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CS Hobby hal Hobbies RK FF RR HE FR HeELKI, = Z a > 5 ‘ea Fema 5 ann BE BRS cecs. G Lesson 5 mt 135 you Lo A B® BO Baha refletir - a - @ A (kik 4) +R (FAMED) siilan Ho See to DISA (ko¥N WAS IWS center sunlight makes the shape of objects clear by| : reflect WEE FD FHF — wremer FH rete 3 (EEA) US BL AHES] eletyE eae] ole ule} WHR ZV DS — movie 22 ttme, cinema Bis at H Sol + 48 centro--ficil de ver a forma de algo com a WGI 24> 255 ZA, movie meater ete sala de cinema | claridade dos raios de sol->refleti Z. picture -THhhtEe® a9 desenho t nn | |=, (Ce bork T) + fA (*%) ko Bie Ae PSEC Ine BUBZOR id holding brush + Hl rice fleld to separate flelds with B/AD - _ Sancaa pee oS aaeeT FPO i 2k pian 48 plano (LE AE) +H Ce) Fo] Hof 2AS AE eS POA Wize" a>» aa: i mao segurando um pincel + fH arrozaldiviiro arrozal ELAS ICIEA, bt Japanese pining 31834 pinta japoness| como se desenhasse sobre o papel+deserho Sete fo- wlan Te BL sound rep wy | SPHRE 22] Ho tz gos boc 2 (cCLize oR O LEVEL side the mouth, one cannot say words words-sounds its @ Be sound 23 som BEE 1D S6hy pommciin 09 pnt |X ec be HOF 5 BA hiahnote 28 somagudo | *OLvs enjoyable) > 7 W A AW JAY ROR ROR eat TAY JER JER JER JER EK —- FER hich ey | (13) KO-Le | KOKe ok ato8 | > BLE HT oROLY w Meet anno 57 See eet HUE DLV eswore Fa avertao PPR BA DSK sic tion iB ey Be tt Ate song TONE EET PER T | | | | (4) T(E) + F(X 5) + (BRAY hy a ska He BUT DEG je Hhy5tS 1 throat+ 1 mouth +2 big mouth +make sounds through throat ro sing TC} +9) + ® (EM) SAA US Wel Soy Ae 1 eho} KE > es singer 7 cantor | Tgarganta + 71 boca + % boca grande emir vor da gargantaabrind a boca grande—rcantar J50F copy ere we GF copiar t— ware tit came | | ©) ™ (5%) +8 (ED) 2540 tho he VOT HMO THS De JosoHsjosy ‘= house + bird to transfer the bird to another place to transfer written items~*to copy +8 A) >a a9 Ae aps aLAbebe oa] 8c + Ry passaro —tirar o passaro de dentro da casa ¢ colocar em outro lugar-> copiar escritos-»escrever copiando 2 #710 BM LS LA aphowogann ba foro BE FD F — wocomy eh} copier Lesson 5 mt 137 157 ~ k/kO- yy (EAE truth a, ae verdade hs —~TRHAA BEER (ao) x WOO A. 252» mito BOE XO LA pare wnte 122 completamente rans e784 centro E (A7—Y) + I (vo) fb Be VOD vaAsorhehwv ELAM BVOV SB HV lEAL IG ts spoon + § container—>container which is fll of food completely full->no space for les truth 4 (E78) + M (B71) 81 HE B71 95H) sted 72 eat ts colher + ft vasilha~> vasitha repleta de comida HEE LAL mm tal verte —+nao hi falta—-ndo hé mentira—>verdade 158 KU tip yos aa ov VT VHRR vviagem oe ——_——— | i EKO BAe Kot ONT Kee Sku yo ak Kept rest pessoas enfileradas caminhando ats da bandelra— vagem — DECI TZ woukeauip ate wlaar be De June se el ae bot ex japonts i aU tp aa sagem rian 159 J & ee /e4t anes atyya world All mundo + eb we generation | A | toh WRG b EFS to take care of SFG, UA cuidar EO tb» wort, society Ab 21H 2128 & 2istcenuy 21471 mundo, vida século 21 $28 3953045 KD kor “Fen, three tens—>thirty years long period for people the workd 10°] 4-308 138 &yovady boundary ee Lome FRR | aaa | ——— fronteira | - | [| 4f - | ©) FA (%) + fF (BHwzIe (kO} EA : Oe) Hike BUS -eDv £7 LES a4 OTT [ist i ( a se) + fe (Abele 017HE ARE) |__1*** reat WERE wet mae GOH Eis te pees wate 44 soap NAL®S PALL A 1: PEO Rane HELE. PRACTICE 1¢ meanings ofthe folowing kanji in hiragana aac et seb a ale} Bxericio: eserevaaleitura dos kanji 3. & 4. BR 5. Fk 6. BRB 7. GE 8. 9. KF 10. BLY 11. ALUT HO BBE ATE EG. 12. ipod lt Hao wu eta, 13. Xi. FO PETZOIL RETLII. 14. ARO BABI F-TVE BIEF. 15. S-F4-lL Kok) Bok!) RlookTtt. Lesson5 m@& 139 PAU ~ Bre BZEL+5. 11. 12. 140 Le LA 2 be 3. 3h photograph sound song AR ae]

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