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Society of View of Women's Issues

In society, women have to face so many different adversities, some of which people seem to be
completely unaware of. Women should not have to face these issues like domestic violence,
rape, human trafficking, pregnancy, miscarriages, and so many more. These matters not only
affect women, but also young girls who are pre-pubescent. Women face these matters
statistically higher at the that it can cause massive damage to the physical and mental health.
This dilemma is shown to be very significant and that the people in the society should take it
seriously. These issues have varies of subjects that society is unaware of that are affecting
women worldwide. But one of the subtopics that should be talked about is domestic violence
towards women and young girls around the world.

The danger of what women and young girls face during these situations that causes so much
damage mentally and physically. “These effects include harm to an individual’s health, possibly

long-term harm to children, and harm to communities such as lost work and homelessness”
( At the fact that women can be affected long and short-term but not only

them but also their family are affected as well. Another subtopic that should not be ignored is

sexual harassment, this subject has been around over the past few years. The last year of 2017

an activist woman named Tarana Burke started a movement called #MeToo and this movement
helps women all around the world to have a voice to speak up of them facing sexual

harassment. Many female celebrities and citizens have spoken up that they have encountered
sexual assault ever since the #MeToo movement, yet it has not stopped these situations from

happening. But yet the statistics of women victims have a higher percentage than male victims

that have been sexually harassed.


“It found that 81 percent of women and 43 percent of men had experienced some form of
sexual harassment during their lifetime” ( The focus of showing the society needs to
change the world to lower the percentage of females but as well as for males.The next subject
that is also is not taken seriously is rape especially when it is been happening in college and
university. Women in college or university have been raped and will report it to the campus
police but will not resolve the problem but make it worse for the victim.

Instead of reporting it to the campus police to report it to the local police because campus police
can’t give strong punishment as local police can as well as not having enough resources.
“Because many schools lack the resources and expertise of local police to investigate such
crimes, let alone to professionally process physical evidence” (Board). It has been one of the
causes of many young adults that are female to not be able to get the help they need by the
campus since they don’t have the resources or ability to help.

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