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Can silence and non-verbal communication be

considered a part of communication? Explain with the

help of examples, movies.

“Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves

together that at length they emerge, full formed and majestic, into the
daylight of life which they are henceforth to rule”
Silence is one of the most potent communication tools known. Most
individuals spend too much time talking in a discussion, which means
they hear largely their own thoughts and observations rather than the
other person's. "If all we can hear is our own voice, all we'll ever
know is what we already know."
To have a fruitful communication process, we must first comprehend
the other person's point of view so that we may communicate with
correct relevancy and avoid the all-too-common disagreements that
lead to misunderstandings.
Positive listening, with tolerance, providing the other person space
and understanding, and listening to understand rather than listening to
answer, establishes the right environment for talks and tells people
that their perspectives count, which is essential if we want to
communicate effectively. Lincoln's wonderful phrase exemplifies.
"No one understands how much you know until they understand how
much you care."
Respect for their views will elicit respect in return, as will reciprocal
listening, which necessitates deliberate inquiries and silent listening
with the goal of comprehending their responses. Hence, silence is not
only beneficial, but also robust and necessary.
One example of nonverbal communication is touch. It also has varied
connotations in different cultures; thus, we must learn fundamental
nonverbal communication skills in different cultures to prevent
misunderstandings while communicating with individuals from
diverse backgrounds in our daily lives. Touch may have both good
and negative connotations, such as admiration, sexual attraction, fun,
greetings, and so on. For example, Muslim children are educated not
to touch members of the other sex, a behavior that American children
who are used to touching one other may interpret as hostile. 
Another example of non-verbal communication can be sign language.
Sign language is a nonverbal language that deaf people rely solely on
to communicate with their social surroundings. It relies on visual
clues provided by the hands, eyes, face, lips, and body. Sign language
movements and symbols are arranged linguistically. It is a rich blend
of fingerspelling, hand gestures, body language, facial expressions,
timing, touch, and anything else that communicates thoughts or ideas
without using voice.
Silence and non-verbal communication are often seen in the film
industry as well.
For example, Rowan Atkinson has been making audiences laugh as
Mr. Bean for over 30 years with his funny facial expressions and
clumsy actions. Although Mr. Bean began as a comedy, we've also
seen the character convert social ineptitude into an art form in three
films and an animated series.
In the days of silent movies, non-verbal expression was the only tool
actors had for communicating with their audiences. Charlie Chaplin
was nothing short of a maestro. In the sequence from Modern Times,
which is widely regarded as one of Chaplin's best accomplishments,
comedy follows after his character, Little Tramp, inadvertently
consumes a significant amount of cocaine.
Despite the fact that no words are uttered in the elevator scene from
Drive, the viewer is left in no question as to what is going on and how
the characters are feeling thanks to some outstanding acting from
Ryan Gosling and his co-star Carey Mulligan. This scene is a
stunning, albeit grizzly, piece of movie magic, from the subtle glances
exchanged between Gosling's character 'Driver' and the hitman, to the
deft sweep of the arm as Gosling shunts Mulligan's Irene aside and
plants a decoy kiss on her lips to keep her safe from the coming
carnage, and the look of startled horror on her face as he follows this
up by stomping repeatedly on.
Nonverbal communication is essential at all times since we rely on it
the most in our everyday lives. Nonverbal communication allows
others to know how we truly feel without us having to talk or express
our thoughts. Most of the time, individuals communicate more
effectively via body language than through speech. All nonverbal
signs might reveal if someone is loved or disliked by others. A
person's nonverbal communications may reveal a lot about them and
sometimes even speak for them. The most crucial point I'd want to
make is that what you do is always more significant than what you

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