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Date: 4/1/22

Subject: History

Learning Segment Title: European Colonization of North America

Length of each lesson: 50 minutes

Teacher’s Name: Pierce Clark, Alex Ellison

Grade level: 7

Lesson 1 out of 3

Lesson Plan Template

Central Focus: In this learning segment students will examine the economic, social, and political reasons
for European colonization.

Essential Question(s): What were the economic, social, and political reasons for Europe to establish
colonies in North America?

Learning Standards: Students will be able to identify the economic, social, and political reasons for
Europe to establish colonies in North America.

Pre-Assessment: (if applicable)

Learning Objectives: Students will: Assessments:

Day 1: Learn the history of the economic Day 1: Students will take notes throughout the class, and
struggles that countries in Europe were be expected to give in an exit ticket at the end of the
going through, such as the lack of an period.
efficient trade route to India.

Differentiation: Academic Language


Day 1- Lesson Topic: The Economic Struggles of 15th Century Europe

Anticipatory Set Activity: Students will be told to visualize themselves as a Spanish trader in the
fifteenth century. Students will be asked to think about what they would want most as a trader, the
desired answers would include, “an efficient trade route”, “reliable transportation”.
Initial Phase Direct Instruction:

1. Begin the lesson by discussing the conflict that 15th century Europe had for finding gold and spices.
Students will write notes about how a route to India was sought after, and how adventurers from
Europe were funded to embark on such expeditions. After the direct instruction is concluded, students
will be shown a teacher-made graphic organizer on the board that illustrates the comparison between
European desire for resources, and the means that they used to find them.

Middle Phase: Have students brainstorm ideas for how they will create their own organizers.

1. Guided Practice The students work in groups to discuss each feature about the European
countries discussed in class.
2. Independent Practice The teacher will hand out the students their own blank graphic organizers.
The students will fill in the blanks on the organizers to show that they got the information. The
organizer will have blank spaces to fill in, for example, the students will see the blank space
where each resource correlates with the European country.

Concluding Phase

3. Closure/Summary:

Follow up: What comes next to reinforce the lesson (HW or supplemental instruction) Students will be
given a worksheet to fill out for homework that has a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the
cultural goals of European settlers and Native peoples.

Materials: (items, technology, etc.) Homework, Worksheet , White Board

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