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Are video games a waste of time?

A video game is an interactive entertainment-oriented application that, through certain controls or

controls, allows you to simulate experiences on the screen of a television, a computer or other
electronic device.

Video games differ from other forms of entertainment, such as movies, in that they must be
interactive; in other words, users must be actively involved with the content

Frequently, video games recreate virtual environments and situations in which the gamer can
control one or more characters (or any other element of that environment), to achieve one or
more objectives within certain rules.

Depending on the video game, a game can be played by a single person against the machine, two
or more people on the same machine, or multiple players through a LAN or online via the Internet,
competing collaboratively against the machine or each other.

There are currently video games of many types. Some of the most representative genres are
action, role, strategy, simulation, sports or adventure video games; but before there was no
favorite genre, or at least it didn't show that much. But if we have to choose one, we could say
that platforms like Mario or Sonic.

Video games have always been seen as something of antisocial people who do not prefer to go out
to the park to play, as if playing video games was not that: play. I could relate the topics of "I do
not live a life, I live many", "I know many people on the Internet", "at least I am at home and not
taking drugs in the park", which is partly true, but the most important thing is that for those of us
who play, games are an entertainment like any other, something to devote free time, with which
to disconnect from the work or literature work that is making your existence bitter.

For many people, video games are not a hobby, it's not like dedicating yourself to football,
painting a painting or simply learning recipes with YouTube tutorials. Why is that investing your
time and not spending it? Why go out to the park to throw a few games with your friends to the
football is better than a FIFA game?

Interactive movie

There are video games that make you live a thousand adventures in an easy and simple way
(which does not have to be an easy and simple game). I mean many games like Telltale, Beyond:
Two souls or even the most recent A way Out. They are very interactive games, they are not what
you have to create your own story, here the situation of the camera, the narrative, the options,
the characters, everything that surrounds you makes you be part of a story, live it; but sometimes
you look at the scene as if it were a movie.

  "That's what I see a movie for," but I want to be the one who helps them, who guides them, to
find out about the story by my own means instead of waiting to be told. It is as if someone is
watching an NBA game and I say: «Why do you watch TV? For that go go play ».

They are video game competitions that have become events of great popularity. In general,
electronic sports are multiplayer video game competitions, particularly among professional
players. The most common genres in video games associated with esports are: real-time strategy,
first-person shooting and online multiplayer battle arenas (better known by its acronym in MOBA,
Online multiplayer battle arena videogame). Tournaments such as The International (the annual
Dota2 video game tournament by the Valve Corporation), the “League of Legends World
Championship” (World League of Legends video game tournament by the Riot Games company),
the World Championship Series (a series of tournaments of the various titles of the
company Blizzard Entertainment), the Evolution Championship Series (annual event that focuses
exclusively on fighting games), the Intel Extreme Masters (series of international electronic sports
tournaments held in different countries around the world by the Intel company) and the Smite
World Championship (Smite world video game championship) among others, provide the public
with live broadcasts of their competitions as well as monetary prizes and salaries to competitors

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