence technique that allows the model to make adjustments, through training
and aggregated data, when the first answer is not entirely correct.

Artificial intelligence analyzes more and deeper data using neural networks that have many
hidden layers. Building a fraud detection system with five hidden layers was almost impossible
a few years ago. All that has changed with incredible computing power and the Big Data. It
takes a lot of data to train deep learning models because they learn directly from the data. The
more data you can provide them with, the more accurate they become.

Artificial intelligence achieves incredible accuracy through deep neural networks - which was
impossible before. For example, their interactions with Alexa, Google Search, and Google
Photos are all based on deep learning - and they continue to become more accurate the more
we use them. In the field of medicine, the artificial intelligence techniques of deep learning,
image classification, and object recognition can now be used to detect cancer in MRIs
(magnetic resonance imaging) with the same precision as highly trained radiologists.

Artificial intelligence makes the most of the data. When the algorithms are self-learning, the
data itself can become intellectual property. The answers are in the data; you only have to
apply artificial intelligence to bring them out into the open. Because the role of data is now
more important than ever before, it can create a competitive advantage. If you have the best
data in a competitive industry, even if everyone applies similar techniques, the best data will

Uses of Artificial Intelligence

AI is present in cell phone face detection, in virtual voice assistants such as Siri from Apple,
Alexa from Amazon or Cortana from Microsoft and is integrated in our daily devices through
bots or mobile applications, such as Lyli, a personal shopper in digital version; Parla, conceived
to help us with language learning; Ems, designed to make the arduous task of finding a new
apartment a little easier; or Gyant, a virtual assistant from Facebook that issues medical
'diagnoses'. The aim of all of them: to make people's lives easier.

Advances in AI are already driving the use of big data because of its ability to process huge
amounts of data and provide communication, business and commercial advantages that have
led it to position itself as the essential technology of the next decades. Transportation,
education, healthcare, culture... no sector will resist its charms.

Challenges of using Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence will have to transform all industries, but we have to understand its limits.

The main limitation of artificial intelligence is that it learns from data. There is no other way in
which knowledge can be incorporated. That means that any inaccuracies in the data will be
reflected in the results. And any additional layers of prediction or analysis have to be added

Today's AI systems are trained to perform a clearly defined task. The system that plays poker
cannot play solitaire or chess. The system that detects fraud can't drive a car or give you legal
advice. In fact, an AI system that detects health care fraud cannot accurately detect tax or
warranty claims fraud.

In other words, these systems are very, very specialized. They focus on a single task and are far
from humane.

In the same way, self-learning systems are not autonomous systems. The imagined artificial
intelligence technologies you see in movies and on television are still science fiction. But
computers that can probe complex data to learn and perfect specific tasks are becoming quite

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