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Characters Analysis
Tim O’Brien The narrator and protagonist
Represents memory and storytelling
- Uses storytelling to find a place of
solace and comfort
- Although he is the protagonist, he often
let another character unfold the story
He is the fictional persona of the writer
Relatable-offers the readers first hand
experience of the war

Jimmy Cross A character

Represents guilt and responsibility
- Cross is a weak individual, allowing his
thoughts to distract him
Suffers for the sake of his platoon
Loves Martha
Mary-Anne Fossie’s girlfriend
Becomes a reaper-enamoured by death and the
darkness of the jungle
Loss of innocence
- Arrives wearing “white culottes and
this sexy pink sweater”
- She experiences a loss of identity as she
encounters the hostility of the war
- Resorts to savagery and violence
Mitchell Saunders Represents wisdom and sanity
Blames Lieutenant Cross for Kiowa’s death
Kiowa Dies (oop)
O’Brien’s friend
His death symbolises the cruelty of war
(shit field)
Norman Bowker Quiet
Commits suicide

Rat Kiley The medic

He’s a storyteller
Shoots himself
Curt Lemon Dies
Ted Lavender Dies
Takes lots of tranquilisers
Kathleen She’s an outsider.
Innocent-O’Brien has to lie to her

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