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Why I Consider Tyrannosaurus Rex to Be the Best Dinosaur

Dinosaurs have been around for years and they were the dominant species on the planet. Every
animal out in the wild had feared the dinosaurs because they were much larger than these animals so
they were able to eat them up. The dinosaurs are made up of different species which each one has its
advantages and disadvantages. Though the advantages could outweigh the disadvantages it is still
something that the dinosaur in particular could deal with. Some people the raptors because they
medium-sized and are quick and nimble. Other people like the stegosaurus because they have those
sharp spines and are not budging except when needed. My favorite dinosaur is the Tyrannosaurus
rex because he is the largest dinosaur and he is the most dangerous one alive.

The Tyrannosaurus rex or T-rex for short is a very large and dangerous dinosaur who is dominant on
the food chain. When it comes to animals on the food chain the T-rex has a large head with powerful
jaws that contain sharp teeth. The teeth can sink so deep that even the armadillo would be in trouble
if he got caught. The T-rex can sense his prey from far away and when he does he charges towards
his target and leaves them in disarray. Birds are only lucky if they can fly away and not get caught by
the T-rex jaw. The other dinosaurs would immediately run if they heard the T-rex's roar from a mile
away. Out of all the largest animals messing with the T-rex would mean certain death so you would
be dead if you were near one.

Lastly, the T-rex is my favorite dinosaur because he is very large and dangerous and ruled the land
for years. He can be intimidating and would use his jaws to eat his prey. The T-rex would eat anything
in his path that was less than him. There was no way that he would lose in a battle against other
dinosaurs. So if you were to encounter a T-rex then you would lose against him because he would
tear you apart.

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