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Date: 04/07/2022
To: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
From: Lewis McDowell
Subject: Severe Storm Aid
Reference: Email Provided


Severe weather disasters are on the rise. With the summer quickly approaching, we must
prepare ourselves and bring awareness. This past summer 1 in 3 families experienced natural
disaster and the number continues to grow. In 2021 more than 32% of Americans live in a
designated disaster area. The previous year only 28% were in one of those areas. Based on this
information, it is safe to assume the number will continue to grow. With that being said, action
is required. To accomplish this, we must build a social media presence.

SolutionSocial Media

Social media is the largest platform today. Information spreads like wildfire through the
different platforms. No age group is free from the clutches that is social media. In some cases
that can be very harmful, but at the same time it can be very beneficial. When it comes to
spreading awareness of severe weather disasters, social media can be very beneficial.
Spreading awareness of current, or foreseeable, disasters through TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter
is the best solution. Each of these platforms allows for the user to post about any subject they
please. Other users are then capable of interacting with the post by liking, commenting, or
sharing. When a post is interacted with, it increases the chance of someone else seeing it and
potential interacting with it as well. Posting videos or images, we can encourage others to send
aid. Links can be added to the bio to direct the viewers to your website where they can provide


Severe weather disasters are here to stay. With them being unpredictable, we will never be
fully prepared for what will happen. But through social media, we can spread awareness
cheaply and efficiently. While it may seem like a simple solution, it works. Let’s spread
awareness together through the power of social media.

Moving forward I recommend establishing a social media presence. Like pointed out earlier,
social media is one of the top sources of information. If you can become established now, it will
help the company grow in the long run. TikTok and Instagram are the top options now and have
the highest chance of spreading awareness.

Kaplan, Sarah, and Andrew Ba Tran. “Nearly 1 in 3 Americans Experienced a Weather Disaster
This Summer.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 4 Sept. 2021,

“Social Media Usage in U.S.” Statista, 23 Mar. 2022,

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